Saturday, July 27, 2024

US Fentanyl Crisis Is a ‘CCP-Run Operation,’ Says Peter Schweizer

from The Epoch Times:

‘The drug cartels are certainly involved, but they’re the junior partner,’ he says, adding that the CCP is present at ‘every link of the chain.’

In a new interview with EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” (ATL), investigative writer Peter Schweizer said that the U.S. fentanyl crisis is an operation run by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Three months after the U.S. Department of the Treasury sanctioned a Chinese mafia leader for fentanyl trafficking, he received an award in Beijing.

Docs Reveal Israel-Iran Conflict Planned 100 Years Ago To Spark World War 3

from The People’s Voice:


Why NPR Must Be Immediately Defunded

from Moonbattery:

NPR has always been moonbatty, often to the point of inducing nausea, but in recent years it has gone overboard into hardcore leftism. Uri Berliner worked there for a quarter of a century. He was recently driven out for publicly noticing the extreme bias of what is supposed to be an objective news outlet:

The change, he said, started with the election of Donald Trump. He described how the programming relentlessly pushed the Russian-collusion story only to leave it largely unmentioned once the Mueller report did not establish collusion; how NPR consciously refused to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story in the runup to the 2020 election; and how during Covid, its journalists portrayed the lab-leak theory as having been debunked when it had not been.

We Are In A Two-Tiered Justice System

from The New American:


Farmers’ Biggest Problems are Green Ideologues, not Climate Change

by Ben Pile, Daily Sceptic:

The recent autumn and winter months have seen Britain beset by more than the usual number of storms, and more than average amount of rainfall. For most of us, this has been merely unpleasant weather, but it has seemingly caused rivers to breach their banks and put much farmland under water. This is a real problem in its own right. Predictably, now the waters are receding, adherents of green ideology are turning the farming drama into the climate crisis, with talk of “failed harvests” and predictions of our imminent hunger. But where is the evidence?

Biden ponders climate ’emergency’ declaration as 2024 race heats up

from WND:

Won in 2020 when election standards abandoned over COVID

The emergence of COVID-19 during the 2020 presidential election in the United States spawned a flood of fear about the virus that came out of China and circled the globe.

And activists jumped on the opportunities that emergency threat posed, changing election laws and procedures, sometimes even simply ignoring longstanding statutes, in order to “accommodate” voting during the pandemic. Mark Zuckerberg handed out $$400 million plus to help officials “accommodate” the situation, and it mostly ended up getting spent recruiting Joe Biden voters.

They’re EXPOSING the truth of January 6th and the deep state is FURIOS | Redacted w Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


Report: NPR CEO Hates First Amendment, Censored Wiki Content, Possibly Tied to U.S. Intelligence

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

Just before NPR editor Uri Berliner resigned from the leftist network this week after CEO Katherine Maher’s response to his now-famous essay, the City Journal’s Christopher Rufo disclosed just what kind of hide-bound leftist is running the show.

Maher “exemplifies the ideological capture of America’s institutions,” he wrote. In particular, she represents the rise of leftist white women to positions of power where they control a narrative and seek to destroy anyone who doesn’t agree with it.

Thus did Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger tell Rufo that Maher represents the death of a free and open internet. That’s doubly true, as Rufo strongly suggested, if Maher is a CIA or other U.S. intelligence asset.

The NWO Has Already Taken Over, Now It’s Time To Take Our Planet

from The Alex Jones Show:


The Jobless Numbers That The Government Gives Us Are So Fake

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

How it is possible that initial claims for jobless benefits have been exactly the same for five of the past six weeks?  As Jim Blanco has pointed out, there is no way that this is statistically possible.  Honestly, I don’t know any other way to explain this other than to say that the numbers are being cooked.  It appears that the bureaucrats in Washington have gotten so lazy that they aren’t even bothering to change the fake numbers that they are giving us.  Even though large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over America, week after week we are given laughable numbers that indicate that everything is just fine.  At this point, the charade has become such a farce that even CNBC has published an article about this…

Russian Refineries Install Nets as Protection From Drone Attacks

by Charles Kennedy, Oil Price:

Russian oil company Bashneft, part of state-controlled giant Rosneft, has installed metal mesh at its refineries to protect them from drone attacks from Ukraine, Russian media reported on Friday, quoting Radiy Khabirov, the head of the Bashkortostan region where Bashneft is based.

“We don’t stop there. There are a number of solutions there, which I won’t talk about yet. They are classified. But believe me, we worry about this very much,” the Bashinform agency quoted Khabirov as saying.

This year, Ukraine has intensified attacks on oil refineries in Russia, which have reduced Russian refining capacity, and which, reportedly, have the White House concerned about rising international prices.

FEDS Orchestrate EXTERMINATION Of Americans: Violent Third World ILLEGALS Ravage Nation

from Stew Peters Network:


Episode 3550: Potential Corrupt Jury Pool Taints Trump Trial

from Bannons War Room:


Yes I can confirm.



from Great Game India:

Russia is investigating a potential CIA link to the Crocus City Center terrorist attack amidst revelations about Burisma and Cofer Black’s involvement with a Latvian bank.

Real life often surpasses the drama of movies. In a recent development from Moscow, the State organization responsible for investigating significant crimes disclosed that the Ukrainian company Burisma had ties to financing terrorists.