Saturday, June 15, 2024

Carbon-credit Scammer Steps Down Amid Claims That Credits Are Worthless

by James Murphy, The New American:

The CEO of one of the world’s foremost certifiers of so-called carbon credits announced that he will step down. David Antonioli, CEO of the climate-action nonprofit known as Verra announced that he will be leaving his position at the organization in June, although he plans to stay on in a reduced, senior-advisory role.

Antonioli will be replaced by the organization’s current president, Judith Simon. The announcement comes after a recent investigation into the group found that approximately 90 percent of its so-called carbon credits are, essentially, worthless and have no measurable impact on carbon reductions.

BREGER REPORT: Over 120K Page Report on Nationwide Blackmail of Officials – Preston & Hodges


from Sarah Westall:


The Vote Fraud Monster Is Coming for Ted Cruz

by Jay Valentine, American Thinker:

On the Memorial Day weekend, while most Americans played near water, the leftists impeached the strongest elected voice in Texas for election integrity — Ken Paxton.

Impeachments were history book items until Clinton, then two more for Trump and some predicting one for Biden.  Everyone kind of gets it.  It’s a political thing, with preposterous second-raters giving speeches about honesty, integrity, rule of law as they bend the rules to get their way.

Profiting from War and Death: The Organ Harvesting Business in Ukraine

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has issued a plea to deal with the “big business” of organ harvesting and called for close international monitoring of these illegal activities in the combat zone of Ukraine.

MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/. The activity of “organ harvesters” in the combat zone in Ukraine calls for close international monitoring and urgent measures, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

According to her, illegal organ harvesting in Ukraine is an “accepted and proven fact.”

Video Evidence of Maricopa Election Officials Illegally Breaking into Sealed Election Machines

from AlexandraBruce:


Viva la Revolución?

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

In every country where a revolution has taken place (whether it be a “soft” revolution or a violent overthrow), those who are part of the winning team make a point of glorifying the revolution and all the “good” that it has brought. For this reason, the inhabitants of most countries where a revolution has taken place at some point in their history will believe that the revolution was positive. In countries where that revolution was opposed, the people will most likely regard the revolution as negative.

Col. Douglas Macgregor: “Bakhmut Is A Catastrophe [For Ukraine]… F-16s Won’t Make A Difference”

from ZeroHedge:

Russia turned Bakhmut into the graveyard of Ukrainian military power, Col. Douglas MacGregor (ret.) explains ‘what comes next’ in his latest opinion piece at The American Conservative:

Until the fighting begins, national military strategy developed in peacetime shapes thinking about warfare and its objectives. Then the fighting creates a new logic of its own. Strategy is adjusted. Objectives change. The battle for Bakhmut illustrates this point very well. 



from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Lockdowns “Harmed Hundreds of Millions of People for Years to Come” – Major Study

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

The collateral damage of the pandemic response was “substantial, wide-ranging and will leave behind a legacy of harm for hundreds of millions of people”, a major new study has found.

Reviewing and synthesising 600 publications focused on the impact of the pandemic response, Dr. Kevin Bardosh of the Universities of Washington and Edinburgh concluded that these wide and deep societal harms “should challenge the dominant mental model of the pandemic response”.

The abstract provides a succinct summary of the study, which is currently in pre-print:

Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’

by David Ng, Breitbart:

Hollywood star Jane Fonda made the outrageous claim Friday that climate change is being caused exclusively by men, specifically white men, adding that “those men” must be arrested and jailed.

She also blamed the “patriarchy” and “racism” for global warming.

‘Aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here’: Stanford University professor claims there are experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs

by Stephen M. Lepore, Daily Mail:

  • Dr. Garry Nolan has been commissioned by the CIA to work on UFOs before 
  • Nolan told Klokus that possibility was ‘100 percent’ aliens have been here 
  • The immunologist compared it to early native tribes seeing new explorers 

Today’s Housing Market Looks Even Worse than 2008

from Birch Gold Group:

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

Since we’ve been in a constant state of recession watch for a while now, today I’m going to explore the current state of the housing market.

Why housing? Well, here’s what The Economist has to say about it:

The importance of American housing resides not so much in its absolute size, big though it is at about $45 [trillion] in total value. Rather, it serves as a bellwether of the economy’s performance amid rising interest rates. Has the Federal Reserve lifted rates by enough to calm inflation without crushing growth? Has it gone too far? Or, perhaps, not far enough? As one of the earliest and largest sectors to react to changes, the property market offers some answers.

Left-wing extremism tied to antagonistic narcissism and psychotic tendencies, study says

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

New research published in the journal Current Psychology suggests that narcissistic individuals with psychopathic tendencies tend more towards left-wing anti-hierarchical aggression than right-wing hierarchical embrace.

According to the research involved, opposing hierarchical power structures as many liberals do is a sign of mental illness, as these individuals should apparently embrace the hierarchical structure as normal and acceptable. Those who refuse might be narcissists with psychopathic tendencies, the paper claims.