Friday, May 3, 2024

URGENT: Media Blackout, Dire Situation in Acapulco, Mexico Due to Category 5 Hurricane Otis


from DollarVigilante:


Report: Climate Summit Elites Dine On ‘Succulent Gourmet Meats’

by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

UN delegates are being served “slabs of succulent meat” while lecturing the world to stop eating it

The UN climate summit in Dubai has been serving gourmet burgers and other lavish meat dishes to elite attendees while they lecture the rest of us to stop eating meat altogether.

Fox News reports that “the summit’s online portal, its food offerings include ‘juicy beef,’ ‘slabs of succulent meat,’ smoked wagyu burgers, Philly cheesesteaks and ‘melt-in-your-mouth BBQ’ in addition to African street BBQ, fast casual Mexican fare and an Asian option that has a ‘touch of French flair.’”

Germans Told to Reduce Meat Consumption by >90%

from Moonbattery:

Nazi rule could not have been pleasant, but at least Germans were allowed to eat food when it was available. This will not be the case under envirofascists, according to whom a normal human diet offends the climate:

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) now recommends reducing meat consumption to 10 grams per day per person to combat global warming. … A sudden and radical renunciation: The average meat consumption of Germans is 109 grams per day, or about 763 grams per week. The population will therefore have to drastically change its eating behavior if it agrees to comply with this new strategy.

In the near future, Oktoberfest will feature celery sticks instead of brats — unless moonbats decide that eating plants oppresses them. By the way, brewing beer is also environmentally problematic.

‘Boiling Oceans’ Alarm Sounded by Media – But No Mention that Total Ocean Heat Has Risen Just 0.03% in 125 Years

by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

In early April, the Guardian ran a story reporting that the world’s ocean surface temperature was at an “all time high” of 21.1°C, and this was leading to “marine heatwaves” around the globe. “The current trajectory looks like it’s heading off the charts, smashing previous records”, said arch-climate activist Professor Matthew England from the University of New South Wales. The story did what it was supposed to do and upped climate alarm, but, curiously, less publicity has been given to the recent fall to 20.8°C in just seven weeks.

MEP Rob Roos: Nuclear Energy vs. Climate Communism

by Veronika Kyrylenko, The New American:

The climate change policies of the European Union are driven by the ideology of “climate communisms,” whose goal is to degrow the economy and instill China-style societal control over society, says Rob Roos, the member of the European Parliament representing the Netherlands.

In this interview with The New American, Mr. Roos discusses the recent panel discussion he hosted at the EU Parliament on the importance of nuclear energy and the EU’s debate over the composition of its energy section, describing the advantages of nuclear energy compared to renewable sources such as solar and wind. The MEP said that while the EU is trying to effectively satisfy the block’s growing demand for energy while also addressing high energy prices and air pollution, nuclear power has the strong potential to solve these issues and that renewables are “mathematically and physically” unable to do that.

Liberal state declares war on small farmers and homesteaders: War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

by Leo Hohmann, The Gateway Pundit:

War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda

Remember, it really is all about depopulation

The World Economic Forum warned us several years ago that its ultimate goal was to destroy the middle class. How else would you explain their slogan: “You will own nothing and learn to like it“?

Why Is Volcanic Activity Starting To Go Crazy All Over The Planet?

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

All of a sudden, the giant rock that we all live on is starting to go a bit nuts.  Unusual volcanic activity is happening all over the globe, but the “experts” are assuring us that there is nothing to be concerned about.  But could it be possible that they are wrong?  After you have reviewed the information that I provide in this article, come to your own conclusion.  To me, it definitely appears that what we are currently witnessing is not normal.

Hillary Clinton Claims “Extreme Heat” Has Killed Half a Billion People

by Paul Joseph Watson, Modernity News:

Hillary Clinton told the Cop28 conference that “extreme heat” has killed half a billion people, most of them women and girls, but failed to cite any actual source.

“We’re seeing and beginning to pay attention and to count and record the deaths that are related to climate and by far the biggest killer is “extreme heat.”

The two time failed presidential candidate went on to claim that “extreme heat” had killed 61,000 people in Europe last summer.

Governor Signs Climate Engineering Ban Legislation Into Law

from Dane Wigington:


A Very Convenient Warming: How Modest Warming and More CO2 Are Benefitting Humanity with Gregory Wrightstone

by Kerry Lutz, Financial Survival Network:

Kerry Lutz interviewed Gregory Wrightstone, who discussed his new book, “A Very Convenient Warming,” and the work of the CO2 coalition. Wrightstone challenged the prevailing narrative on climate change, emphasizing the positive impact of modest warming and increased CO2 levels on Earth’s ecosystems and human well-being. He also addressed misconceptions about CO2 levels and highlighted the importance of CO2 for plant growth. The conversation then shifted to discussions about the impact of rising CO2 levels and warming temperatures on the environment, electric vehicles, and energy sources, reflecting differing perspectives on these topics. The meeting ended with Lutz expressing appreciation for Wrightstone’s work and encouraging listeners to visit the CO2 coalition’s website for more information.

