Banking Bummer Not Over, Crash Coming?, CV19 Vax Deaths Ignored


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

The banking bummer Jamie Dimon said was over is far from over.  More banks are going down and more banks are finding themselves in deep financial trouble.  The banking collapse of 2023 is already far greater that the banking collapse that touched off the so-called “Great Recession” in 2008.  Did I say it was far from over?  In a new Gallup poll, almost half of all Americans are “worried” about their deposits in the bank.  That’s reassuring!!


To make matters worse, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is warning that if the debt ceiling is not raised by congressional legislation by June 1st, the USA could default on it’s debt.  Yikes!!  That has never happened before.  This sounds almost unreal and yet it is from the mouth of our Treasury Secretary.  The sailing is not going to be smooth even though the a bill raising the debt ceiling has already passed the House.  In the Senate, at least two Democrats are going to side with the Republicans to whittle down the price tag.  This should be interesting and dangerous at the same time.

People in large numbers are becoming disabled and dying from the CV19 Bioweapon Vax and yet folks in power ignore it and act as if nothing is wrong.  Money manager and number cruncher Ed Dowd said on USAW, that 30% of the workforce is either dead, disabled, or chronically ill from the injections – so far.  The trend is not turning down and this has huge implications for the economy and the readiness of our military.  Keep in mind the demonic powers running our country have war in Ukraine and probably one coming in China too in the not-too-distant future.

There is much more in the 50-minute newscast.

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the weekly News Wrap-Up for 5.5.23.

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After the interview:

Michael Snyder of and author of the popular book “End Times” will be here to talk about what his recent book says, and he tells you what you can do to get ready.

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