You’ve Been Lied To, But It’s Legal


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

Even during World War II, leaders knew the importance of information to winning hearts and minds. The role of information was fundamental to wartime success, and very different than the traditional means like military, diplomacy and economic measures like sanctions.

Leaders knew the US would need a peacetime information service after the end of the war. At the time, most people understood that information suppression indeed contributed to the outbreak of wars. Even in World War I, the US media complained about nationalist news agencies like Reuters out of Great Britain controlling news content and deciding what would be disseminated across borders. This got even worse during WWII.


A bill was originally introduced in 1945. It called for the “complete absence of censorship” and removal of discrimination in communications to contribute to the knowledge of all peoples. The bill writers also wanted to nullify the effect of false propaganda to remove misunderstandings among nations as to prevent future wars. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman at the time went so far as to recommend that a “freedom to listen” be added to FDR’s Four Freedoms: freedome of speech, freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom to worship.

After two years of Congressional shenanigans, executive orders and various political moves, the Smith-Mundt Act was finally signed by President Truman. The big motivation? Truman viewed the bill as a necessary way to counteract the growing Communist propaganda that was rewriting history.

One of the main provisions of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 mandates that the media report honestly, especially to the American people and it also  prohibited the government from creating domestic propaganda of any kind. (In the original law, leaders left in a provision to be able to use propaganda in foreign audiences, as deemed necessary during wartime).

At its heart, the Smith-Mundt Act empowered America to combat intentional disinformation and misinformation. Ironically, our country is now a victim to these things. How did we get here?

We can thank Obama for this. He created the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which allowed the media to basically create rather than report the news. He made it legal for them to create the narrative and biased fake news. Basically, the new law institutionalized America’s communications and therefore its cultural programming. Congress was complicit because they passed it with very little resistance. It became public law on January 2, 2013. Since then, we’ve had a decade of propaganda used against us.

My information is sourced from the Library of Congress. The new law gave the Secretary of State the ability to prepare and disseminate information intended for foreign audiences to be made available in the US. The law authorizes the use of propaganda domestically, as long as at least one non-US-citizen will receive the given communication. With our open southern border, that’s not hard to accomplish. It is amazing how incredibly sneaky and deceptive this move is.

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