Thursday, May 2, 2024

Storing Valuable “How to” Digital Data


by Slate Creek, Survival Blog:

I am constantly collecting data from the web and I save it to several USB memory sticks that I carry with me daily. If I’m in the office and happen to run across something of value I often pull the USB stick out of my pocket and save a copy. I have sub-directories organized on my stick such as “Food Storage”, “Water Supply”, “Topo Maps” or “Ham radio related” and then sub-category that into say “Antenna Builds”, “Local Repeaters” or “Radio Manuals”. I’m not advocating saving everything on a USB stick because nothing beats having the piece of paper in your hand explaining what to do. I still will hard copy print important papers like  radio manuals, the AmRRON SOP manual, recipes, engine manuals, and medical manuals.


from Gunowners of America:

According to a recent study, the homicide rate in the United States plummeted in 2023. The drop was so drastic in fact, the study’s author was quoted saying that this is likely one of the fastest declines in homicides ever recorded.

But is there a reason for the decline? We think so. It’s possible that the removal of gun control may have played a critical role in this decline.

In 2022, the Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in the case NYSRPA v. Bruen.

My Solar-Powered Ham Shack Setup


by BMB, Survival Blog:

There are many things we need to prepare for before the ball drops, (SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, or whatever term you want to use) like water, food, shelter, bullets, medical supplies, aetc. But another item I feel is very important is communication with my family group. This article is about how I got into amateur radio, how I setup my basic solar-powered ham radio shack, and how I stay in practice with my equipment in my shack.

Day One of TEOTWAWKI: A Written Plan – Part 5


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 4. This concludes the article.)

I’ll refer the reader to My Ten-Day Test-My-Preps Adventure – Part 4 for the details of how my system works and what I am able to do with it. In a nutshell, during sunlight hours I can take the available 1,500 watts and feed them into my home/shop wiring system and run nearly everything including the freezer.

On Day One if the SHTF, the actual switchover process from grid-tie to off-grid takes just a few minutes. In a simplified explanation, I activate the SPS switch at the inverter and plug a suicide cord (male plug on both ends) into the 120-v outlet next to that switch. I plug the other end of the cord into the nearby 120-v outlet where my air compressor is plugged in. At the breaker box just above that outlet, I install a short jumper wire to connect the two bus bars. With that, the SPS back feeds electricity into the breaker panel and the system is up and ready to power my house and shop.

Making Your Home More Self-Sufficient


by Jonathan Rawles, Survival Blog:

As we have just passed the midpoint of winter, it’s time to be laying plans for the spring. Whether you are already residing at a rural retreat or it’s still a future goal, there opportunity to improve on your home’s self-sufficiency and food production.

Where can you start with self-sufficiency if you’re still on a suburban lot? You must be more considerate of neighbors, local ordinances, and homeowners’ Associations (HOAs). But even so, there’s great potential for supplemental food production even on a city lot. A few projects to consider:

Life Without Running Water – Part 1

by E. Homesteader, Survival Blog:

When I was in my 30s I began to practice an off-the-grid, alternative lifestyle. But the unique circumstances of 2020 tested my adage: “make the best of what life offers,” and polished my homesteading skills like nothing before. By trial, and not too much error, I’ve learned to live without running water and want to share my experiences with you. I’m now in my 60s.

How to Start Over After a Disaster


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Take a look at the news any day of the week and you’ll see stories of people affected by disasters: from entire communities dealing with the aftermath of tornadoes and large-scale flooding to families rebuilding after house fires and ruptured pipes caused by freezing weather. They all face the daunting prospect of starting over.

No matter what the cause, each of these people will deal not only with physical loss but with emotional trauma and financial impacts. Even the most prepared among us may someday deal with a catastrophe at the community or personal level that can’t be stopped, and we’ll have to decide whether to rebuild in place or start over elsewhere.

EXCLUSVIE: Globalist Leaders Moving To Bunkers Ahead Of World Collapse


from The Alex Jones Show:


‘YOU BETTER HAVE A PLAN’: Dr. Phil Urges People to Prepare Their Resistance Against The Next Lockdowns

by Ben Kew, The Gateway Pundit:

Dr. Phil McGraw has urged people to plan their resistance against the next time the government attempts to lock down the civilian population.

Addressing the audience on his eponymous show, McGraw explained how he had been demonized for his stance against the tyrannical COVID lockdowns but has since been proven right.

Now, McGraw is urging people to prepare for the next time governments attempt to shut the schools and place an entire population under house arrest:

Advanced Urban Survival Skills EVERYONE Should Have


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Streets and public spaces in large cities present a vast set of dangers and threats, even in more civilized and safer countries. That’s because criminals, predators, and deranged and evil people are present in greater numbers in urban agglomerations; the higher density of people and infrastructure means more opportunities for lawbreakers.

That’s becoming more evident today with the masses of “cultural enrichers” invading North America, the UK, and mainland Europe. But that’s not all: people everywhere are also losing their minds, thanks to the crisis and instability, causing friction and violence to rise. I believe this mass insanity will get worse as time passes.

We will need to REBUILD from the ASHES of western civilization

from Health Ranger Report: