Sunday, January 19, 2025

Junk Climate Science

by Norman Rogers, American Thinker:

A popular saying is that those that don’t believe in God will believe in anything. Global warming provides and excellent reason for making an effort to believe in God, or at least in Judeo-Christian ideology that is the basis of our civilization.

Global warming religion originates in well-financed scientific organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The scientific basis of the catastrophe theory is junk science made to seem authoritative by dressing it up with lengthy reports based on dubious computer models. These organizations and scientists greatly benefit from rivers of government money and bask in the prestige that comes from being credible-seeming prophets.

Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

An enormous dark hole has opened up in the surface of the sun, emitting streams of unusually fast radiation, known as solar wind, right at Earth. The size of the temporary gap is wider than 60 Earths and extraordinary at this stage of the solar cycle. This phenomenon, known as a coronal hole, took shape near the sun’s equator on December 2 and reached its maximum width of around 497,000 miles (800,000 kilometers) within 24 hours. Since December 4, the solar void has been pointing directly at Earth. Experts initially predicted this most recent hole could spark a moderate geomagnetic storm that could trigger radio blackouts and strong auroral displays. Solar winds have been less intense than expected, so the resulting storm has only weakened.

WEF King Charles uses Christmas message to advance climate narrative

by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

Royal levels of hypocrisy.

Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating today!

On Monday, King Charles III, who we sometimes refer to as the “WEF King” (because he’s one of the world’s most prominent anti-humans), dedicated a significant chunk of the Royal Family’s annual Christmas broadcast to the climate narrative.

‘Industrial Snowfall’, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


Chinese Communist Party Secretly Funding Climate Agenda in America

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A disturbing paper trail has emerged showing that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is funneling vast sums of cash into the United States to fund the push for America to tackle the so-called “climate crisis.”

Financial records have exposed millions of dollars flowing from the CCP into “global warming” initiatives and climate pressure groups.




UN Orders Govt’s To Ration Food Supply To ‘Fight Global Boiling’

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The United Nations has ordered world governments to begin severely rationing the food supply to combat climate change.

This demand comes from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The head of the FAO, Qu Dongyu, is a former Chinese Communist Party official who previously served as China’s vice minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

The Laughing Stock of COP28 – How the UAE Event Became a Farce

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

It was always going to be a balancing act keeping the credibility of the global environmental talk shop COP28 in check while holding it in a country where they are producing fossil fuels like it is going out of fashion. It might not have been a wise choice of the UAE’s president Mohamed Bin Zaid to give the top job of presiding over the event to the oil minister and the boss of the national oil company, but it was equally unwise for Sultan al-Jabar to have used the event as a way of promoting the UAE and its oil production to other countries. Something about that smacks of shooting yourself in the foot and perhaps Mr Al Jabar’s denials and feigned innocence at the opening day press conference just made the whole fiasco even more of a farce than it already was.


from Rebel News:


Study: The Science™ Pins Climate Change™ on Human Breathing

by Ben Bartee, PJ Media:

As I and others predicted years ago at this point, the war on Climate Change™ was always going to come down to restricting basic, essential human biological activity.

Because it’s a war on life itself.

Bill Gates admitted as much in 2010, to a cacophony of sycophantic applause from his lobotomized Ted Talk audience in a speech I previously covered at PJ Media.

Climate summit countries defy science: Set goal of no more fossil fuels

from WND:

Green ideology contradicted by hundreds of experts

A coalition of more than 1,600 scientists, including Nobel winners, recently debunked the idea that climate change – or global warming as it was known before the warming stopped – is a worldwide emergency.

The declaration from scientists from all around the globe said simply, “There is no climate emergency.” The statement is from CLINTEL, the Global Climate Intelligence Group.

Naked Calls for Censorship, Global Taxes & Tyranny at UN Climate Summit

by Alex Newman, The New American:

The Deep State totalitarians such as John Kerry and Al Gore are coming out of the closet at the United Nations COP28 “climate” summit calling for censorship, global taxes, and much more, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman from the summit in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Biden and Western governments were continuing to make economically suicidal pledges that will destroy the United States, and leading globalists are claiming that nothing can stop them now. Finally, Alex shows how children are being exploited to advance this evil agenda.

“I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published”

by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

Most academics in the field agree that climate change is happening, but many do not agree with climate alarmism, the C02 narrative and the politicization/manipulation of climate science.

Physician, producer and writer Michael Crichton once wrote:

“I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled…Consensus is the business of politics….The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”

How hard is it to oppose the narrative in academia? Very hard.

Report: Climate Summit Elites Dine On ‘Succulent Gourmet Meats’

by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

UN delegates are being served “slabs of succulent meat” while lecturing the world to stop eating it

The UN climate summit in Dubai has been serving gourmet burgers and other lavish meat dishes to elite attendees while they lecture the rest of us to stop eating meat altogether.

Fox News reports that “the summit’s online portal, its food offerings include ‘juicy beef,’ ‘slabs of succulent meat,’ smoked wagyu burgers, Philly cheesesteaks and ‘melt-in-your-mouth BBQ’ in addition to African street BBQ, fast casual Mexican fare and an Asian option that has a ‘touch of French flair.’”