Monday, June 17, 2024

A message to all whistleblowers who are being targeted for telling the truth.

from HopeGirl Alternative News:


Lessons from the “Forgotten” War

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

Why spend more money on a losing cause in Ukraine?  Is it about “defending democracy”?  Or is it about pouring money into the hands of the war hawks who control the Military-Industrial Complex?  Now is the time for the U.S. to acknowledge the mistake of handing policy control to the corporate cartels of the MIC and banking/finance, and instead return to investing into physical goods production and scientific research and development, which was the basis of the success of the post-World War II economy.

NBC News Admits ‘Deep State’ Exists… To Save Us From Trump’s Return

from ZeroHedge:

The last time Donald Trump got within striking distance of the Oval Office in 2016, the Clinton campaign, the Obama administration, and various foreign accomplices invented a hoax accusing the real estate tycoon of being a secret Russian agent, who would use the power of the United States to do Vladimir Putin’s bidding (Which begs the question; why wouldn’t Putin have just invaded Ukraine when his ‘puppet’ Trump wouldn’t have waged a proxy war?).

HIDDEN AGENDA: Government organizations, corporations, and nonprofits are joining forces to force acceptance of transgenderism on unwilling populace

by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

Many ethical and moral people in America are leaving their jobs and even abandoning LGBT “activism” because corrupt organizations are leveraging “long-term cash” promises based on whether workers accept the grooming of children and the sex-change-surgery “movement” called transgenderism. The whole transgender movement has dangerous hidden motivations, like promises of funding, raises, or being “excluded” for not going along with the “normalization” of grooming children to think sex thoughts all day and want to destroy their bodies with dangerous surgeries and mutilations in the name of gender “fluidity.”

Setting Up White Gentiles for Genocide

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Taki Points Out that the Jews in Hollywood Are Doing the Same Work on White People that the Nazi Filmmakers Did on Jews

“Hollywood is hard at work in maintaining the myth that everything that the West has achieved since the Greeks was due to the white man’s cruelty and ability to steal from the Dark Continent.”

Taki was ill in bed with nothing to do but to watch TV.  The program he watched “takes place out west and the cowboys are all bad, bullies, criminals, sadists, and worst of all, white. The few black cowhands are wise, introspective, and very perceptive with their advice. The victims are the red Indians, sorry, Native tribesmen. One pretty Indian girl teaches history class, and her opening remarks to a new class are what a major criminal Christopher Columbus was. But the best part is the utter awfulness of the whites. They’re greedy, cowardly, murderous, bullying, dishonest, and I’m talking only of the men. The white women are drunks, sleep with everything that walks but the horses, and are very greedy and vengeful. My only thought was thank God I’m watching this in my own bed. In a movie house I’d probably be lynched once the lights went on.” 

WATCH: Cop Shoots Innocent Unarmed Man in the Back, Paralyzes Him — Taxpayers to Be Held Liable

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Paterson, NJ — On the night he opened fire on Khalif Cooper, moments before pulling the trigger, Officer Jerry Moravek claimed the unarmed man had a gun. Even after he shot Cooper multiple times in the back, Moravek maintained that Cooper was armed. But this wasn’t true. Now, the taxpayers of Paterson will be held accountable. Cooper — who has been paralyzed since the incident — is suing for $50 million.

The shooting unfolded in June 2022, and earlier this year, Moravek was charged with aggravated assault because body camera video showed his victim had no such gun when the officer tried to kill him.

Banking Bummer Not Over, Crash Coming?, CV19 Vax Deaths Ignored

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

The banking bummer Jamie Dimon said was over is far from over.  More banks are going down and more banks are finding themselves in deep financial trouble.  The banking collapse of 2023 is already far greater that the banking collapse that touched off the so-called “Great Recession” in 2008.  Did I say it was far from over?  In a new Gallup poll, almost half of all Americans are “worried” about their deposits in the bank.  That’s reassuring!!

Can America Survive This Perversion of Our Justice System?

by Mary Sholl, American Thinker:

Here we are at the beginning of 2024.  Election Day (should there actually be an Election Day) is a little over ten months away, and every day is a new outrage, a new WTF? moment, a new rule or norm shredded by the lunatics of the progressive left.  This is happening to such a degree that the only conclusion to be drawn is that on the one hand, we have no government anymore — just an amalgam of cowardliness on the part of our elected and appointed officials (especially those of the Republican stripe) — and on the other hand, propagandized lawless provocateurs throwing temper tantrums and committing atrocities against the body politic and its legal system on a daily basis.

WarRoom Battleground EP 482: NGO’s In The Darien Helping With Trafficking

from Bannons War Room:


Canada Plots to Increase Online Regulation, Target Search and Social Media Algorithms

by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

Canada is taking steps towards potentially intrusive regulation of artificial intelligence as it pertains to its application in search and social media services. The government’s intentions have been revealed, which includes AI application way beyond the realm of generative AI similar to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Industry giants such as Google and Facebook, who utilize AI for search results, translation provisions, and customer taste recognition respectively, are among the contenders lined up in the regulatory intent with the pro-censorship government intent on having a say on how these algorithms work.

Michael Yon joins Mike Adams IN STUDIO with bombshell revelations about NGOs orchestrating the MASS INVASION of America

from Health Ranger Report:


‘Needles Litter The Streets’ And ‘People Who Look Like Extras In A Zombie-Apocalypse Movie’ In Yet Another City As This Once-Great Nation Continues Being Destroyed From Within

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Last time we saw reference to needles littering the streets, along with feces, was in a piece about San Francisco, and here we are again, looking at article after article talking about people so drugged out they “look like extras in a zombie-apocalypse movie” only this time it is in another Democrat run city, that has another Democrat mayor.

Kensington street in Philadelphia PA.

Needles litter the streets.

RIGGED [AGAINST YOU]- US Dollar Imploding

from Stew Peters Network:


One Health: A Plan to ‘Surveil and Control Every Aspect of Life on Earth’?


by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Experts who spoke with The Defender suggested One Health has more to do with a biosecurity agenda, a global surveillance system, vaccine passports and restrictions on human behavior than it has to do with protecting human health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines “One Health,” as “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems,” as they are “closely linked and interdependent” — a concept that on the surface appears to promote noble goals interlinking human and environmental health.