Sunday, October 6, 2024

Stacey Abrams’ Brother-in-Law Arrested in Child Sex Trafficking Sting

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The brother-in-law of disgraced Democrat Stacey Abrams has been arrested on child sex trafficking charges, according to reports.

Jimmie Gardner, the brother-in-law of former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, was arrested on Friday on serious charges of human trafficking and child sex crimes.

U.S. Financial Death Spiral – John Rubino

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has a new warning about being fooled into thinking the economy is improving because inflation and interest rates have fallen some recently.  Rubino says, “If the U.S. government is running crisis level deficits, which it is right now, borrowing money and paying interest on it means we are in a financial death spiral.  The debt goes up, the interest on the debt goes up and that raises the debt even further, and you just spiral out of control.  We are there right now.  The official U.S. debt is $33.5 trillion.  It’s growing by $1.7 trillion a year, and $1 trillion of that is interest costs.  Interest costs are rising as the overall debt goes up.  Then throw in this incredibly reckless military spending in the guise of foreign aid, and you get a society that has completely lost control. That’s where we are now.  We are in the blowoff stage of a 70-year credit super-cycle.  Those things do not end with a whimper, and they certainly do not end with a soft landing.  They end with a bang, and the bang is going to be centered on the currency.  People are going to look at this and say, ‘Do I really want to hold the currency or bonds of a country that is destroying its finances at this trajectory and this scale?’  The answer will be ‘No.’  At that point, it is game over for a deeply indebted economy.  We are headed that way fast, and these wars are taking us that way even faster.”

Experts raise alarm after Biden strikes climate agreement with China to shut down fossil fuels – Will nudge America ‘closer to Beijing-style central planning, production quotas’

by Marc Morano, Climate Depot:

U.S. energy experts are warning of the economic and national security implications of President Biden’s pact with China this week to move towards shutting down fossil fuel production in favor of green energy.

The State Department announced this week it had struck a deal with its Chinese counterparts pledging to “accelerate the substitution for coal, oil and gas generation” with green energy sources like wind and solar power. The nations, which account for nearly half of global greenhouse gas emissions, also agreed to “deepen policy exchanges” on reducing carbon emissions in various sectors, like power, industry, buildings and transportation, across their economies.

Moderna Admits Covid mRNA Shots Cause Cancer, Testimony Reveals

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A world-renowned vaccine expert has presented evidence during congressional testimony showing that pharmaceutical giant Moderna knows its Covid mRNA shots cause cancer.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, testified during a hearing on Capitol Hill led by Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

During his testimony, Malone presented the patent for Moderna’s Covid vaccine.

Israeli Hamas Victim: “Killing Babies Won’t Bring Our Babies Back”


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

The genocide of the Palestinian people and the constant murder of innocent lives, including innocent babies, continues as the rest of the world looks on and does nothing.

The United States, with its massive wealth and military, has apparently paid off Iran now with reportedly $billions of dollars, ensuring, at least for now, that Iran and Hezbollah will not follow through on their threats and intervene for the Palestinian people.

And yet, the vast majority of the world, including those who reside in Israel and Palestine, is calling for a ceasefire and peace.

Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer, utterly demolishes the human-induced “climate emergency” fairy tale, in three and a half minutes:

DATA: Majority Believe Cheating ‘Likely’ In 2024 Election

by William Upton, The National Pulse:

The integrity of American elections continue to be a dominant concern among the electorate as we head into in to the 2024 election cycle. According to new data from Rasmussen Reports, 56 percent of Americans believe the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be impacted by cheating.

Mail-in ballots are of special concern to respondents with 51 percent saying they believe the practice made cheating in elections more likely. Just 15 percent think the use of mail-in-ballots made cheating harder to accomplish. Nearly two-thirds of voters say they believe it is important to ensure there is no cheating int he 2024 election.

There’s more going on with the Georgia ballot case and attorney resignations than you’re being told…

from Revolver News:

As you’ve probably heard, in a surprising development, two defense attorneys abruptly resigned from the Georgia ballot case. The case surrounds the accusation that thousands of GA ballots were actually counterfeit.

So, why did the two defense attorneys jump ship like that? An IT expert named Kevin Kelton suggests that the county might be gearing up to admit they’ve destroyed the ballots in question. If true, this puts Fulton County in a heap of legal trouble. Destroying evidence during a case often signals guilt. But there’s more at stake here—are we witnessing a coverup?

NEW: The Rock backtracks after saying he has friends who support President Joe Biden.


Klaus Schwab Brags WEF Has ‘Infiltrated’ Every MSM Outlet In The World

from The People’s Voice:


As The Secret Societies Seeking To Rule Over The World Push The Final Battle Of Gog And Magog, Satanism Is The Force Of Evil Behind The Unbridled Chaos Happening All Across The Planet

by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

My original intent was to write on the topic of who is actually our enemy and to cover items like “Russia is” so we put sanctions (economically and otherwise) on them yet their economy is booming like never before.  Sanctions on their energy production yet they are selling more natural gas and petroleum products than ever before, berating them for their ever increasing nuclear capabilities yet we sell them and outright give them our uranium yet buy it back enriched for our power plants from them, destroy some crude pipelines in the north yet help them install pipelines in the south (think Turkey etc.), destroy their currency yet it is ours being destroyed, lambast their space program yet we buy some engines from them (Russian RD-180 is in our Atlas launch vehicles) to equip our space rockets with the newer RD-181’s still being delivered, and many more topics that disprove our war against Russia is for real.



by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

I’m constantly amazed at the ability of the Gizars to spot and share articles, and today is no exception with this wonderful article on remote microwave mind manipulation. Unfortunately, the individual who sent it prefers to remain completely anonymous, so I do not even give out his or her initials. I will, however, give out our traditional “thank you” for spotting and sharing it, because the article tends to corroborate a “theory” that’s been out there for a few years now.   Indeed, this theory has not only been “out there” for a few years, it is also “out there” in the other sense of being too difficult or sensational for most people to believe.

Dr. Naomi Wolf Reveals SHOCKING Findings in Recent Pfizer/Moderna Report – American Sunrise

from DailyClout:


An Insurgence of Idiots


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

The word “insurgence” means a large increase. What with TikTok providing basically everyone a platform to spout their deepest thoughts in 30-second to 2-minute intervals, the insurgence I’m seeing is one of complete idiots. The newest trend on the social media outlet is a bunch of stunned young people making shocked faces at the camera and talking about the brilliance of…

Osama Bin Laden.

I could not make this up. Here is a glimpse inside the minds of TikTokers who are now certain Bin Laden was a benevolent genius. Do you remember the phrase, “Useful Idiots?”

Observe Exhibit A below.