Friday, May 3, 2024

A Wuhan in Your Backyard? More Than 200 Dangerous Biolabs Right Here in the U.S.

by Wellness Company, Breitbart:

Think that the next Wuhan could never happen here in the U.S.? Think again.

A shocking discovery was made recently in California, where an illegal Chinese-owned biolab was discovered.

Jesalyn Harper, a code enforcement officer, stumbled upon the potentially deadly lab in Reedley, California, as The Economist reported:


from State Of The Nation:

First, there is this video report:
WATCH! Iran struck ‘important’ Israeli
military targets – IRGC (VIDEOS)

Now here’s another video documentary of Iran’s missile bombardment if Israel:
Iran Strikes Israeli Airbase Housing F-35 Fighter Aircraft
With 7 Hypersonic Missiles

However, at the end of the day, Iran had one primary mission.  That was to show the entire world community of nations that Israel’s much vaunted “Iron Dome” is a total fraud, as is everything that comes out of Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem.

The World Economic Forum’s Marie Antoinettes

by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

During a grief counseling session for professional censors and propagandists, The Wall Street Journal’s editor-in-chief complained to the World Economic Forum’s aspiring tyrants: “If you go back really not that long ago … we owned the news.  We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts, as well.  If it was said in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, then that was a fact.”  To the great consternation of those who believe it is their noble prerogative to manipulate the public by controlling the narrative, ordinary people are now “much more questioning” about what is reported as truth.  The public’s rising discernment troubles the “ruling class.”  Perhaps that is why government schools refrain from sharpening students’ critical thinking skills these days.  Authoritarianism thrives amid hive-mind ignorance.

WarRoom Battleground EP 429: ‘Trust The Science’ The Mantra Of The World Elite

from Bannons War Room:


2024’s Deficit Is Already on Track to Be the Worst Since Covid

by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute:

Weakness in the US economy continues to hide behind surging debt levels and government spending. As noted last month by Daniel LaCalle,

[A] large part of the growth in GDP came from bloated government spending financed with more debt and inventory revaluation, adding 0.8 and 1.4 percentage points to GDP growth. …

The increase in gross domestic product between the third quarter of 2022 and the same period of 2023 was a mere $414.3 billion, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, while the increase in public debt was $1.3 trillion ($32.3 to $33.6 trillion, according to the Treasury).

The United States is now in the worst year of growth, excluding public debt accumulation since the thirties.

Bill Gates Funding Ebola Vaccine Trial In United States That Sheds Live Virus 30% Of The Time

from The Alex Jones Show:


As China Stocks Crash, Beijing Proposes Multi-Trillion Market Rescue Package

from ZeroHedge:

Earlier today, we lamented the latest implosion in Chinese markets, which we discussed in “China Stocks Crash Through ‘Snowball Derivatives’ Trigger Levels Overnight“, in which we pointed out the unprecedented failure of the centrally-planned market to halt its collapse be it through short selling bans, or even the latest impotent intervention by the “National Team”, China’s Plunge Protection Team, which today failed to spark even a modest rebound in the relentless selling which had triggered key liquidation levels.

Did the Covid Psyop Fail?

by Todd Hayen, Off Guardian:

As you all know, I have not been one to believe that the tides are turning. But lots of people think they are. They cite many victories, in court, in the streets, with family and friends.

The fact that the agenda has not sent out a second wave of horror and fear propaganda is also rather telling to these folks. Where is the next pandemic? What happened to Covid’s diabolic never-ending run of mutations, what happened to Monkey Pox? What happened to Disease X?

The Cold Civil War Is Getting Warmer (Ep. 2173) – 01/25/2024

from The Dan Bongino Show:


Harvard Professor Says “All Hell Broke Loose” When His Study Revealed No Racial Bias In Police Shootings

from ZeroHedge:

Bari Weiss of The Free Press sat down with Harvard Economics Professor Roland Fryer at the University of Austin last week to discuss what it means to pursue the truth.

Fryer, a highly respected economist, told Weiss about the intense blowback that was dealt to him after he published a study in 2016 showing there were “no racial differences in officer involved-shootings.” 

After the study was published, in a matter of days, the professor said, “All hell broke loose,” and people were “losing their minds when they didn’t like the result.” 

How Israel Uses an AI Genocide Program to Obliterate Gaza

by Jonathan Cook, Global Research:

According to whistleblowers, Israel’s AI system is generating targets so fast, based on inputs so broad, that everyone in Gaza is in the crosshairs

It should already have been evident from the scale of death and destruction inflicted on Gaza over the past eight weeks that Israel was implementing a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians in the besieged enclave.

Now Israeli whistleblowers have provided details of how these crimes against humanity are being carried out – and how they are being rationalised internally within Israel’s military and political echelons.

An extraordinary series of testimonies jointly published by the Israel-based publications 972 and Local Call last week established that the huge death toll of Palestinian civilians is, in fact, integral to Israel’s war aims, not an unfortunate side effect.

What Powerful Force Is Preventing the United States from Defending its Borders?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Israel can evict Palestinians from the the Palestinians’ villages in  Palestine.  Tiny Latvia can deport Russian ethnics born in Latvia for not learning to speak Latvian, but mighty America cannot prevent millions of immigrant-invaders from illegally entering the US each year and remaining.  

How can this be?  Clearly the US government is in a conspiracy with the NGOs that are recruiting and funding the invasion in order to replace the white American population. 

Why is the US government cooperating with anti-American NGOs to steal America from Americans?

Why do Americans sit on their butts and permit their country to be stolen?

Victim Claims Epstein Told Her Bill Clinton ‘Likes Them Young’

by Paul Bois, Breitbart:

A victim of Jeffrey Epstein’s claimed that the convicted pedophile told her that former President Bill Clinton “likes them young.”

Released on Wednesday night, the document from May 2016 quotes Johanna Sjoberg when she testified about being recruited by Epstein to work as a massage therapist.

“Sjoberg told the lawyers in 2016 that Epstein told her ‘Clinton likes them young, referring to girls,’” noted the Daily Mail.

SARS-CoV-2 ‘Never Existed in the Natural World’ — and FBI Knew of Possible Lab Leak in March 2020

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know showing U.S. scientists were planning to work with scientists from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology to develop novel coronaviruses may “explain why no one has been able to find the SARS2 virus (aka SARS-CoV-2) infesting a colony of bats,” according to Nicholas Wade, former science editor for The New York Times.

Democrats Are Right to Be Scared of Trump’s Vengeance


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

I don’t understand why the supporters of the party of Hamas and failure are giving Donald Trump an in-kind campaign contribution in the form of their girlish, fussy cries of “He’s an authoritarian!” but okay. That the Trump 2.0 administration would ruthlessly use all the powers at its disposal should Trump win in 2024 to punish his enemies is about the best argument there is for giving him the Grover Cleveland nod.