Saturday, June 15, 2024

Race Discrimination Against White People Has Been Institutionalized Precisely as I Predicted in my Book, The New Color Line, decades ago


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

In the United States of America white people are now officially second class citizens as this 16 minute video by an Asian man makes completely clear: 

There is much in the video to disturb us, but notice especially that most of the colored and white young people denouncing white people as a race have been thoroughly brainwashed by their university education that blacks are entitled to hate white people because blacks were enslaved by whites.  That is not the case, and the university professors who indoctrinate the students know it.  Blacks were enslaved by blacks. 

WarRoom Battleground EP 314: War Against The Administrative State And Their War On You

from Bannons War Room:


Westfield stops making mortgage payments on massive mall in San Francisco as city collapses into shambles

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Citing skyrocketing crime incidents and tanking sales, Westfield has stopped making mortgage payments on a mall facility in downtown San Francisco, which is seeing an exodus of retailers and other businesses amid its ongoing collapse.

Westfield reportedly defaulted on its $558 million loan, which it is handing back to the lender, which will appoint a receiver. For the time being, the mall will remain open despite “unsafe conditions” and a “lack of enforcement against rampant criminal activity,” especially following the soon departure of Nordstrom, the mall’s anchor tenant.

Follow The Money! (Ep. 2033)


from The Dan Bongino Show:


BIS Gold Swaps Rose 39% In May Amid U.S. Debt Turmoil

by Robert Lambourne, Gold Seek:

Gold swaps by the Bank for International Settlements rose markedly in May, according to the bank’s monthly account statement, published this week:

The bank’s gold swaps are estimated to be 188 tonnes as of May 31, a 39% increase over the 135 tonnes reported as of April 30. As shown in Table B below, recent months have brought much volatility in the level of swaps.

Evidence of the significant trading carried out via BIS gold swaps is provided by the changes in the monthly volumes of swaps since October 2022. At that time there were an estimated 7 tonnes of swaps outstanding, but this increased to 105 tonnes at November 30 and then fell back to none at December 31.

Proof Canada Fires INTENTIONAL by Gov’t Arsonists! Plus mRNA & Baby Deformities Bombshell!

from Stew Peters Network:


Trump Surrounded, War Closer, Dollar Trouble

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Donald Trump has been charged with 37 felony counts in the infamous “Classified Documents Case” brought by the Biden Department of Justice.  Trump appears to be surrounded by evil.  It is more of “get Trump at any cost” because the Democrats, let alone Joe Biden, cannot beat Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election.  As I have said many times before, the real Biden approval rating is just 9%, not the 40% you hear of from the Lying Legacy Media (LLM).  A 9% approval number might make it impossible to cheat Biden in.  So, it looks like the Democrats are going to get the GOP front-runner, Donald Trump, any way they can.  Trump is ahead of the field by a very wide margin.  By the way, the LLM made sure you did not hear from Donald Trump after this historic indictment because they cut him off.  The LLM is non-news that lies by omission.

Newly Unsealed Court Docs Show Georgia Knew About ‘Vulnerable’ Dominion Software, Refused to Update It Until After 2024 Election


by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

It’s election season. Incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden has not secured re-election. So, that means one thing: It’s “safe” for Americans to discuss voting machine vulnerabilities again.

Such is the case with a new CNN report that reveals the breathtaking development that Georgia will not be updating its Dominion software before the 2024 election.

Newly unsealed court documents reveal that Georgia election officials have been aware of vulnerabilities in the state’s voting software for over two years but have decided not to update the system until after the 2024 election. The vulnerabilities pertain to certain Dominion Voting machines, and their existence has been confirmed by federal cybersecurity officials who have advised election officials nationwide to update their systems.

Biometric ID Company Boasts About Joining The World Economic Forum


by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

Fingerprint Cards, the Swedish biometrics company, has taken a big step into the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) New Champions Community, an assembly of mid-sized enterprises. We know that the WEF is keen to promote biometric forms of digital ID and, flaunting the distinction of being the inaugural biometric firm in the Community, Fingerprint Cards’ underlying goal is to be the guiding light in biometric technology, and a steward of “social inclusion.”

One Statistic That Shatters the Worldview of Any Leftist in Denial of Media Bias

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

This may be shocking to some of my readers, but I actually wrote for a bit for a leftist publication. I was the token conservative, quickly replaced with a David French-like milquetoast RINO after my views were deemed too “extreme.”

One article in particular, which has since been purged from the site, explained the leftist bias in corporate media. The article itself wasn’t anything special, but the responses were definitely “special.” As ludicrous as it may sound to our audience, many leftists actually believe corporate media leans RIGHT, that outlets such as Politico and NY Times gave TOO MUCH credit to Republicans.

IMPORTANT: Criminal Charges vs. Swiss President Alain Berset

from neutralswiss:


NEW – China’s Xi tells Bill Gates: “You are the first American friend I’ve met in Beijing this year.”

House Oversight Chairman Says There Is Evidence Of $20-$30 MILLION Of Illegal Payments To Bidens


by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

“I can assure you: there is more money that we’re going to be able to identify”

House Oversight Chairman James Comer revealed Thursday that he expects there is evidence of at least $20-$30 million being made in illegal payments by foreign nationals to the Biden family.

Appearing on Fox Business, Comer stated “We have more bank records coming in but we’re gonna exceed $10 million this week but I think we’ll get up to $20-$30 million.”

“Biden Bucks” and the War on Crypto

by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

I’ve written a lot about central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) including the U.S. dollar version that I call “Biden Bucks.” The threat from CBDCs is enormous.

They are digital (but not true cryptocurrencies), which means they are programmable. The Treasury and Fed can use the CBDC ledger to track your purchases, look at your political contributions, look at your religious affiliations and basically profile you as an enemy of the state or “ultra MAGA.”

Carbon Farming: ‘Great’ for Agrochemical Giants and Investors Like Bill Gates, But ‘Bad for Everyone Else’?


by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Proponents of carbon farming tout a host of benefits, including meeting climate goals — but critics warn it’s just another greenwashing tactic that benefits Big Business and hurts small farmers.

President Joe Biden has referred to soil as “the next frontier for storing carbon,” and some lawmakers and business leaders have described carbon as a new “commodity crop.”