Saturday, May 4, 2024

THE TURBO CANCER COVERUP CONTINUES — NY Post: 72-year-old patient had COVID for record 613 days, accumulated over 50 mutations from virus before it killed him

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

The Mockingbird MSM gaslighting continues unabated with the NY Post’s latest article attempting to explain away yet another especially terrifying slow kill bioweapon induced turbo cancer murder.

The setup:

A Dutch man with the longest case of COVID infection ever recorded suffered from the sickness for a record 613 days, with the ailment mutating into a unique new variant that baffled medical researchers.

National Academies badly misleads America about the safety of the COVID vaccine

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

They claimed there were no safety signals for the mRNA vaccines except for myocarditis. The problem is that relying solely on published papers is a very bad idea. A huge mistake.

Executive summary

The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) recently issued a safety report on the COVID vaccines with the following conclusions (for the Pfizer vaccine):

Biological Totalitarianism & the Transhuman Agenda

from The Mark Attwood Show:


Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

by Dr. Peter McCullough, Global Research:

We can all accept that a better diet, fitness, body weight, and good sleep all would contribute to improvements in human health. But what about medical interventions that are applied to us as children and some continuing into adulthood. Products injected into us with no way of getting them out of the body?

The COVID-19 crisis and the mass vaccination debacle has caused all of us to re-evaluate the ever-expanding childhood and adult CDC ACIP vaccine schedule and similar programs outside of the United States.

Here is some key input from film-maker Greg Glaser of Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

An emergency on children’s health

Appeals Court Backs Forced Vaccination of Children without Parental Consent

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

An appeals court has backed efforts to vaccinate children without parental consent by shielding those who force kids to take Covid shots.

A North Carolina Court of Appeals issued the ruling in the case of a clinic, where personnel gave a 14-year-old boy a Covid mRNA shot without consent from the child or his parents.

The mother of the boy sued the Guilford County school board and Old North State Medical Society over her teenage son’s forced COVID-19 vaccination in 2021.

Latest Pandemic Treaty draft has gaping holes because they daren’t reveal what they plan to do

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The latest draft of the Pandemic Treaty proposed by WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body is an admission of failure so significant that they are suggesting nations sign an incomplete document.

“They know that they cannot show us the details of what they really want to do. So, they are proposing an incomplete, watered-down agreement in the hopes that they will be able to make decisions in the future; in the hopes that we won’t be paying attention,” James Roguski has concluded.


from SGT Report:

Your government is now absolutely lawless. What is your responsibility as a patriot? Do you continue to play ball like a slave and fund your own enslavement, or do you begin to take the steps necessary to opt out? Brent Johnson joins me to provide some answers.

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Rand Paul finally dug up the emails everyone’s been waiting for. Buckle up, Fauci…

from Revolver News:

It looks like Senator Rand Paul might have just dug up the emails that everyone’s been waiting for. He’s got his hands on a pile of them as part of his deep dive into how COVID started, and he spilled the beans on X. These aren’t just any old emails—they involve Peter Daszak and David Morens, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s right-hand man at the NIH. What’s the big deal? Well, they’re chatting about how samples from the Wuhan lab could unlock the genomes of over 700 coronaviruses.


from Diane Kazer:


‘YOU BETTER HAVE A PLAN’: Dr. Phil Urges People to Prepare Their Resistance Against The Next Lockdowns

by Ben Kew, The Gateway Pundit:

Dr. Phil McGraw has urged people to plan their resistance against the next time the government attempts to lock down the civilian population.

Addressing the audience on his eponymous show, McGraw explained how he had been demonized for his stance against the tyrannical COVID lockdowns but has since been proven right.

Now, McGraw is urging people to prepare for the next time governments attempt to shut the schools and place an entire population under house arrest:

Newly discovered emails… Ecohealth’s Peter Daszak: “we have 15,000 samples in freezers in Wuhan”

Epidemic of 15-19 Year Olds Dropping Dead in Schools and Dorms Across USA and Canada in April 2023

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

There truly seems to be an epidemic of sudden deaths in schools across USA and Canada recently. Here are the most recent tragic cases.

Jena, LA – 15 year old Jena High School student Kameron Shelton died in class at 11am on April 18, 2023 (click here)

In Japan, Tens of Thousands Protest WHO’s ‘Supranational Grab Over Global Health’

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Tens of thousands of people rallied over the weekend in a central Tokyo park to protest the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) — proposals that critics allege threaten Japan’s and other countries’ national sovereignty.


from TheCrowhouse: