Saturday, May 18, 2024

It Is A Bloodbath For The Mainstream Media

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Should any of us be surprised that the news industry is being hit by a massive wave of layoffs?  Survey after survey has shown that the American people have lost faith in the mainstream media, and millions of us have decided to turn to other sources for news and information.  Mainstream news outlets have been bleeding viewers and readers for years, and now many of the biggest names in the news industry are losing staggering amounts of money.  It was only a matter of time before we witnessed large scale layoffs, and now they are here.

Wikipedia’s Definition of a Woman?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Wikipedia has degenerated into nothing but a government propaganda avenue. Here was their definition of a woman with the photograph of the transgender Rachel Levine, Biden’s 17th Assistant Secretary of Health. Apparently, this offended so many that Wikipedia removed this page and replaced it with the following. The mere fact that they used Levin’s photo for the DEFINITION of a woman is just astonishing. A biological woman is no longer a woman. As I have said, in Thailand, the sex change capital of the world, they simply call themselves Ladyboys. They do not demand that they be called a woman, so there is no longer a definition of a woman. The fact that Wikipedia did this shows its hidden agenda and why universities now tell students they cannot use Wikipedia as a source for research papers. DO NOT DONATE ANYTHING TO WIKIPEDIA – They are no longer a valid independent source to be trusted, especially about anything that has a political implication.

Resisting Thought Control – Pt. 3

by Cyclops, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 2.)

Denial is a form of selective information. If you can’t succeed in limiting the information that a brainwashing subject takes in, at the very least you can deny that the information they have received is true. Now many politicians and agencies are denying some of the actions they openly demonstrated during the Covid frenzy. In an October 1, 2023 Substack publication, attorney Bobbie Anne Cox outlines just a few of the reversals that public figures are attempting now that more information has come out about the lack of effectiveness of masks and/or Covid “vaccines.” What came out as forceful, even vitriolic mandates during the frenzy are now being walked back. “Oh, we never actually required people to get the vaccine”–even though people were humiliated, drummed out of jobs, out of the military, out of their professions, out of concerts, restaurants, whatever. Our ability to psychologically accept denial is so potent that this ruse will actually work on many people. They will actually adjust their memory to accommodate these new proclamations.

Author of Report Critical of Transgender ‘Medicine’ told Not to Travel on Public Transport over Security Concerns

by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart:

The author of a major report detailing the dangers transgender healthcare practices pose to children said that she had been told to avoid public transport amid security concerns.

Dr Hillary Cass, the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, told The Times of London that she is facing abuse and threats following the publication of her report on the impact of transgender ‘medicine’ has on children in Britain.

“I’m not going on public transport at the moment, following security advice, which is inconvenient,” Dr Cass said.

WATCH: Male Student Who Identifies as Transgender Injures THREE Girls During Basketball Game — Causing Opposing Team to Forfeit

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

A male student in Massachusetts, who identifies as transgender, injured multiple girls during a basketball game on February 8.

The girls’ team from the Collegiate Charter School of Lowell ended up forfeiting the game against KIPP Academy after the biological male injured three female students.

The team’s coach made the decision to forfeit the game during halftime, according to a report from The Blaze.

Disturbing DEI link to Boeing 747 plane on fire in the skies above Miami…

from Revolver News:

Recently, the aviation industry has been in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. We’ve witnessed countless high-tech security breaches and alarming incidents of pilots falling ill, or worse, dying suddenly in-flight, along with passengers WWE-brawling in the aisles. Add to that the chaos and mob fights in airports, TSA agents groping and stealing, windows and doors blowing off the planes, and now a creepy and perverted “drag queen” trend is emerging in the industry, spearheaded by United Airlines CEO and cross-dresser Scott Kirby.

Yeah, No – We’re Not Ready to Forgive Bud Light

by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

Remember how we were boycotting Bud Light for trying to impose the cultural values of your standard Chardonnay-swilling divorced shut-in cat lady upon America? As you recall, Bud Light decided that it would celebrate some ugly dude who pretends to be an even uglier woman as some sort of hero, and then compounded it by having its wine woman – it’s always liberal wine women – executive explain that its consumers are a bunch of knuckle-dragging savages who are too stupid to understand the nuances of today’s society, which apparently means pretending dudes are chicks. It was obnoxious and gratuitously insulting to its audience and just caught fire. We are fed up with having giant faceless corporations trying to impose their garbage values on us, and Bud Light happened to step into the kill zone. And it got crushed.

Media Lies To Protect A Treasonous Joe Biden Ahead Of The 2024 Presidential Election – Claim Trump Would Be A Dictator, Ignoring All The Dictatorial Actions Of The Biden Regime Over The Last Three Years

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

2023 was not a banner year. In fact, the three years since Biden took office have all brought America to its lowest points in a number of areas, news lows for each year Joe Biden has occupied the White House.

Of course the media has been singing Biden’s praises, carrying the regime’s water, and doing their part to interfere in the 2024 presidential election, just as they did with the 2020 presidential election when they insisted before the election that the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” was “Russian disinformation” before admitting it was real after the election was over.

Postgenderism: Pathway To The Transhumanist Technocracy

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Despite promoting itself as a strictly sociopolitical philosophy asserting equality of the sexes, in this article we briefly elaborate the ways in which the postgender philosophy is actually tied to the globalist ideology of transhumanism rooted eugenics and techno tyranny.

On January 29th it was reported that Elon Musk’s biotech startup Neuralink had been successful in implanting the first brain chip inside of a human being. With Must stating on X (formerly Twitter) “Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,”

Democrats Love Racists Because They Are Racists

by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

Ever been to a club where the bouncer checking IDs at the door is also working a clicker to keep a headcount so the place doesn’t violate the fire code capacity (by too much). Each person in is a click, each person out is a click. It makes sense and avoids any serious issues. Democrats are like that bouncer, only their clicker has an endless supply of buttons with each one representing some random configuration of human beings – skin color, gender, sexual orientation, pronouns, whatever weird mental health issue they’re pretending is not something for which people are desperate for help, but instead perfectly normal as it further rips that person apart. You know, the stuff progressives do – divide to conquer.

New California Law Requires Stores to Carry “Gender-Neutral” Toys

by Jonathan Turley, Jonathan Turley:

There are a number of new laws that will kick in in 2024, but one of the most interesting fights are likely to over the new California law requiring stores with more than 500 employees to carry “gender-neutral” toys over face state fines. The law, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2021, is likely to trigger free speech challenges.

The law covers childcare items, which is defined as “any product designed or intended by the manufacturer to facilitate sleep, relaxation, or the feeding of children, or to help children with sucking or teething.”

Woman Who Complained About Biological Men In Ladies Room At Planet Fitness In Alaska Has Her Membership Revoked As Company Sees Stock Drop

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

A woman who was banned from a Planet Fitness gym after photographing a transgender customer shaving in the women’s locker room claims the gym has since assigned a staffer to accompany the person in the ladies-only area — and is telling other women to back off.


from The Salty Cracker:


I Wrote What? Google’s AI-Powered Libel Machine

by Matt Taibbi, Global Research:

Last night, after seeing chatter about Google/Alphabet’s much-ballyhooed new AI tool, Gemini, I checked for myself.

Any product rollout disastrous enough to cause a one-day share drop of 4.4% for a firm with a $1.73 trillion market capitalization must be quite a spectacle, I thought. Matt Walsh’s recap was worth it just for the look on his face.

@GovMikeDeWine is a spineless coward that needs to be removed from office.