People With More COVID-19 Vaccine Doses More Likely to Contract COVID-19: Study


from The Epoch Times:

Vaccinated people were at higher risk of contracting COVID-19, researchers find.

People who received more than one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine were more likely to contract COVID-19, according to a new study.

An analysis of data from Cleveland Clinic employees found that people who received two or more doses were at higher risk of COVID-19, Dr. Nabin Shrestha and his co-authors reported.


The risk of contracting COVID-19 was 1.5 times higher for those who received two doses, 1.95 times higher for those who received three doses, and 2.5 times higher for those who received more than three doses, the researchers found. The higher risk was compared to people who received zero or one dose of a vaccine.

Click here to watch the full documentary “The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told”

Even after adjusting for variables, the elevated risk remained.

“The exact reason for this finding is not clear. It is possible that this may be related to the fact that vaccine-induced immunity is weaker and less durable than natural immunity. So, although somewhat protective in the short term, vaccination may increase risk of future infection,” the researchers said in the paper, which was released as a preprint.

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