Monday, May 13, 2024

2023 WEATHER WARFARE: Will Florida be under a withering superstorm attack by the NWO geoengineers—AGAIN?!

from State Of The Nation:

An Open Letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis

Dear Governor DeSantis:

Last year the state of Florida was the victim of the only two major hurricanes to hit the United States mainland.  As you well know, the extraordinarily devastating superstorm Ian hit before the election and Hurricane Nicole made landfall on the Atlantic coast two days after your victory.  Both, as you have been informed with hard evidence, were geoengineered BY PURPOSEFUL DESIGN.

NEW – Space Force commander: “I’m here to testify about the ongoing Marxist-inspired efforts to subvert and weaken our military and broader American society.”

Do NOT Comply: How to Keep Yourself Safe from the Next COVID Scare

from The Vigilant Fox:


Bank’s attack on renowned vaccine skeptic includes closing accounts

from WND:

Refuses to explain abrupt cancellation of business, personal services

An old-line banking corporation has launched an attack on vaccine skeptic Dr. Joseph Mercola by closing his business account, according to a report from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The publication said it obtained copies of documents showing the accounts closed by JPMorgan Chase include those for Mercola’s business, Mercola Market, officers of his company and an officer’s wife.

French President Emmanuel Macron Calls For ‘Finance Shock’ As He Opened The Summit For A New Global Financial Pact Meeting In Paris

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

French President Emmanuel Macron has opened the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact in Paris with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that seeks to find financial solutions to Climate Change

The fomenting of the hysteria surrounding Climate Change is the pandemic that is never going away, and there’s a reason for that. No, man-made activities are not causing the climate to change to any great degree, but the amount of power and money being generate by the climate gatekeepers is truly a change agent. Climate Change is a religion now, the world’s leaders its high priests, and you and I are the sacrifice that they are offering to their god. So who is the keynote speaker at the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact? None other than our little end times buddy, the 5-named Emmanuel Jean Michel Frederic Macron. Did you honestly think it would be anyone else?

Congressmen Are “Terrified Of The Intel Agencies”; Tucker Carlson Warns They’ll Frame Them With “Kiddie Porn”

from ZeroHedge:

Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down for a wide-ranging three-hours-plus discussion last week, touching on everything from UFOs, spirituality, and religion; from artificial intelligence costs and benefits to questioning ‘science’ consensus; and from government secrecy and lying to the threat to democracy driven by our domestic intelligence agencies.

They begin by discussing a recently leaked government project named “Project Aqua” which involves advanced aerospace vehicles and their interaction with humans, leading to medical injuries and even deaths.

New Study Links Pfizer RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women to Preterm Births

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The first post-authorization safety analysis of Pfizer’s Abrysvo RSV vaccine found the average time between vaccination and preterm birth was three days. Two-thirds of reported cases occurred within a week.

A new preprint study shows a statistically significant safety signal for preterm birth associated with Pfizer’s respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, Abrysvo.

The first post-authorization safety analysis of Pfizer’s RSV vaccine — RSV prefusion F protein (RSVPreF) — found the average time between vaccination and preterm birth was three days.

Two-thirds of reported cases occurred within a week.

New York’s Proposed Minor Consent Law ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Misleading,’ Critics Say

by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

New York state lawmakers are weighing legislation that would allow any child or teen under 18 to seek out and consent to medical treatment — including vaccines, dental procedures, hospitalization and even surgery — without parental consent.

New York state lawmakers are weighing legislation that would allow any child or teen under 18 to seek out and consent to medical treatment — including vaccines, dental procedures, hospitalization and even surgery — without parental consent, as long as the minor appears to have the mental capacity for making that decision.

Media Censorship Organisation NewsGuard Has Ties to Big Pharma Fund


by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

In a new report, the Washington Times details NewsGuard’s close funding ties with Big Pharma as the media monitoring organisation has sought to close down criticism of vaccines and Covid policies. Newsmax has more.

“I think it’s a really sinister organisation, and it’s the enemy of good journalism everywhere,” the Daily Sceptic Editor-in-Chief Toby Young told the Washington Times.


from SGT Report:

Claudio Grass joins me to discuss hard facts about the corruption of our money which has led to the corruption of society and the world at the hands of evil central banking families that now own the majority of ALL of the assets.
Visit Claudio here:

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EXCLUSIVE: Col. Douglas Macgregor Warns Attack On Iran Would Cause WWIII And Mass Migration

from The Alex Jones Show:


‘Under the United States’..

by Ted Noel, American Thinker:

Left-leaning legal scholars have been climbing over each other to identify the Ring of Power that will allow them to prevent Donald Trump from being elected in 2024. Their latest pennant-waving exercise comes from the Colorado Supreme Court. Four justices who graduated from Poison Ivy League law schools (Harvard, Yale, Penn, and Virginia) declared, over the objections of three justices who graduated from the University of Colorado, Denver law school, that: