JPMorgan Listed a “Lolita’s Closet” on the New York Stock Exchange for Jeffrey Epstein’s Money Man, Les Wexner


by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

In August 2007, Slate writer Emily Yoffe exploded a powder keg of parental anger when she shared her experience shopping with her 11-year-old daughter for back-to-school clothing in a store called Limited Too. The store, part of a large retail chain, marketed itself as an apparel haven for Tweens – girls ages 7 to 14.

What Yoffe found inside the store was deeply disturbing: “a line of padded, underwire push-up bras for girls with nothing of their own to pad or push up…scanty panties…pairs with rhinestone hearts or printed with cheeky sayings such as ‘Buy It Now! Tell Dad Later!’ ”


Limited Too is no longer in business but we did a check at the Internet Archives’ Wayback Machine to get a first-hand look at what Limited Too was peddling on its website in those early years. We found really sick stuff — like a survey of young girl customers that inquired if they were good at giving “massages.” (See screen shot above.) Sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who had multiple ties to this store chain, was indicted in 2019 for sex trafficking and luring underage girls to his home for “massages,” which quickly became sexual assaults. (Epstein died in a Manhattan jail in 2019 while awaiting trial, taking a lot of dark secrets with him. His death was ruled a suicide by the Medical Examiner.)

One of Epstein’s victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, alleged in a lawsuit that Epstein’s (now convicted) accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, saw Giuffre reading a book about massage therapy at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach when Giuffre was working there as a spa attendant in 2000. Giuffre was under age at the time. Maxwell recruited Giuffre, on the pretext that she would be trained as a massage therapist, then Maxwell turned the position into what effectively became Giuffre serving as a sex slave to Epstein and his pals. In a BBC interview in 2022, Giuffre said she was “passed around like a platter of fruit” for sex with Epstein’s powerful friends.

We also found an inordinate amount of sexualized underwear for children at Limited Too’s website, including one black pair of children’s underwear that said “I Love Sleep Overs.” (In what alternate universe from hell should a child have comments about sleepovers imprinted on sexualized black underwear?)Children’s Underwear Offerings at Limited Too; Accessed at the Wayback Machine

We also found pervy surveys at Limited Too that pried deeply into girls’ personal lives. (How is that legal in the United States? Or is it one more example of the no-law zone drawn around everyone and everything tied to Jeffrey Epstein and his pervy pals in government, Wall Street and Big Tech?)

The title of Yoffe’s article about Limited Too was “Lolita’s Closet,” ironically providing a Freudian nexus to what would be revealed years later: Epstein’s private Boeing 727 jet which was dubbed the “Lolita Express,” a reference to its use to transport underage girls around the globe for sexual assault by himself and his wealthy friends.

Limited Too’s sick stuff is one more link in getting to the real truth in the relationship between retailing billionaire Leslie Wexner, Jeffrey Epstein and the Wall Street mega bank, JPMorgan Chase.

The bulk of Jeffrey Epstein’s wealth came from Wexner, the founder of The Limited retail chain as well as Limited Too. Wexner served as Chairman and CEO of a retailing conglomerate which, at various times, included a stable of other female apparel and beauty chains such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria’s Secret, Lane Bryant, Bath & Body Works and others. (The conglomerate was previously known variously as The Limited or L Brands.)

Epstein functioned as a financial advisor to Wexner and held a power of attorney for Wexner’s financial interests from approximately 1986 to at least 2008. The Boeing 727 came from The Limited to Epstein. Epstein’s Upper East Side mansion in Manhattan came from Wexner. According to Epstein’s victims who have come forward, both the 727 and the Manhattan mansion were used to facilitate sexual assaults on underage girls. Prosecutors found a safe full of photos of naked girls, hundreds of which appeared to be underage, when the Manhattan mansion was raided by the FBI in 2019.

According to court filings, Epstein also posed for years as a recruiter for Victoria’s Secret models, telling models that he could get them work at the company. Multiple women have said that when they showed up for the modeling interview with Epstein, he sexually assaulted them. Limited Too had underage models and photo shoots and that would seem to be a matter long overdue for prosecutors to investigate — particularly given its inquiry about underage girls giving massages.

In addition to having an inordinate amount of power over Wexner’s finances connected to his retailing empire and his charities, Epstein also became a business partner of Wexner’s in Wexner’s multi-million-dollar home/business development project known as the New Albany Company in New Albany, Ohio.

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