Saturday, June 1, 2024




Childhood Vaccines: HPV Vaccine (Gardasil) Injuries and Deaths of Young Boys

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

On June 29, 2018, Christopher Bunch received the Gardasil vaccine at a routine doctor’s visit.  

Within two and half weeks, he started complaining of a sore throat, and by July 31, he was complaining about a terrible sore throat and headache. (Sore throats and headaches are listed on the Gardasil 9 vaccine insert at common adverse effects.)

On August 1, his mother, Destiny, took him to express care where he tested negative for strep throat. He was sent home with instructions to treat the symptoms. 

HOW TO AVOID MRNA MEAT! – The Fight Against Farmers Continues!

from World Alternative Media:


Bill Gates Orders Govt’s To Blacklist Citizens Who Share ‘Non-Mainstream’ Content Online

from The People’s Voice:


OUTRAGEOUS! FBI Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Laptop – Is Still Hiding Its Contents from American Public Despite Court Order – And Now Makes Up Ridiculous Story to Prevent It’s Release

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

Clevenger also investigated who supplied the DNC and Podesta emails to the DNC during the 2016 election cycle This was always the key to the Trump-Russia collusion nightmare.  No proof was ever offered up by the fake news legacy media, Democrats, or the intelligence community on this scandal. If Russia did not supply the DNC emails to WikiLeaks then this was more proof that the DOJ’s Russia collusion story was a complete lie used to fool the American public.

Leftist celebrities applaud death of democracy after Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from 2024 presidential ballot

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

A divided Colorado Supreme Court recently disqualified former President Donald Trump from holding the office of president under the U.S. Constitution insurrection clause. Thus, it would be a “wrongful act” to list him as a candidate on the 2024 presidential primary ballot.

“We conclude that because President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the secretary to list President Trump as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot,” the court’s majority wrote in an unsigned opinion. “Therefore, the secretary may not list President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot, nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him.”

Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces In FBI’s January 6 “Pipe Bomb” Story

from Revolver News:

Over three years have passed since January 6, 2021, and the truth of what really happened that day has never been more relevant. For the regime, the stakes involved in selling the official narrative of January 6 as a uniquely horrific domestic terror event are higher than ever. Such are the stakes that Biden’s crypt-keepers presumably injected him with the strongest stuff they had to keep the President conscious and standing upright for the duration of his hour and a half-long speech marking the anniversary of the day “we almost lost America.” And it makes sense. The ludicrous notion of January 6 as an “insurrection” has long served as the key pretext for the accelerated political weaponization of the national security state against Trump and his supporters. More recently, the still more ludicrous theory of Trump’s culpability for this “insurrection” has become the sham legal basis behind the attempt to throw him in prison and remove him from the ballots—all in the name of democracy, of course.

No More Tax Dollars to Corporate War Hawks

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The Schiller Institute’s April 13 conference on Lyndon LaRouche’s Oasis Plan offered a brilliant example of how dialogue can open the way to resolve seemingly unsolvable “political” disputes.  International diplomats, reps from think tanks and business/engineering/construction firms came together to discuss how LaRouche’s unique outline for mutually-beneficial cooperation for development is the pathway to peace.

Democrats Push WEF’s ‘Climate Lockdowns’ to Fight ‘Global Warming’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Democrats are quietly pushing the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) plans to lock members of the public in their homes under so-called “climate lockdowns” to “save the planet” from “global warming.”

Many Americans are only now beginning to realize the devastating impacts that Covid lockdowns had on our society.

Businesses are still struggling to recover and children are trying to catch up with missed learning opportunities.

The Globalists’ war against humanity includes the war against farming and local food security

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The EU’s globalist agenda prioritises dependency rather than local self-sufficiency, even though relying on food and oil imports poses risks.  Importing food from distant locations significantly increases fuel consumption and labour compared to producing it locally.

The World Economic Forum’s reset agenda promotes the adoption of smart devices and 5G technology, despite the potential harm of electromagnetic frequency technologies to human health.  In the farming sector, this translates to the electrification and wireless connection of everything under the guise of combating climate change and achieving net zero carbon emissions.

BREAKING: IRS official Alex Mena who works in “Criminal Investigations” says @IRSNews , ‘has no problem going after the small people, putting people in prison, and destroying people’s lives.’

No Evidence? Biden Associate Testifies That Joe Biden Met with China Energy President

by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

It’s beyond infuriating how the media keeps regurgitating the same tired narrative about Joe Biden’s corruption investigation and impeachment inquiry. They adamantly refuse to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence pointing to his corruption: sworn testimonies, bank records, emails, phone calls, videos, photos, text messages, and even White House visitor logs all paint a damning picture.

California to Impose Equity on Electricity

from Moonbattery:

Under absolute moonbattery, equity can be imposed on anything imaginable — even electricity:

California governor Gavin Newsom is standing by the state’s soon-to-be-implemented “equitable” policy to base electricity bills on income, rather than usage, even as public and political opposition to the idea builds in the Democratic coalition.

Mass immigration has successfully converted California to a single-party system. No Republican has been elected to statewide office since 2006. But even some other Democrats balk at Newsom’s radicalism:

Major health insurance companies alter policies to exclude coverage for injuries or sickness during WAR, riot or insurrection

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Quietly without any fanfare, several of the nation’s largest health insurance providers are changing their policies for 2024 to exclude treatment coverage for injuries and illnesses stemming from “war, declared or undeclared, riot, or insurrection,” as if they know something really, really bad is coming this year.

Recognizing that the country is on the brink of what appears to be a major financial collapse, health insurance carriers are readying the helm to not provide payouts for claims linked to a host of potential calamities that many believe could stem from a social or economic meltdown.