Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mysteries of Jan. 6 pipe bombs continue to grow

from WND:

But ‘nonchalant’ agencies appear to have lost all interest

The newly disclosed video shows a dark SUV pulling up to the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., at 9:44 a.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. It sits for several minutes until a uniformed man with a bomb-sniffing dog enters from the right and steps up to the vehicle. The driver complies with his command, the dog sniffs inside and outside the car which is soon allowed to enter the parking garage. The man and his dog exit back to the right.

Boom! White House confirms Trump trial is ‘related to 2024’ elections

from WND:

‘Did a little truth just slip out?’

Supporters of President Donald Trump long have considered the multiple lawfare cases brought by Democrats against him to be political.

It appears now that the White House has admitted that essentially is the case.

WAYNE ROOT: If You’re Paying Attention, Biden Just Told Us How Democrats Plan to Rig & Steal 2024 Election.

by Wayne Allyn Root, The Gateway Pundit:

Biden did it again.

A feeble, decrepit, brain-dead, old man with dementia and diapers is running the country. Have you heard?

And people with dementia often “spill the beans.” They have no filter. So, they act like little kids- they say whatever is on their mind. Secrets come spilling out.

Pay attention to Joe Biden. He has dementia and belongs in a nursing home, not the White House. So, sometimes secrets come spilling out of his decrepit mouth.

Voting Machines Shut Down in Swing State County After Reports of ‘Votes Getting Flipped’


by enVolve, Global Research:

Multiple voting machines in Northampton County in the swing state of Pennsylvania have been shut down due to reports of voting errors, including “votes getting flipped.”

The election issue surfaced in the early hours of Tuesday, which impacted the contest for the Pennsylvania Superior Court between Judge Jack Panella and Judge Victor Stabile.

The Northampton County Elections Office reports that the malfunction seems to manifest itself when a voter chooses between “Yes” and “No” in regard to a candidate vying for a seat on the Superior Court of Appeals.

A New Day, a New Type of Election Fraud

by Jay Valentine, American Thinker:

Seems like every day, someone is finding new, fun types of election fraud. This is not accidental — this is exactly how industrial, at-scale, organized fraud is uncovered. We call it spiraling to accuracy.

When our team was hired by State Farm, GEICO, USAA, and other top insurers to stop organized auto fraud rings, we found the easy stuff fast — the equivalent of phantom voters.

Media Research Center: Facebook Has Interfered in U.S. Elections 39 Times Since 2008

by Lucas Nolan, Breitbart:

A recent study conducted by the Media Research Center (MRC) has uncovered 39 instances of Facebook interfering with U.S. elections since 2008, raising concerns about the platform’s influence on the democratic process.

According to a recent study by MRC Free Speech America, Facebook has been caught interfering in U.S. elections 39 times since 2008. The platform’s election-interfering censorship began in 2012, reached its peak in 2020, and has started to fade somewhat in the early stages of the 2024 electoral cycle.

How is this possible? And why? Obvious questions every American should ask. Why should the US not allow Iranian polling stations? | Iran International

Russian Intel Says Biden Govt Meddling In Its Presidential Elections This Coming Weekend

from The National Pulse:

Russia’s foreign intelligence service, the SVR, has accused the US of interfering in the Russian presidential election. The SVR alleges that the Biden government aims to orchestrate a decrease in voter turnout and deploy cyber attacks on the country’s online voting system in collaboration with top-ranking American IT specialists.

“According to information received by the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the administration of J. Biden is setting a task for American NGOs to achieve a decrease in turnout,” the SVR said in a statement quoted by Russian media. IT specialists “planned to carry out cyber attacks on the remote electronic voting system, which will make it impossible to count the votes of a significant proportion of Russian voters,” it said.

Wicked Joe Biden Flew 90% of Illegals in Secret Flight Program to Florida and Texas (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Wicked Joe Biden flew most of the illegal aliens in his secret migrant flight program to Florida and Texas – to punish the red states with a crushing amount of new illegal aliens.

Biden sent 90% of the illegals in the secret flight program to Florida and Texas.

At least 326,000 illegals in the program were flown into Florida.
At least 21,964 illegals were flown into Houston, Texas.

Episode 3616: Bloodbath In The Courtroom

from Bannons War Room:



from SGT Report:

Author of ‘The Franklin Scandal’, ‘Confessions of a DC Madam’ and his latest tome ‘The Truth About Watergate’ joins me to discuss the most prolific child and human trafficking blackmailer in recent history, Jeff Epstein. The reason we have lost our “government” to hellish corruption is due to alphabet intelligence level Epstein-like blackmail. Visit Nick and support the effort here:

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Get GUT HEALTHY with the FREE video report from Chuck Norris here:

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FEDS Arrest J6 Scaffolding Gunman: Is John Emanuel Banuelos Ray Epps 2.0?

from Stew Peters Network:


Maybe This Latest Blatant Ballot Box Stuffing Scandal Will Be the Last Straw

by Athena Thorne, PJ Media:

Whether it’s because they have no fear of consequence or because they really are that stupid, Democrat operatives regularly stuff ballot boxes in full view of cameras. The pattern is nauseatingly familiar at this point: First, Big Left’s candidate comes from behind to win an election with a handful of mail-in or absentee votes. Then, video, sworn testimony, and/or official complaints of ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing emerge. The matter is referred to law enforcement, which opens an investigation.