Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sound of Freedom: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

The mainstream media (MSM) is freaking out over the movie Sound of Freedom. It’s popular. It’s a box office hit. People are seeing it and people are talking about it. Yikes! They really don’t know what to do, so they’ve resorted to lowbrow attempts to decry anyone who dares see the film as an old, cranky Q Anon conspiracy theorist.

I’m sorry, I am having a tad bit of trouble following how the MSM is linking this movie to Q Anons. So is Tim Ballard for that matter. I definitely know that child trafficking is not a conspiracy theory. These feeble attempts to keep people from the theaters will propel more of us deplorables to go see the movie. To use a familiar Q Anon phrase: nothing can stop what is coming.


from Jordan Sather:


Prospect of an Unlikely Trump-RFK Ticket Remains a Hot Topic


from The Epoch Times:

As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. draws unusual bipartisan support in the race for the White House, there is a swell of sentiment that he should be former President Donald Trump’s running mate.

“They would be an unstoppable duo,” Carla Gericke, both a Republican and Libertarian out of New Hampshire, told The Epoch Times, “I think it’s literally the ticket to reunite this fractured country of ours.”

Thou shalt not (censor)

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

More on the genius of Judge Terry Doughty’s decision yesterday in the Missouri v Biden social media censorship case

Imagine if we learned Biden Administration officials had secretly jawboned the New York Times on trans issues. Or told baseball teams they should fly pride flags – or face antitrust hearings. Or complained to the History Channel over a documentary depicting the discovery of crude oil positively.

Filmmaker Mikki Willis talks with Mike Adams about THE GREAT AWAKENING and the truth revolution sweeping across America

from Health Ranger Report:



from Mark Dice:


Dream Big! You Are The Key To Defeating The Syndicate!



Why We Must Come Together


by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

One of the greatest influences on both my personal philosophy and the strategy of how to promote it was Leonard Read, the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Read founded FEE in 1946, just as WWII was ending and the US government was about to embark upon a cold war with the Soviet Union. Read must have foreseen the expansion of government that was coming – both at home and overseas – and he started FEE to spread the message of non-interventionism and freedom. You could say that FEE was the first modern libertarian organization.

EXCLUSIVE: Tim Ballard, hero portrayed in ‘Sound of Freedom,’ sits down with LifeSite

by Doug Mainwaring, LifeSite News:

LifeSiteNews sat down with Tim Ballard at the Washington, D.C. premiere of “Sound of Freedom,” at the Museum of the Bible.

Ballard, played by Passion of the Christ star Jim Caviezel, quit his job a decade ago in order to rescue thousands of innocent children trapped in the horrific underworld of child sex trafficking, described by Ballard as “the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.”

BREAKING: Sound of Freedom ticket sales SMASH expectations while Disney Indiana Jones falls flat

from The Post Millenial:

Presales for Angel Studios’ Sound of Freedom have skyrocketed to $10 million ahead of the film’s July 4th opening across 2,600 locations.

According to Deadline, the studio is “spotting a 6-day $20M start which is extremely impressive for a non-major studio adult thriller,” and over one million tickets have been bought for the based-on-a-true-story film following a former Homeland Security agent, played by Jim Caviezel, who rescues abducted children around the world.

The Long View of a Brewing Conservative Backlash


by James Wesley Rawles, Survival Blog:

America has been on the path of self-destruction for four generations. Since the end of the Second World War, feminized socialists have gradually gained sociopolitical control of the United States.  The left-wing radicals of the 1960s and 1970s are now in their senior years and they hold the reins of power in our society.  Those hippies who said:  “Never trust anyone over 30” and who complained about “The Man”, now are The Man. They control academia, the mass media, both major political parties, urban law enforcement, labor unions, most Fortune 1,000 corporate Boards of Directors, and some mainline church hierarchies.

Trump’s Greatest Triumph: A Court That Follows the Constitution


by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:

The Supreme Court handed down three major decisions this week, limiting an executive order that fabricated presidential authorization to forgive billions of dollars in school loans; denying governmental authority to compel people to create works that violate their free speech and freedom of religion; and prohibiting schools from considering the race of applicants in admissions in public and private institutions.

NEW – Drastic increase in TOR clients, a network solution for anonymizing comms on the internet, from Germany — Hacker News