Monday, May 6, 2024

Could You Live Off Your Land, Right Now?


by Sara Sue, Survival Blog:

As world events, both nationally and internationally, explode in violence, deep debt, instability, and uncertainty, I ask myself have I done enough?  Am I far enough away from the violence?  Do I have systems in place that will hold me and my family in good stead for years to come?  It’s complicated, and a heavy burden, to detach from the culture, from the world systems, and to create a self-sufficient lifestyle.  It is also freeing.  There’s so much detail to each aspect that it’s no wonder people throw up their hands and say it’s impossible.  I think it’s possible to a large degree, and I accept the things that still connect me to the “System”.  Until… I find a way to sever those things, or I am forced to, whichever comes first.

Third World Living: Austerity Lessons


by T.S., Survival Blog:

When I was a younger and more idealistic man, I had the opportunity to spend a year “nation building” in a Third World country. Although I now think those aid dollars would have been better spent at home, I did learn some lessons that could help in a dire situation. After all, there’s no better teacher to prepare you for SHTF than people who have been living in austere off-grid conditions for their entire lives. After some reflection, I organized the lessons I learned into four major categories: Power, Communications, Climate Control, and Food.

Making Your Home More Self-Sufficient


by Jonathan Rawles, Survival Blog:

As we have just passed the midpoint of winter, it’s time to be laying plans for the spring. Whether you are already residing at a rural retreat or it’s still a future goal, there opportunity to improve on your home’s self-sufficiency and food production.

Where can you start with self-sufficiency if you’re still on a suburban lot? You must be more considerate of neighbors, local ordinances, and homeowners’ Associations (HOAs). But even so, there’s great potential for supplemental food production even on a city lot. A few projects to consider:

Using the Past to Prepare for the Future – Part 1


by 3AD Scout, Survival Blog:

It does not take much imagination to realize that our society will come crashing down without the cheap, steady flow of electricity. The world’s electric grids are the lifeblood of our modern lifestyle. Many predictions believe that if the electrical grid was shut down, by something like an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or a very strong Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), then civilization would be thrown back into the 1800s. Some predictions even think the 1700s or even further back. Regardless of what time period we are all transported back to, we are going to have to find ways to replace all the modern conveniences, instantly made useless, that we currently depend upon for our daily life and survival.

Dr. McCullough: How to Get Ready for the Next Pandemic

from The Vigilant Fox:


How to Start Over After a Disaster


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Take a look at the news any day of the week and you’ll see stories of people affected by disasters: from entire communities dealing with the aftermath of tornadoes and large-scale flooding to families rebuilding after house fires and ruptured pipes caused by freezing weather. They all face the daunting prospect of starting over.

No matter what the cause, each of these people will deal not only with physical loss but with emotional trauma and financial impacts. Even the most prepared among us may someday deal with a catastrophe at the community or personal level that can’t be stopped, and we’ll have to decide whether to rebuild in place or start over elsewhere.

WATCH: Brave Female High School Student Delivers Explosive Speech Destroying Radical Trans Ideology and Her School District After a Giant Transgender Student Assaulted an Innocent Girl- Crowd Erupts in Rousing Applause! (VIDEO)

by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

Fox News reported Tuesday that high school senior Megan Simpkins unloaded on her school in an explosive speech three days after they allowed a giant trans student to assault a girl in the girls’ locker room.

By extension, Simpkins also eviscerated the ideology governing the radical trans movement.

Cristina Laila previously reported that the assault happened last week on April 24 at MLK High School in Riverside, California. The trans student exposed his genitals to a terrified girl and spat at others.

Adaptive Gardening: How to Grow Food When You’re Not Fit and Flexible

by Amy Allen, The Organic Prepper:

Gardening is a very physical activity. Between planting, weeding, pruning, watering, and many other chores, it’s good exercise! It gets to be challenging when one factors in various kinds of disabilities, up to and including old age. That’s where adaptive gardening comes into play.

I learned about adaptive gardening the hard way.

I remember when my back went out in 2017. I had three slipped disks, two lumbar and one thoracic, one of which liked to hit a nerve when I was sleeping too well. In the first year, getting out of bed was a challenge!

Food Shortages And Price Hikes Are Back As The Media/Biden Regime Continues To Try To Gaslight Americans On ‘Bidenomics’ – It Is A Failure


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Despite the gaslighting of the Biden regime and their media supporters, the price of food is not, and will not be coming down… all. While August’s numbers on inflation and food inflation won’t be released until September 13, we do know that July’s overall inflation rate rose, and that food inflation has remained far higher than overall inflation for more than two years.

In some cases food rose more than double of overall inflation.

4 Precautions to Take in Anticipation of the Next Fake Disease


by Paul A. Philips, Activist Post:

Remember, Bill Gates didn’t say it could happen again. No, he said unequivocally; “there will be another global pandemic.” So be highly suspicious. The next fake disease could be looming on the horizon. Be prepared. Be health savvy. Be willing to push back against THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) to mitigate their attempts to harm you and restrict your freedoms on EVERY level.

Do whatever it takes. We cannot acquiesce to these evil perpetrators. As the saying goes, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile…

7 Assumptions About the SHTF

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:


We make them all the time.  Mostly unconscious, like the grocery store will be open, fully stocked of bread, milk, toilet paper, and our favorite ice cream.  The gas station will be up and running to gas up our vehicles and maybe get a hot cup of coffee or a fat pill (doughnut).

Then there are other conscious assumptions we make about things,  like our retirement accounts doing well, plenty of money available for presents under the Christmas tree, or not having to resort to using a credit card to make the monthly bills.

Next Attack Against Food Will Be Your Back Yard Home Gardens As Climate Hysteria Crowd Claims That Growing Your Own Food Increases Carbon Footprint

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

All across Europe we see reports of farmer protests, tractors blocking traffic, dumping used tires on the roads, protesting in front of parliaments throwing eggs and other things at politicians, just to name a few ways that farmers are protesting red tape and regulations being implemented against growing food, to the point to where farmers are losing their livelihoods.

While some of the most dramatic protests have been in France, similar action has been taking place in a host of countries including Italy, Spain, Romania, Poland, Greece, Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands.

How to Prep for a Cross-Country Move


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Moving is often a stressful time. Everything feels chaotic. All your worldly positions are packed in little boxes, and you have to pick up and relocate your whole life. Doubly so for a cross-country move.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a job offer out on the west coast of Canada, and while I’m excited, it’ll be the biggest I’ve ever made. My new home is almost 3000 miles away from my current one. Moving from one state or province to another also comes with its own set of required preps and things to do that you don’t even have to consider if you’re staying in the same one.

This Is Why So Many People Are Suddenly “Panic Buying” Rice All Over The United States…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Rice is one of the most important staple foods for more than 3 billion people around the world, and the nation of India accounts for approximately 40 percent of all global rice exports.  So if India decides to start placing restrictions on rice exports, that is a really big deal.  Unfortunately, that is precisely what just happened on July 20th.  Less than a week ago, India “banned the export of non-basmati white rice”, and that has created a tremendous wave of panic all over the planet…