Monday, June 3, 2024


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

As you can tell, we are focused on what may (or may not be) happening in Russia right now, and every propaganda outlet from RT to Faux News and the BBC seems to be weighing in on it. I’ll do my best to try and stay abreast of developments and to keep people informed, but please also remember my ability to do so is somewhat curtailed as I am also trying to restore normalcy after last week’s disastrous storm (I’ve yet to get the tree and refrigerator problems addressed).


from The Corbett Report:


The Amish Died of COVID at a Rate 90 Times LOWER Than the Rest of America

from The Vigilant Fox:


Let’s Talk About Yevgeny Prigozhin…

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

When Yevgeny Prigozhin launched his short-lived rebellion, many in the western media were describing it as a “coup”.  But the truth is that Prigozhin did not intend to try to overthrow Vladimir Putin.  He just wanted his seat at the table back.  Being in Vladimir Putin’s good graces had turned Prigozhin into an exceedingly wealthy man over the years, but now everything was changing.  Prigozhin was in danger of losing everything that he had worked to build, and the final straw was a decision to break up the Wagner Group and absorb those troops into the Russian military.  Prigozhin realized that he was being sidelined, and so in a desperate attempt to get some leverage he hatched an ill-fated plan to kidnap Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Valery Gerasimov.  Unfortunately for Prigozhin, they learned of his scheme in advance, and their travel plans were changed.  When he realized that his scheme had failed, Prigozhin was willing to make a deal, because ultimately he didn’t want to see his fighters slaughtered in a pointless conflict.

You’ve Been Lied To, But It’s Legal

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

Even during World War II, leaders knew the importance of information to winning hearts and minds. The role of information was fundamental to wartime success, and very different than the traditional means like military, diplomacy and economic measures like sanctions.

Leaders knew the US would need a peacetime information service after the end of the war. At the time, most people understood that information suppression indeed contributed to the outbreak of wars. Even in World War I, the US media complained about nationalist news agencies like Reuters out of Great Britain controlling news content and deciding what would be disseminated across borders. This got even worse during WWII.

Time Traveling Spiritual Warfare

from AmazingPolly:


New ad from Minnesota State’s Tourism Department promotes drag shows, trans kids, and “gender care”. 😡👎

Pfizer can’t HIDE this anymore, Explosive report exposes shocking CHILD DEATHS from covid vaccine

from Redacted News:


Global Arrogance of Power by the USA and its “Obeying Minions”

by Seth Ferris, New Eastern Outlook:

We must think of the nice German expression “Vorauseilender Gehorsam,” – anticipatory obedience to understand much of what is going on nowadays.

Meanwhile, the Titan submersible has taken over the media, a GREAT distraction, and most timely, considering the ongoing perils of Biden and his son, plea deals, the “proxy war” in the Ukraine, lame claims that Putin is prepared to use nukes, the truth of Russian gate, and prospects for the global and dismal domestic economy, etc.

Mel K & Tom Luongo | Decoding Planet Chaos One Psyop at a Time

from The Mel K Show:


Keeping Copper in Focus

by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

We’ve written about copper several times already in 2023, and it’s time to do so again today as any breakout in price later this year is likely to have significant implications for the precious metals, particularly silver.

Let’s start with a recap. Here’s a link to our most recent post that was written in late March. The links to the other copper-focused posts are embedded within:

Video: Biden Department of Education ‘Pride’ Seminar Advocates Puberty Blockers For Kids

by Steve Watson, Summit News:

Features children talking about teachers hiding their ‘transitions’ from parents and reporting students who ‘misgender’ them

The Biden Department of Education held a ‘Pride’ seminar last week where it presented, among other things, an eighth grader advocating puberty blockers for children.

LGBT Pedophiles Are Coming For Your Children: California Proposes Child Kidnapping Law

from Stew Peters Network:


3 Videos Explain Pathway for Silver to Soar from $23 to $45 an ounce by 2024

by Jon Forrest Little, Silver Seek:

  1. Global mining supply is at the largest downtrend in World History. A few days ago, Mexico, the World’s largest producer with hundreds of mining districts, BANNED OPEN PIT MINING. Open pit mining is how you mine Silver, so Mexico banned it altogether by banning open pit mining.
  2. World Demand is at all-time highs. The push to NetZero emissions by 2030, 2040, and 2050 (milestones) has emerging renewable energy sources, including solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles. This total electrification uses enormous amounts of Silver.

Reporter Reveals He Tried to Call Secret Phone Number in Hunter Biden Docs and Joe Picked Up!

by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

Investigative reporter John Solomon actually did something few journalists would have the chutzpah to try: Call a ‘secret’ phone number in the Hunter Biden documents.

And as fate would have it, Joe Biden picked up! That’s according to the veteran journalist.

Solomon said Joe Biden answered the phone, but then promptly hung up.