Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The UN, WHO, & WEF seek to Sexualize, Exploit, & Decriminalize Sex with School-Aged Children

by Dan Fournier, Dan Fournier’s Inconvenient Truths:

As reported by the U.K.’s Daily Mail, fury ensued in the aftermath of a March 8, 2023 publication of a document by a United Nations body, UNAIDS, which seeks to clandestinely decriminalise sex with minors, coupled with guidance to schools about ‘sexuality education’ for young children by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Children under four should ‘ask questions about sexuality’ and ‘explore gender identities,’ according to a detailed WHO report aimed at policy makers across Europe.”

In addition, the guidance supports educating children four and under about “enjoyment and pleasure” during “early childhood masturbation.” These points are further elaborated on below in this article.

Leigh Dundas on Child Sex Trafficking & the Communist Takeover of America

from Man in America:


UN Report: World Religions Must Accept Sex Perverts

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

An “independent expert” who toils for the United Nations has demanded that Christians reorder their teachings to accept and accommodate homosexuals, “transgenders,” pedophiles, and other freaks, weirdos, and perverts.

The demand came in a report to the UN from Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the “Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (UN IE SOGI).”

That mouthful of polysyllabic puffery is UN speak for “Head Groomer.”


from Infowars:


Coronation of the New World Order, and the Pedos, Prostitutes, Perverts and Pinheads in Charge

from DollarVigilante:


Evil Adrenochrome Dealers Caught Splurging on Lamborghinis

from The People’s Voice:


Video: ‘Family Friendly’ Pride Event Features A Bunch Of People Simulating Oral Sex

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

A ‘Pride’ event in Denver this past weekend that was advertised as ‘family friendly’ apparently featured nearly naked people gyrating around on stage and simulating oral sex while a ‘song’ played featuring the lyrics “how do you eat that dick?

Here is the footage:

WarRoom Battleground EP 317: Sound OF Freedom: A Sit Down With Jim Caviezel

from Bannons War Room:


CPAC Hungary MSG, Fall of the CROWN, EPSTEIN, TUCKER, Title 42 PRAY!

from And We Know:


Whistleblower: Ukraine is Harvesting the Organs of Children in Laboratories – New Films on Child Sex Trafficking

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

A whistleblower from OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) has recently gone public describing laboratories found in buildings in Ukraine bombed by Russians where children are being kept in basements where their organs are being harvested.

A whistleblower who worked with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) revealed in a video interview that Ukrainian Nazi groups are harvesting the organs of children in basement adrenochrome labs that are being discovered after the buildings are destroyed by Russian strikes.

Hollywood Star Admits Elites Use Children’s Blood in ‘Sickening’ Satanic Rituals

from The People’s Voice:


The Prince And The Spy

by Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout:

Erik Prince, the man behind Blackwater, recently teamed up with an Israeli spy, creating a front company with her to help Israeli defense technology providers exploit loopholes and sell their products to the American military.

For years, Erik Prince – the founder of mercenary firm Blackwater (now Academi) – has been a major source of controversy. Ever since he left Blackwater over a decade ago, Prince has appeared in the news for pushing to privatize several wars, his ties to former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns, his violation of international arms embargoes and his unusually close ties with Project Veritas, among other notable events and connections.

5 Revelations From New Report on Jeffrey Epstein’s Death


from The Epoch Times:

new watchdog report detailed an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein’s death.

Here are five takeaways.

Epstein’s Phone Call

Epstein was found dead in his cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York on Aug. 10, 2019. The day before, he was allowed to make an unrecorded, unmonitored call, which went against Bureau of Prisons policy.

JPMorgan Listed a “Lolita’s Closet” on the New York Stock Exchange for Jeffrey Epstein’s Money Man, Les Wexner

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

In August 2007, Slate writer Emily Yoffe exploded a powder keg of parental anger when she shared her experience shopping with her 11-year-old daughter for back-to-school clothing in a store called Limited Too. The store, part of a large retail chain, marketed itself as an apparel haven for Tweens – girls ages 7 to 14.

What Yoffe found inside the store was deeply disturbing: “a line of padded, underwire push-up bras for girls with nothing of their own to pad or push up…scanty panties…pairs with rhinestone hearts or printed with cheeky sayings such as ‘Buy It Now! Tell Dad Later!’ ”

Arizona Wants Immunity for Social Workers Who Allowed Child Sex Abuser to Remain a Licensed Foster Parent to Sexually Traffick Children

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

One of the most horrific stories Health Impact News has ever covered involving child sex trafficking through the foster care system is a story we have been following and reporting on in Arizona since 2017.

It started with the story of Devani, a 2-year-old child who was removed from the family who loved her, simply because the mother had a previous history of drug abuse, and then was put into the home of David Frodsham, a top civilian commander at Fort Huachuca, a major Army installation in Arizona, where 2-year-old Devani became part of a pedophile ring and was repeatedly raped.