Saturday, August 31, 2024

IN-DEPTH: Tide Is Turning on Tolerance for Transgender Ideology

from The Epoch Times:

‘People are sick of being pushed around and told they can’t even ask questions,’ said one commentator

Over the past few years, the transgender movement has pushed its way into every nook and cranny of American culture, and major institutions and authorities have tried to force all people to go along with it.

But now, the tide is turning.

Ep. 8 Rick from Boston is telling us he wants to be known as female Admiral Rachel Levine. Accept his lie or pay the consequences, bigot.


Episode 2840: The Plot To Destroy The Nuclear Family

from Bannons War Room:


Why Does Cultural Rot Matter?

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

We’ve been talking a lot on the show about the cultural rot that’s taken over our society. There’s a reason why it’s an important subject to discuss. We are continually seeing the bar drop on what is considered acceptable and not acceptable behavior. There was a great article in the Federalist, “Pornographer TikTok Mom Proves Why The Culture War Is Our Most Important Battle,” that details a TikTok influencer named “Mama C” and uses her as an example of just how far we’ve fallen.

250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

They call for action “akin to election and COVID-19 mitigations and rules”

Some 250 woke Hollywood celebrities from movies, TV and music have signed their names to an open letter urging big tech companies to crack down on anyone who doesn’t fall into line with the trans agenda, including advocating life changing gender surgeries on children.

Report: Disney Loses $890 MILLION Due To Recent Box Office Flops

by Bo Banks, Big League Politics:

Do conservative boycotts work?

Well, according to recent hits against woke companies like Target and Bud Light, they do work when fed up Americans stay focused on ditching brands who promote progressive themes like LGBTQ and transgenderism.

Disney, in another example, has reportedly lost $890 million due to its recent box office flops.

In other words, movie goers are not inclined to spend money to help Disney’s “not-at-all-secret” gay agenda.

Video: ‘Family Friendly’ Pride Event Features A Bunch Of People Simulating Oral Sex

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

A ‘Pride’ event in Denver this past weekend that was advertised as ‘family friendly’ apparently featured nearly naked people gyrating around on stage and simulating oral sex while a ‘song’ played featuring the lyrics “how do you eat that dick?

Here is the footage:

“Pride” Is A Thinly Veiled Color Revolution To Destroy Western Civilization

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

The term “color/colour revolution” is often associated with covert efforts among US and European interests to foment civil unrest within enemy nations (and sometimes allied nations) as a means to destabilize their societies and governments. It is essentially 4th generation warfare, a concept expanded on by Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino (a self professed satanist) in a white paper titled ‘From Psyop To Mindwar.’  The goal is straightforward – To go to war against a foreign country (or one’s own country) by attacking the citizenry rather than its armies. Or, to exploit the target population as a weapon to trigger instability.

It’s Time to Go for Woke Hollywood’s Jugular

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Over the past two months, we’ve seen a shift in the way movie failures are being reported by corporate media. There was a time not too long ago when every excuse possible was made for why “woke” movies didn’t perform well. Sometimes, they would blame world events. Other times, they’d blame a vast rightwing conspiracy. They used to blame Covid a lot, and that was at least partially true.

But they never blamed wokeness.

Army Special Operations Command Posts Intersex-Inclusive ‘Progress Pride’ Flag on Social Media

by Kristina Wong, Breitbart:

United States Army Special Operations Command posted an intersex-inclusive pride flag on all its social media accounts last week, prompting criticism from former Green Berets and conservative commenters.

The command, which produces the Army’s Special Forces, posted the flag — known as the intersex-inclusive Pride Progress flag — on its Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts, along with this message:

Advice to School Librarians on Hiding Filth From Parents

from Moonbattery:

Few parents are on board with the LGBTification of their children — although as we have seen, libraries tend to be. That makes hiding depraved propaganda from parents a useful skill for today’s librarian. A June 8 conference offered helpful tips:

Valerie Byrd Fort, an instructor at the University of South Carolina gave a seminar at Library 2.0’s “Banned Books and Censorship” conference on how to handle LGBTQ content within the library, according to the conference recording. Fort’s suggestions included extra precautions such as that librarians keep “identity” labels, such as “LGBTQIA+” or “Gays Fiction,” off of books.


from SGT Report:

As the NWO push toward a global government ramps up, UFO’s and aliens are on the mainstream “news” on a regular basis which calls to mind Wernher von Braun’s warning that the “last card” they would play is the alien card “and all of it is a lie”. Researchers Laura Eisenhowser and Patty Greer join me to discuss the UFO-alien agenda as we try to separate facts from fiction.

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“We’re here we’re queer and we’re coming for your children!”

Riley Gaines Torches Letter “Emotionally Blackmailing” Harvard Swim Team on Lia Thomas

by Paul Bois, Breitbart:

Swimmer Riley Gaines, an outspoken advocate against transgender athletes in women’s sports, bashed a letter allegedly sent to the Harvard swim team gaslighting them about competing with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas.

Lia Thomas, a man living as a woman, became a household name in 2022 after he dominated the competition while competing against females, winning first place in the women’s 500-yard freestyle event in the NCAA’s swimming championship. At the height of the controversy, members of the Harvard swim team were allegedly given a letter essentially gaslighting them about competing with a man.

America Wakes Up to Woke

by Victor David Hanson, Victor Hanson:

Wokeness was envisioned as a new reboot of the coalition of the oppressed.

Those purportedly victimized by traditional America would find “intersectional” solidarity in their victimhood owing to the supposed sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other alleged American sins, past and present.

The so-called white male heterosexual victimizing class was collectively to be held responsible for their sinful triad of white “rage,” “supremacy,” and “privilege.”