Thursday, May 23, 2024

Russia Would Ruin F-16’s Reputation by Destroying Jets Sent to Kiev

from Sputnik News:

Kiev is hoping to receive several dozen F-16 fighter jets from its NATO ‘partners’ following Washington’s approval of the training of Ukrainian pilots to fly the planes. Moscow has vowed to account for the deployment of F-16s into its military strategy, and warned that such an “escalation scenario” carries “enormous risks” for the West.
The F-16 – America’s workhorse fourth-generation multi-role fighter, would suffer a serious blow to its reputation if the planes are sent to Ukraine and destroyed at their airfields or downed in air-to-air combat by Russian jets.

Former Pfizer VP: “There Never Was A Viral Pandemic”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Mike Yeadon says that the COVID-19 virus does not exist and there never was a pandemic. The ruling classes of the globe all lied to control and manipulated the population.

Dr. Yeadon, who is a former Pfizer executive said health authorities have lied about the public health emergency, as well as the necessity and usefulness of the measures to address the nonexistent COVID-19 hoax.

“They lied to us about absolutely everything,” he said. “They lied to us about the magnitude of the public health emergency which never existed. They lied to us about the necessity of having measures like lockdowns, mass testing, social distancing, and masks and it goes on and on.” Not to mention they lied about and tried to force an mRNA injection on everyone.

‘Death Outlives War’: Analysis Estimates Post-9/11 ​US Conflicts Killed Over 4.5 Million

by Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams:

“The United States government, while not solely responsible for the damage, has a significant obligation to invest in humanitarian assistance and reconstruction in post-9/11 war zones,” said the author of a new report.

The post-9/11 War on Terror may have caused at least 4.5 million deaths in around half a dozen countries, according to a report published Monday by the preeminent academic institution studying the costs, casualties, and consequences of a war in which U.S. bombs and bullets are still killing and wounding people in multiple nations.

The Truth of ‘Woke’

by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

It’s a scam.

But not the sort you think it is.

Rather, it has appeared to be “ok” and even “what people want.”

It isn’t, it never was, it was always a chimera and a lie.

People are jumping on Disney’s revelation that they are not going to move a cadre of “imagineers” (their term for the groups that come up with new idea for their parks and such) to the Orlando area from California.  This, people say, is a reaction to DeSantis’ feud with Disney, and some form of “corporate payback.”

How Covid Tyranny Destroys Society

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

The dark powers that control the world have used the fake Covid “pandemic” to isolate people from one another and destroy social bonds. This isolation isn’t accidental but is the aim of these powers, in order to weaken resistance to their efforts to cement their dominance. All this is in addition to the death and destruction caused by the fake “vaccines.”

Brandon Smith gives a good analysis of the effects of Covid lockdowns: “Today’s calls for overreaching government power in the name of ‘beating coronavirus’ [is] no different. In the wake of widespread fear, people suffer from fits of temporary madness that allows them rationalize moral relativism and unnecessary sacrifices.

Supreme Court: IRS Can Obtain Bank Records Of 3rd Parties Not Under Investigation

from Activist Post:

In a unanimous decision, the US Supreme Court ruled last week that it’s legal for the IRS to secretly obtain the bank records of third parties who are not under investigation, when seeking a summons for banking records believed to be relevant to the tax delinquency of another person.

The new ruling gives the IRS “startlingly broad authority to pry into the financial records of people who may be only remotely connected to a delinquent taxpayer,” according to one lawyer briefed on the decision, the Epoch Times reports.

US and Israeli envoys clash over Soros

from Azerbaycan 24:

Washington thinks criticizing the financier is anti-Semitic, while the Israeli government thinks supporting him is anti-Semitic George Soros addresses the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos,

The US and Israeli anti-Semitism envoys have taken opposing positions on whether supporters or critics of Jewish financier George Soros is anti-Semitic. The argument kicked off when Twitter CEO Elon Musk compared Soros to a cartoon supervillain.

Nicholson1968 – Globalist Plan For Mark of the Beast EXPOSED!

from mariazeee:


Not a joke: NYC Mayor Eric Adams wants to install “resource kiosks” to stop thieves from looting retail stores


by Harambe, Not The Bee:

Like many major Democratic-run metropolitan centers, New York City is currently suffering from a crippling wave of retail theft. Major employers are pulling out, entire aisles are being put under lock and key, store owners are just desperate to stop the costly stealing.

The city government, meanwhile, this week launched “a comprehensive plan to combat retail theft” throughout the boroughs, and man, they’re really pulling out all the stops:

WHO to Govern the Health of the World?

by Ramesh Thakur, Brownstone:

Last year the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a deeply troubling position on abortions. In a long and thoughtful article on an issue that is as emotionally fraught as it is intellectually and morally challenging, Dr. David Bell explains how the organization’s abortion care guidance published in March 2022 calls for babies to “be killed up until the moment they emerge from the birth canal, without delay, whenever a pregnant woman requests it.” Thus Recommendation 2(LP) says that abortion should be available on request and 3(LP) advises against “laws and other regulations that prohibit abortion based on gestational age limits” (p. xxv).

Biden’s America: Entitled Leftists Battle Asian Grocers Over Shopping Cart Of Food

from InfoWars:

Rampant wholesale shoplifting and robbery have become commonplace with Biden in the White House.

A sight that has become the norm in Biden’s America: Rampant wholesale shoplifting and robbery have become commonplace.

We also see two entitled scummy leftists battling Asian grocery store workers over a shopping cart filled with processed GMO poison.

This Is Going To Drive Liberals OUT OF THEIR MINDS!


from Mr Reagan: