Saturday, July 27, 2024

UN, WHO, Bill Gates are working to normalize pedophilia around the world: journalist

by Andreas Wailzer, LifeSite News:

The United Nations (U.N.) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are working to normalize pedophilia globally, according to Dutch author and journalist David Sorensen. 

“I’ve worked for several months now on gathering evidence that shows undeniably, conclusively that the United Nations and United Nations and the World Health Organization and other organizations like Planned Parenthood and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation […] are working all over the world […] to completely take over the education in kindergartens and elementary schools,” Sorenson said on the Truth for Health podcast, hosted by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet.  


from SGT Report:

Investigative journalist Liz Crokin will be back on SGT Report later this week for a smash your mouth bit of truth about Pizzagate and Pedogate – in the meantime, here’s a sex-trafficking-abortion-child-sacrifice-adrenochrome primer on this disturbing issue from my 2019 interview with Liz. God bless.

Dr. Steven Gundry reveals the root cause of weight gain for FREE:

Has a single Democrat politician said anything about the humanitarian crisis at the border?

First Grade Girl Forced to Perform in Porn During Class

from Moonbattery:

It is no longer conscionable to entrust children to union-controlled public schools:

In Plainview ISD (Plainview South Elementary School in in Plainview, Texas), a first grade little girl was sexually assaulted by multiple boys in her classroom, with the teacher in the room. It was filmed on a school iPad. …

The school decided to NOT tell the family of the victim.

If parents are not told that their children are being transsexualized, why would they need to know when they are raped on video during class?

Concerned by changes in the 6-year-old’s behavior, her parents asked the right questions to learn what happened.

Arizona Wants Immunity for Social Workers Who Allowed Child Sex Abuser to Remain a Licensed Foster Parent to Sexually Traffick Children

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

One of the most horrific stories Health Impact News has ever covered involving child sex trafficking through the foster care system is a story we have been following and reporting on in Arizona since 2017.

It started with the story of Devani, a 2-year-old child who was removed from the family who loved her, simply because the mother had a previous history of drug abuse, and then was put into the home of David Frodsham, a top civilian commander at Fort Huachuca, a major Army installation in Arizona, where 2-year-old Devani became part of a pedophile ring and was repeatedly raped.

VIP Elite Panic After NEW Epstein List Exposes Powerful Pedophiles


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Some of the world’s most powerful people are panicking following news that the real Epstein list of elite pedophiles has been leaked online.

As Biden’s DOJ continues to block the “client list” of Epstein, investigators have released new names of VIP pedophiles connected to the child sex trafficker.



from NEM721:



from SGT Report:

Mark Anthony Taylor returns to SGT Report with an update about bankers, assassinations, manipulation and pedo networks. You can discover the truth about how deep the rabbit hole goes, here:

Get the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here:
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Get GUT HEALTHY! ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Elite Banker Blows Whistle on Child Sacrifice: “Satanic Pedophiles Run the World”

from The People’s Voice:


We now know who was running around behind the scenes kiboshing Jeffrey Epstein “pedo” stories…

from Revolver News:

It’s quite telling that Jeffrey Epstein, one of the most notorious sex traffickers and child predators in the US, barely got a mention in mainstream media. It seems he received the red carpet treatment, likely because he had some very rich and powerful friends, whom he was probably blackmailing. Logically, that type of influence would play a key role in keeping Epstein’s dirty laundry under wraps. And on the rare occasion that a journalist dared to discuss his perverted activities, it wouldn’t be surprising if someone like Bill Clinton stepped in, throwing around his weight until the story was kiboshed.

Lawsuit Accuses Billionaire Leon Black of Raping 16-Year-Old Allegedly Trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein


by Paul Bois, Breitbart:

A new federal lawsuit has accused billionaire Leon Black, the former CEO of Apollo Global Management, of raping a 16-year-old girl who had allegedly been trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein.

The unidentified girl, who reportedly has Down syndrome, claims in a new lawsuit that Black raped her in 2002 at convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein’s lower Manhattan townhouse. Per CNBC:

Liz Crokin Bombshell Interview with a Jeffrey Epstein Survivor


from AlexandraBruce:


Controlled Demolition: From the Federal Reserve to 9/11 to the COVAIDS 19

from DollarVigilante:


Epstein’s Brother Blows Whistle, Accuses Feds of Covering Up Death

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother has spoken out to publicly accuse federal law enforcement of covering up the death of the late trafficker.

Mark Epstein has come forward with a collection of evidence that he says proves his brother did not kill himself.

Convicted pedophile Epstein was found dead in his New York City jail cell while awaiting trial on new charges of sex trafficking.

Outrage In Spain As Children Paraded Around In Lingerie For ‘Pride’

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Adults put nipple X’s and full make up on them

Video has emerged online of young children taking part in a parade in Spain wearing burlesque style lingerie, nipple shields, and wigs, with rainbow ‘Pride’ flags attached to their backs.

The footage, taken at an annual carnival in Torrevieja, a city in southern Spain dubbed the ‘unofficial gay capital’ of the country, shows the so called ‘Osadía troupe’ marching with several children who look around 9 or 10 years of age and younger.