by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Now, here’s a story that, at first glance, may seem completely unrelated to Monday’s blog about the solar eclipse, chemtrails, and my “they’re hiding something about celestial mechanicss,” that “something” possibly being torsion-related. During the run-up to the solar eclipse event, a few of you saw and sent the following story (our thanks to M.W., K.M., and many others of you who saw this article and passed it along):

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Now, why would NASA and the Bai Den Dzhao regime of a misadministration be wanting to establish time zones on the Moon and other celestial bodies? Part of the answer is the obvious one: some sort of standardized and agreed-upon means for telling time on those bodies will be essential if humans are ever to inhabit them, and (more importantly) conduct commerce on, and between, them.

But there’s another, much less obvious reason, and the article itself hints at it, and here, as they say, is “vhere ze plot thickens”:

The White House on Tuesday directed NASA to establish a unified standard of time for the moon and other celestial bodies, as the United States aims to set international norms in space amid a growing lunar race among nations and private companies.

The head of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), according to a memo seen by Reuters, instructed the space agency to work with other parts of the U.S. government to devise a plan by the end of 2026 for setting what it called a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC).

The differing gravitational force, and potentially other factors, on the moon and on other celestial bodies change how time unfolds relative to how it is perceived on Earth. Among other things, the LTC would provide a time-keeping benchmark for lunar spacecraft and satellites that require extreme precision for their missions.

“The same clock that we have on Earth would move at a different rate on the moon,” Kevin Coggins, NASA’s space communications and navigation chief, said in an interview. (Italicized and boldface emphases added)
The bit about gravitation is apparent: change the mass of an object, one changes its gravitation, and any other attendant inertial properties, such as rates of vibration. An object such as – oh, I don’t know, Richard C. Hoagland’s Bullova Accutron watch with its tiny tuning fork vibrator – might vibrate at “x” cycles per second on Earth, and “x-n” cycles on the Moon, with “x>n”.
But notice that cryptic phrase “and potentially other factors,” like torsion. What is torsion? My usual analogy for people who don’t know what it is, is to illustrate its effects on space-time by using the example of an empty soda can. Imagine you’ve just drained a soda can of your favorite soda (in my case, that would be Mr. Pibb). Having drained your soda can, you then do what many people do, you crumple it up before throwing it away. In this case, you take your empty soda can, and cover it with dots regularly spaced in a checkerboard pattern with a permanent magic marker, and then, after having done so, you take the can in both hands, and wring it like a dishrag.
The can crumples and twists, and that twist is, precisely, torsion. The  amount of that twist can be measured by the displacement of your gridwork of dots that you drew on the can from their original position, a complicated bit of mathematics known as tensor calculus is used to show this displacement. The math is complicated, the concept is not. But in any case, that empty and twisted soda can is representative of the effects of torsion on space-time.  It exists, but it is usually not modeled in standard practice, until a German physicist named Walter Gerlach (yea, for those of you paying attention, the very same), who, with a couple of Austrian physicists named Lense and Thirring, pointed out long before there were satellites around the Earth, that satellites in orbit around Earth would experience subtle shifts of position. Pre-relativists called it “aether drag” or “aether wind,” post-relativists invented their own term (“frame dragging”), but both were in effect talking about torsion, and a Russian astrophysicist, Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev, spent much time in classified projects in the Soviet Union investigating the phenomenon, to post-Cold War denunciations of “pseudo-science” and so on. He was not alone in noticing “some things made no sense” along the standard models. Another was American physicist T.Townsend Brown, who had invented a unique type of capacitor that, he noticed, would actually appear to levitate under certain electomagnetic conditions, and return to its rest state in distinct quantifiable “jumps”. More importantly, like Kozyrev some years later in the Soviet Union, and independently of him, he noted that this effect varied with time, that is to say, varied with planetary positions and influences.
Like the most obvious planetary position of them all: eclipses of the Sun and Moon.  Thus, if one wished to have an extremely accurate and empirical measure of the precise effects of torsion in a local celestial system, one would have to be able to take measurements of changes in vibration rates (inertial mass conditions) of known systems  – an acutron watch, or an atomic clock – on celestial bodies whose masses are known. (And in the Moon’s case, for those paying close attention once again, this might be somewhat “problematic”… think Wernher von Braun and Time magazine here). Under those conditions, one might find nearly identical systems on the Moon giving different results during an eclipse….

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