Advice to School Librarians on Hiding Filth From Parents


from Moonbattery:

Few parents are on board with the LGBTification of their children — although as we have seen, libraries tend to be. That makes hiding depraved propaganda from parents a useful skill for today’s librarian. A June 8 conference offered helpful tips:

Valerie Byrd Fort, an instructor at the University of South Carolina gave a seminar at Library 2.0’s “Banned Books and Censorship” conference on how to handle LGBTQ content within the library, according to the conference recording. Fort’s suggestions included extra precautions such as that librarians keep “identity” labels, such as “LGBTQIA+” or “Gays Fiction,” off of books.


“Banned” books are reading materials decent parents would not want their children exposed to at school — i.e., depraved pornography presented for recruiting purposes.

“Don’t label the books with identity based subject headings like ‘LGBTQIA+’ or ‘Gays Fiction,’” Fort said. “Aside from being bad practice, it makes it too easy for parents or community members to find those kinds of books … Don’t make it hard for those necessarily easy for those groups to find, but make it easy for those who want the books. The examples here are to create ways for students to find these books by offering a physical list they can look at while they are in the library.”

I picture an unshaven guy with pink hair and bare legs pulling out the list from an inner pocket of his raincoat.

Students are even provided with “privacy covers” to help hide what they are reading.

These people know what they are doing is wrong.

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