Friday, May 3, 2024

Ron Paul Asks Santa Claus To End The Fed For The 47th Straight Year


from The Babylon Bee:

LAKE JACKSON, TX — Former Congressman Ron Paul was spotted muttering nervously to himself today while standing in line to see Santa Claus at a nearby shopping mall, as he hoped this would finally be the year he would get what he wanted by asking for the 47th consecutive year for Santa to end the Fed.

“This is the year, I just know it,” Dr. Paul was overheard whispering as he inched closer to the front of the line. “I’ve been asking for the same thing every Christmas for almost half a century now. Surely this year will be the year I finally get it. I’ve been so good all year long!”

GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Steve Rocco:

from GoldSeek Radio:


Complete mystery…I hope they can figure it out. 🤡

Scientists Try Risky Air and Water Experiments Hoping to Stop Climate Change

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Scientists desperate to stop or reverse climate change are dumping chemicals in the ocean and spraying saltwater in the air. What can go wrong? I discuss the short and long term.

The Wall Street Journal reports Scientists Resort to Once-Unthinkable Solutions to Cool the Planet

Dumping chemicals in the ocean? Spraying saltwater into clouds? Injecting reflective particles into the sky? Scientists are resorting to once unthinkable techniques to cool the planet because global efforts to check greenhouse gas emissions are failing.

Family Terms Banned From Newspeak Dictionary

from Moonbattery:

A central objective of leftists dating back to Karl Marx has been the destruction of the most basic structure holding together human civilization, the family. Black Lives Matter made this goal explicit, before it was removed for strategic reasons during the George Floyd riots. Progressives have embraced postmodernism, according to which power is wielded through language. So it should come as no surprise that social engineers are erasing familial relationships from the Newspeak Dictionary.

‘Vaccine Shedding’ Is ‘Real,’ FDA & Pfizer Documents Confirm

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Leading clinicians have announced that, despite claims from top health officials and the corporate media, documents from the FDA and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have provided proof that “vaccine shedding” is “unfortunately real.”

Vaccine shedding is a process of the body releasing viral particles from their own shot and spreading it to others.

This issue has raised concerns that people who have chosen not to be vaccinated are having the Covid mRNA shots passed onto them from vaxxed people, against their will.

Let’s look at her resume and you tell me if it doesn’t scream spy. Another thing to keep in mind is that she is only 41 years old.

Bob Kudla – Fed Is Political, Major Market Correction Coming This Fall, Leverage

from X22 Report:


Tucker Carlson explains why he’s traveled to Russia to interview Vladimir Putin

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

The neocons in Washington and their establishment lackeys in the corporate media are all in a dither about Tucker Carlson going to Russia to interview that country’s president, Vladimir Putin.

I thought that was what journalists did: Travel to foreign countries to interview world leaders. God knows we’ve seen enough interviews with Mr. Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine who has shut down all opposition parties and banned all media that he considers unfriendly to his cause and yet somehow gets lifted up as a paragon of “democracy.” But we’ve heard nothing from Putin. Our Western media has blacked Putin out while at the same time assigning motives to him that may or may not be accurate. He wants to “restore the old Soviet empire,” said Mike Pence. That’s a refrain we hear over and over again. But is there any evidence of that?

Creating Climate Chaos, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


Norm Eisen’s Notorious Lawfare Outfit Has Fingerprints All Over Colorado Decision to Remove Trump From Ballot

from Revolver News:

The corrupt regime has violated every basic principle of decency, every premise of self-government, and every standard of justice for so long and so often that the public has become largely inured to the latest outrage. And yet the Colorado Supreme Court’s recent decision to exclude Trump—the front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, mind you—from the ballot stands out for its stupidity, shortsightedness, and maliciousness even in this environment.

EXCLUSIVE: Hazmat Unit Descends On Donald Trump Jr.’s Home After He Received Death Threat, White Powder [PHOTOS]

The Emperor’s New Clothes

by Andrew P. Napolitano, Ron Paul Institute:

Just as a fictional emperor paid his tailors a fortune for clothes that no one could see, and then marched naked in a grand public procession while his subjects roared with laughter, so, too, is President Joe Biden attempting to march clothed with the Constitution he dishonors. He will have the same fate as the emperor.

Last week, Biden used the U.S. Navy to attack militias in Yemen. He did so after learning that the militias had attacked non-American ships carrying goods and fuel destined for Israel. Israel is currently engaged in destroying Gaza and the U.S. backs its long-time political ally.


from VivaFrei:


Why Are They Trying So Hard To Convince Us That People That Are Seeing Black-Eyed Demon Faces Have A “Disorder”?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

If you came into contact with someone with a face that looked like a demon and eyes that were completely black as night, what would you do?  Encounters of this nature are popping up on social media at the exact same time that the mainstream media is trying really hard to convince all of us that anyone that is seeing black-eyed demon faces has a “disorder”.  In fact, if you type “demon face” into Google News, you will literally get hundreds of articles about a disorder known as prosopometamorphopsia.  But this is a very, very rare disorder.  At this point, less than 100 cases of PMO have ever been documented.