Monday, June 17, 2024

The War On Your Food Supply



The UN Cybercrime Draft Convention is a Blank Check for Unchecked Surveillance Abuses

by Katitza Rodriguez, Activist Post:

This is the first post in a series highlighting the problems and flaws in the proposed UN Cybercrime Convention. Check out our detailed analysis on the criminalization of security research activities under the proposed convention.

The United Nations Ad Hoc Committee is just weeks away from finalizing a too-broad Cybercrime Draft Convention. This draft would normalize unchecked domestic surveillance and rampant government overreach, allowing serious human rights abuses around the world.

The latest draft of the convention—originally spearheaded by Russia but since then the subject of two and a half years of negotiations—still authorizes broad surveillance powers without robust safeguards and fails to spell out data protection principles essential to prevent government abuse of power.

West has declared ‘war without rules’ on Russia – Medvedev

from RT:

There should be virtually no limits on how Moscow retaliates for the “maximum damage,” the former president has argued

Moscow should use every opportunity to inflict “maximum damage” on Western nations that have declared a “war without rules” on Russia, former president Dmitry Medvedev has argued.

Every weakness of the US and its allies should be exploited to undermine them and obstruct life for their citizens, the Russian official said on Thursday, reacting to the latest round of sanctions announced by Washington earlier this week.

GoldSeek Radio Nugget – David Morgan: Silver to Hit $50 Soon

from GoldSeek Radio:



by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Tomorrow we are headed to Wildwood for our annual vacation. The start of summer wouldn’t be complete without a reposting of this TBP classic from 2011.

UPDATE 2020:  Fat Moe’s days at the shore are over. He left for the big litter box in the sky. The Section 8 couple, skinny Mike and Fat Foul Mouthed Joyce broke up when Mike was sent to State Prison for selling heroin in a school zone. She immediately shacked up with a huge black dude who ended up taking her away to Florida.

IMF Digital Currency to Replace the Dollar

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Years ago, when I wrote that Bitcoin was created by the NSA, some Bitcoiners attacked me and insisted that Satoshi Nakamoto was the creator of Bitcoin.  Yet someone who created such a product never stepped forward and would have been a billionaire on royalties. But this fictional character was not much different than Lee Harvey Oswald, who the CIA has insisted killed JFK with his magic bullet. At least with Oswald, there was a real man who they cleverly ensured he would be killed to deny any trial. Then, the CIA refused to release files to cover up the entire affair.

Flooding, Microwaving, Chemtrailing, Lethally Injecting the West for the Great Reset… And More!

from DollarVigilante:


Pomegranate and Cancer: Recent Research on Punica Granatum (Pomegranate) and Ellagic Acid

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

Papers reviewed: 

  • 2021 Aug (Wong et al) – Pomegranate bioactive constituents target multiple oncogenic and oncosuppressive signaling for cancer prevention and intervention
  • 2022 Feb (Cheshomi) – The effects of ellagic acid and other pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) derivatives on human gastric cancer AGS cells
  • 2023 Jan (Teniente et al) – Anticancer Effect of Pomegranate Peel Polyphenols against Cervical Cancer
  • 2023 Apr (Habchi et al) – Determination of the Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Properties of Pomegranate Peel Extract Obtained by Ultrasound on HCT-116 Colorectal Cancer Cell Line
  • 2023 July (Rahman et al) – Pomegranate-specific natural compounds as onco-preventive and onco-therapeutic compounds: Comparison with conventional drugs acting on the same molecular mechanisms

George Clooney Working With Police To Shut Down Alternative Media

from The People’s Voice:


Judge orders Alex Jones to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families

from WND:

‘This is probably the end’

A federal judge overseeing the fight Sandy Hook school shooting victims’ families brought against Infowars founder Alex Jones, over his claims it was faked by the government, has issued a ruling on the liquidation of his personal assets.

The Post Millennial reveals Christopher Lopez, a bankruptcy judge, said those assets will be liquidated to pay down on a massive civil judgment that two juries returned against Jones.

WEAPONS FOR NAZIS: Ukrainian neo-Nazis in Azov Brigade can now use U.S.-supplied weapons to wage war

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The Biden regime has made a serious policy change with regard to Ukraine’s infamous Azov Brigade, which U.S. taxpayers will now be paying to arm with weapons despite the group members’ ultranationalist and neo-Nazi views.

Previously, the sending of arms to the Azov Brigade was off limits because of the group’s hateful ideologies, but the State Department under President Biden has decided that U.S. taxpayers should fund the arming of these rebels.

Jerome Corsi: CSI meets the JFK Assassination

from The New American:


Eastern Hemisphere Demand Is Driving The Gold Price

by Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:

A good friend of mine mentioned that CNBC’s website featured a positive article on gold on its front headlines page on May 27th. He was wondering if he should be worried when one of Wall Street’s public relations outlets turns bullish on the precious metals. It’s a valid question. However, one of the “experts” cited in the article was a strategist from Australia’s ANZ Bank, who attributed the price rise in the metals to “weakness in the U.S. dollar” and “retreating U.S. Treasury yields.”

This was curious because that assertion is easily fact-checked. As it turns out, yes the dollar index is 1.8% below where it was trading at the beginning of May, but it’s 4% above where it was at the beginning of 2024. Furthermore, the 10-year Treasury yield is considerably higher now than at the beginning of 2024 (4.55% now vs 3.87% then). In fact, the entire yield curve from the 2-year Treasury out to the 30-years Treasury has been trending higher since the beginning of the year.

Lab Grown HUMAN Brains ENSLAVED By A.I. Musk’s Neuralink Chip THREATENS Humanity!

from Stew Peters Network:


Stop the Presses: A Major Newspaper Admits Its Bias

by Chris Queen, PJ Media:

We both joke about and lament the bias in the traditional mainstream press. Left-wing bias in the media is at least as old as the old “muckraker” days when crusading journalists sought to expose the problems in our nation. Those writers almost always approached society’s ills from a socialist worldview.

A few years ago, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran an ad campaign highlighting how “balanced” the paper was. It wasn’t. Ever since the two papers merged into one hyphenate news outlet, the left-wing voices won out. A television news station here in Atlanta used the slogan “holding the powerful accountable” a couple of years ago. They didn’t hold people like Fani Willis or Keisha Lance-Bottoms accountable; no, these reporters aimed their cameras at the more conservative leaders in the metro area.