Monday, May 13, 2024

Border Agent Reveals SHOCKING Data: Terrorists Flooding US, Deadly Attacks May Be Imminent

from Man in America:



by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Well, as you can tell, this week we’ve all been guessing what’s going on with the so-called coup, so today (Friday) I have decided to round out the speculations by tossing in some observations that occurred to m as soon as I heard that a “deal” had been worked out between Prigozhin and the Kremlin, allowing Prigozhin to go to Byelorussia (or Belarus), to live out his days happily in bald-headed exile, while the rest of the Wagner group is absorbed by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The moment I heard that, the antennae started pulsing with suspicion, and my suspicion meter itself shot into the purple zone, which is beyond the red zone by several factors. “From Byelorussia,” I thought, “the leader of the Wagner group is within easy striking distance of Kiev.”

Greg Hunter from sounds off in RARE interview with Mike Adams

from Health Ranger Report:


The New Charges Against Trump ‘May’ Carry the Death Penalty

by Robert Spencer, PJ Media:

From the beginning, the Biden regime has wanted to render Donald Trump politically dead. Now they’ve opened the possibility of death of a more physical variety. With their latest kangaroo court charges, their bête noire now faces the death penalty. Yes, that’s right: drug dealers, murderers, and rapists walk free in blue cities all the time, but a former president and current presidential candidate who dares to stand up to the political and media elites could now get the big sleep.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Member Of Secret Facebook Group That “Glamorized” Hamas

from ZeroHedge:

Fresh off her house censure, it has been revealed that ‘squad member’ Rep. Rashida Tlaib is part of a secret Facebook group that has “glamorized” Hamas amidst the terrorist group’s ongoing battle with Israel.

The Democratic representative from Michigan belongs to the Palestinian American Congress group on Facebook, a private group not visible to non-members and not searchable on the platform. However, Fox News managed to access it.

Agencies Are Backpedaling On A Massive Scale

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

You have probably never cleared your schedule to watch a boring government hearing. After all, we can all think of 100 other things we’d rather do. However, the hearing held Friday, September 29 was pure fire. When a bureaucrat from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) testified to Congress, he was lambasted by representatives of the American people. It appears that this hearing has served as the canary in the coal mine for what appears to be happening to all government agencies that mandated the COVID-19 jabs. The Congressional hearing was held by the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, and Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) grilled OSHA Assistant Secretary Douglas L. Parker. Suffice to say he was sweating bullets at the end.

‘Bidenomics’ Is Literally Killing Americans As Suicides Hit All-Time High In 2022 After Declining In 2019 And 2020 – Food Prices Will Not Go Down, And Inflation Started Rising Again In July

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

As inflation begins to rise once again, on top of the accrued inflation since Joe Biden began occupying the White House, with Americans unable to save for retirement, those ready to retire forced to continue working because they cannot afford the cost of living, and parents barely able to survive living paycheck to paycheck, we now see the rate of suicides for 2022 rose to all-time highs.

Prepaid Debit Cards for Illegal Aliens in NYC

from Moonbattery:

After opening the border and inviting millions upon millions to flood in from the Third World to displace us, our arrogant rulers are treating the invaders to prepaid debit cards, to be financed by taxpayers:

Migrant families in New York city have begun receiving prepaid debit cards as part of a controversial scheme that could see them receive up to $18,200 a year. …

Mayor Eric Adams is pressing ahead with the $53 million scheme, despite a furious backlash…

A family of four with two children could receive up to $350 per week…

More motivation to drop those anchor babies quickly. Democrats want their offspring on the voter rolls ASAP.

Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech

from Reese Report:


Report: Former Employees Say Google AI Works as Designed. Employment There Is “Like Being in an Authoritarian Country.”

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

The spectacular but amusing and possibly dangerous failure of Google AI directly resulted from one simple fact: Left-wing if not communist ideologues control the company.

In the latest not-so-shocking report about the Big Tech behemoth, former employees explained to the Free Press that Google’s AI is doing exactly what it was programmed to do. So providing pictures of women popes or black WWII German soldiers is not surprising. The employees also described a work environment that sounds like a never-ending Maoist Struggle Session.

The report confirms what everyone knows. Google’s mission is twofold: to brainwash every kid on the planet and toss ideological mud in the face of every normal human being.

The Warning About Russia From The House Intel Chairman is a Big Deal

from The New American:


ALERT: FALSE FLAG ON GRID? – Regulators Warn Of Grid Collapse THIS Winter! – JP Morgan Attacks Oil!

from World Alternative Media:


Green Blob Tells Government to Spend £30 Billion on Machine to Remove CO2 From the Air

by Ben Pile, Daily Sceptic:

story in the Telegraph last week featured a report by Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) which recommended the Government commit to a £30 billion project to pull COfrom the air. According to the report, Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) machines sited across the east coast could separate the greenhouse gas from air and pump it to underground storage facilities, thereby helping the U.K. to meet its ambitious 2050 Net Zero target. Not only is this extraordinarily expensive idea pointless in itself, it exposes the equally pointless and expensive constellation of publicly-funded lobbying organisations.

Deep State Needs Nuke War to Cover Up Dirty Deeds – Steve Quayle

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has been warning of very hard times coming for America.  The CV19 bioweapon/vax continues to disable and kill.  The U.S. dollar tanks under massive debt while the BRICS ready a new global currency.  The skies are poisoned by geoengineering every day, but all these pale compared to the coming nuclear war that the Deep State wants and needs.  Quayle says, “Obama has just reappeared on the world scene again.  Remember, he said, ‘America is the greatest nation in the world, and we intend to change all of that.’  Do you like what you see in the cities?  Why do they need World War III?  They need to scorch and burn all remembrance of all their dirty deeds. . . . We have actively declared war on Russia.  In essence, we are at war with Russia right now.  We are moving nuclear capable F-16s, B-2 bombers and all the things in America’s bag of tricks is being positioned in the Eastern block nations such as Poland.  They have the idea we are going to fight a ground war against Russia and defeat them.  President Putin said recently that we know you have more tanks, ammo and etc., but we have our nuclear weapons.  So, you cannot win a sonic war against a hypersonic opponent.  I am talking about the entire Russian ability . . . they have full spectrum dominance. . . . The United States is so far behind. . . . They need nuclear war because they need to cover up the biggest crimes in history.”

Appeals Court Rules the Homeless Have a Right to Camp on Sidewalks

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

The 9th circuit court of appeals affirmed the constitutional right of vagrants to sleep on sidewalks, in parks, and even on the steps of court houses.

Please consider the Coalition on Homeless v. the City of San Francisco, San Francisco Police Department filed January 11. 2024.

In the ruling, the court sided with the Coalition on Homeless and against the city to “prevent the City and County of San Francisco from enforcing any ordinance that punishes sleeping, lodging, or camping on public property“.