Saturday, February 15, 2025

MRNA MEAT WARNING! – Bird Flu Hoax Leads To Shortages & Mass Culling! – EU State Warns: Stock Up

from World Alternative Media:


Major Food Supply Alert! Just In Time, A Deadly New Strain Of H5N1 Threatens To Make Our Egg And Beef Shortages Even Worse

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

We just received some very serious news.  The extremely deadly D1.1 strain of the H5N1 bird flu which has been ripping through the nation’s poultry population in recent weeks has now gotten into the cattle population in the state of Nevada.  This is the very first time that cattle in the U.S. have ever tested positive for this strain.  What this means is that we are facing a very serious threat to our food supply.  As I detailed earlier this week, the U.S. is dealing with the worst egg shortage that it has ever experienced, and it is likely to get even worse as this new strain spreads.  Meanwhile, the size of the U.S. cattle herd could be reduced even further by this new strain, and it is already at the lowest level that we have seen since 1961


from SGT Report:

Hope & Tivon are back with Part TWO of their incredible new research. In this episode we discuss the AI hive mind and the attempt to assimilate humanity in a transhuman hellscape future, a dystopic future which mankind must resist at all costs.

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from SGT Report:

Hope & Tivon are back with an incredible presentation. In part one we expose the AI tracking and tracing hellscape known as Project Stargate which may well be viewed as Trump’s biggest betrayal of MAGA and MAHA to date.

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Microplastics Linked to Higher Preterm Birth Risk, Scientists Warn

from The National Pulse:

U.S. researchers have found that micro- and nanoplastic particles are more concentrated in the placentae of infants born prematurely compared to those delivered at term. This conclusion comes from a study involving the analysis of 175 placentae, led by a team that includes maternal-fetal specialist Professor Kjersti Aagaard from Boston Children’s Hospital. The researchers investigated 100 placentae from term births and 75 from preterm births, the latter characterized by delivery prior to 37 weeks of gestation.

“This hints at the possibility that the accumulation of plastics could be contributing to the risk and occurrence of preterm birth,” Aagaard said in a statement.

Ghostwriters, hot lots and hidden truths: The Pfizer vaccine scandal that demands accountability

by Willow Tohi, Natural News:

    • A Danish study revealed that certain early batches of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were associated with significantly higher rates of adverse events, including deaths, leading to questions about transparency and accountability.
  • The study faced swift criticism, with prominent epidemiologist Anders Hviid dismissing it as “FRAUD or incompetence,” and Pfizer and regulatory agencies referencing a critique by a 23-year-old Spanish student, Borja Somovilla del Saz.

Democrats for Infanticide

by John M. Grondelski, American Thinker:

The U.S. Senate took up S.6, the “Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act.” The vote was 52-47, a majority but not the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster. So, the bill failed.

The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act required that if a baby is born alive during a third-trimester abortion (i.e., in months 6-9 of pregnancy), that baby should be provided medical care and allowed to live. Every Senate Democrat said “no.”

Abortion, especially in states that have “codified” Roe, allow third trimester abortions for any reason. Don’t let the propagandists say they are “rare” and sought only in medical distress. They occur and often occur for the same reasons abortions are procured at other stages of pregnancy: because the child interferes with the mother’s social or economic condition, not her life or the result of criminal assault.

Trump Signs Executive Order Banning Sex-Change Procedures for Minors

by Alana Mastrangelo, Breitbart:

President Donald Trump signed an executive order this week to bar “chemical or surgical mutilation” sex-change procedures for minors.

The executive order, titled “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation,” declares that the United States “will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called ‘transition’ of a child from one sex to another,” and defines “child” as anyone under the age of 19.

New peer-reviewed study again confirms childhood vaccines are likely responsible for nearly 80% of the autism cases in US

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Stunning new autism findings using Florida Medicaid database examining kids from birth till 9 years old. A RR=4.4 implies a PAR of nearly 80% which means most autism in the US is caused by vaccines.

Executive summary

A stunning new autism study was just published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Study of Nine-Year-Old Children Enrolled in Medicaid” by Mawson and Jacob.

The study examined Florida Medicaid data obtained from the now defunct DEVEXI.

‘Jaw-dropping’ Study Finds Vaccinated Children Have 170% Higher Risk of Autism

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The peer-reviewed study also found that vaccinated children had a 212% greater likelihood of developing other neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, epilepsy/seizures, brain inflammation and tic and learning disorders.

Vaccinated children have a 170% higher chance of being diagnosed with autism compared to unvaccinated children, according to a new peer-reviewed study.

Top Oncologist Sounds Alarm: mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Are ‘Driving’ Turbo Cancer Surge

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A world-renowned oncologist has called for a global ban on Covid injections and “all mRNA vaccines” after discovering that the shots are “driving” the surge in turbo cancers.

The warning was issued by Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at the prestigious University of London, St. George’s.

Dalgleish is best known for his pioneering contributions to HIV/AIDS research.

The celebrated medical expert raised the alarm during a new interview with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF).

ChatGPT agrees that more COVID vaccination –> more cases

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Moments ago, ChatGPT assured me the COVID vaccines reduced COVID cases. So I uploaded the COVID cases data and asked ChatGPT to analyze it. It conceded that the shot increase your infection risk.

Executive summary

From ChatGPT:

In plain English, the more you vax, the more COVID cases you get.

This is precisely the opposite of what we were told by the health authorities.


from SGT Report:

Friends, President Donald J Trump has done more GOOD for The United States in three days than pedo Joe did in 4 years! However, there is also something very ugly lurking about whihc must be discussed and REJECTED by We The People IMMEDIATELY and FOREVER. The founder of Sam Anthony joins me to discuss all of the gory details.

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Official Study: Lipid Nanoparticles from mRNA Jabs Attack Heart and Other Organs

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Lipid nanoparticles in mRNA Covid-19 jabs circulates through the body, before attacking the heart and other vital organs, a new study has warned.

The new study, published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, is the first to explain the widespread reports of heart and other organ damage in vaccine recipients.

BREAKING STUDY – Childhood Vaccination Associated with Autism, Learning Disorders, Seizures, Encephalopathy, and Tics