Meeting ‘Net Zero’ Goals Will Cost Taxpayers $75 Trillion, Analysis Shows

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

In order to comply with the globalist “Net Zero” climate goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and United Nations (UN), taxpayers will need to spend a staggering $75 trillion, a group of leading analysts has revealed.

To put the figure into context, in 2023, it is estimated that the total amount of money in circulation around the world is roughly $40 trillion.

The Sun Is Scorching The Earth With Intense Heat, And This Is Just The Beginning…


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

It is always hot in the summer, but this summer is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  To many, the summer of 2023 kind of feels like someone has thrown our planet into an extremely hot oven and won’t let us out.  Record high temperature after record high temperature is being set all over the globe, and experts are scrambling to explain what is happening to us.  But it isn’t actually a mystery.  When the sun becomes more active, temperatures tend to rise, and it is being reported that the number of sunspots that are currently being produced exceeds anything that we witnessed during the last solar cycle

FAKE CLIMATE DATA EXPOSED! – They’re Faking The WEATHER! – No We Are NOT Seeing Record Highs!

from World Alternative Media:


Islands That Climate Alarmists Said Would Soon “Disappear” Due to Rising Sea Found to Have Grown in Size

by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

The scientists said their data suggested that sea-level rise has not been a widespread cause of erosion for island shorelines in the studied regions. “Presently, it is considered one of the contributing factors to shoreline erosion but not the predominant one,” they explained. Needless to say, none of this will detain the attention of climate hysterics in both mainstream media and politics. The Guardian was in fine form last June stating that rising oceans will extinguish more than land. “It will kill entire languages,” it added, noting the effect on Pacific islands such as Tuvalu. Those areas of the Earth that were most hospitable to people and languages are now becoming the “least hospitable”.

Silly emotional Guardianista guff of course, but happily it does not seem to apply to Tuvalu. A recent study found that the 101 islands of Tuvalu had grown in land mass by 2.9%. The scientists observed that despite rising sea levels, many shorelines in Tuvalu and neighbouring Pacific atolls have maintained relative stability, “without significant alteration”. A comprehensive re-examination of data on 30 Pacific and Indian Ocean atolls with 709 islands found that none of them had lost any land. Furthermore, the scientists added, there are data that indicate 47 reef islands expanded in size or remained stable over the last 50 years, “despite experiencing a rate of sea-level rise that exceeds the global average”.

The Maldives is also a poster scare for rising sea levels, with the attention-seeking activist Mark Lynas – he of the nonsense claim that 99.9% of scientists agree humans cause all or most climate change – organising an underwater Cabinet meeting of the local Government in 2009. As it happens, the Maldives is one of a number of areas that have seen recent increases in land mass. Other areas include the Indonesian Archipelago, islands along the Indochinese Peninsula coast, and islands in the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Notably, the coastal waters of the Indochinese Peninsula had the most substantial gain, with an increase of 106.28 km2 over the 30-year period. Of the 13,000 islands examined, the researchers found that only around 12% had experienced a significant shoreline shift, with almost equal numbers experiencing either landward (loss) or seaward (gain) movement.

The scientists identify many reasons why islands can grow in size despite the small annual rises in sea level seen in many parts of the world. It is noted that island shorelines are constantly changing due to factors such tides, winds, nearshore hydrodynamics and the transport of sediment. On inhabited islands, human action such as fish farming and land reclamation can be important.

Of course, humans action can have a number of unintended consequences, notably the mining of coral and the breakdown of natural water barriers. Island states such as the Maldives have not been slow in coming forward to claim ‘climate reparations’ from guilt-tripped citizens in the developed world. But tourism has dramatically boosted income in the Maldives to first world levels at a time when the locals have mined coral in industrial quantities to build ports, airports and resort developments. In the process, ocean life diversity has been lost and the islands are often less protected from storm waves that can flow direct to the shoreline. In a recent essay, a group of scientists and economists charged that coral mining “has resulted in massive degradation of shallow reef-flat areas, with important negative impacts on coastal protection”.

An amount of land equivalent to the Isle of Wight has been added to the shorelines of 13,000 islands around the world in just the last 20 years. This fascinating fact of a 369.67 square kilometre increase has recently been discovered by a group of Chinese scientists analysing both surface and satellite records. Overall, land was lost during the 1990s, but the scientists found that in the study period of three decades to 2020 there was a net increase of 157.21 km2. The study observed considerable natural variation in both erosion and accretion. Of course, the findings blow holes in the poster scare run by alarmists suggesting that rising sea levels caused by humans using hydrocarbons will condemn many islands to disappear shortly beneath rising sea levels. By means of such flimsy scare tactics, as we have seen in many other cases, desperate attempts are made to terrify global populations to accept the insanity of the Net Zero collectivisation.

CBS News Pushes Bill Gates’ Plan to Fight ‘Climate Change’ by Blocking the Sun

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

CBS News has aired a show that offered up radical suggestions for fighting so-called “climate change.”

Among those ideas, “CBS Saturday Morning” pushed a plan backed by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and leftist billionaire George Soros.

The plan involves blocking the Sun’s rays from reaching the Earth using solar geoengineering.

The scheme would lower the planet’s temperature and allegedly combat “global warming.”