Friday, May 3, 2024

Seattle Considers Biometric Handprints As a Form of Digital ID For Purchasing Liquor

by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

In what appears to be a major leap toward a surveillance society, the possibility of integrating biometric age verification into the systems of Washington State’s Liquor and Cannabis Board looms ominously, following a recent meeting of regulators. As we grapple with the loss of our privacy in an increasingly digital world, this prospective move triggers a fresh wave of anxieties pertaining to civil liberties, surveillance, and privacy.

BREAKING: Dutch Gov’t Collapses, WEF & CCP Waging War on Europe — Michael Yon Interview

from Man in America:


‘Watch How Bad It Gets’: 50 Cent Says Los Angeles Is ‘Finished’

by Joseph Curl, Daily Wire:

If you think Los Angeles is bad now, just wait.

Sure, drug addicts are shooting up on the streets, aggressive homeless people are everywhere, and violent crime is soaring. But rapper 50 Cent says the worst is yet to come.

Today’s Election Interference Isn’t The First Time The FBI’s Been Out Of Control

by Mark Adams, American Thinker:

We’ve recently learned a great deal about the FBI’s election interference by hiding the truth about Hunter’s laptop, as well as its illegal persecution of Donald Trump. Sadly, this isn’t the first time the FBI’s gotten recklessly out of control.

On February 28, 1993, more than 70 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (“BATF”) agents, with help from three military helicopters, launched an attack on the Branch Davidians, an offshoot sect of Seventh-Day Adventism, operating under David Koresh’s leadership. The attack took place at the Davidians’ sprawling residence called Mount Carmel, in Waco, Texas.

Virology’s Fraudulent Model EXPOSED: Top ‘No Virus’ Activists Join To Falsify Virus Theory

from Tim Truth:


BRICS vs. Davos: The Race to a New World Currency

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

We are truly living in historic times, as the world financial system is being transformed in real time here in 2023.

What is emerging are two competing forces to develop a new world currency.

The predominate world economic system is the one led by the Davos crowd, where the World Economic Forum (WEF) is the main institution that has controlled Western monetary policy, primarily in the U.S. and Europe, and also the rest of the world as they submitted to the Davos crowd, and their military alliance, NATO.


from Health Ranger Report:


Do You Remember The Chaos That “Underwater” Properties Caused In 2008 And 2009? Well, It Is Starting To Happen Again…

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

We never seem to learn.  Over a decade ago, our leaders created the biggest housing bubble of all time, and when it finally burst the entire globe experienced great financial pain.  So did they learn from their mistakes and fix the system?  No, instead they just created an even bigger housing bubble.  Now that housing bubble is beginning to burst, and that is going to have very serious implications for all of us.

One thing that we learned during the Great Recession is that home values really matter.


from Jim Crenshaw:


“Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine produces the toxic Spike protein in Human Body Even after 2 Years”

by Fabio G. C. Carisio, VT Foreign Policy:

The late French virologist Luc Montagnier was the first to denounce, as early as March 2020, that the use of the toxic Spike protein in gene serums based on new and experimental messenger RNA or DNA biotechnologies would have had an unknown and potentially devastating impact on the human body precisely because of the high potency of the antigen which would have entered the nucleus of human cells.

After his death, his friend and colleague Jean-Claude Perez, who together with him had revealed the origin of laboratory SARS-Cov-2 today also confirmed by a dossier from the US Senate Health Commission, published the posthumous research in which demonstrated the connection between that protein and rapid evolution of neurocerebral diseases.


from Brendon O’Connell:


2.3 Billion Digital COVID Certificates Issued

by Robert Carlson, MD, Vax Before Travel:

GENEVA (Vax Before Travel)

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Commission (EC) recently confirmed the launching of a digital health partnership that will help protect people from ongoing and future health threats, including pandemics.

The WHO’s first use case is the convergence of existing digital COVID-19 certificates.

The WHO took up the EU system of digital COVID-19 certification that has already issued about 2.3 billion certificates.

Secret Documents Reveal Pfizer, FDA & Fact Checkers lied About Toxic Graphene Oxide Inside the Covid-19 Vaccines

by Patrick Webb, The Leading Report:

A relatively new substance that is still poorly understood is graphene oxide. But what is certain is that it can be toxic to the body’s cells and tissues, according to studies. Additional research has revealed that graphene oxide is toxic to blood cells, causing oxidative stress and inflammation.

This is why it’s alarming to learn that Graphene Oxide (GO), which is connected to the COVID-19 vaccines created by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, has been in and out of the news for the past two years.

From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated”

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

We have known for quite some time that the slow kill bioweapon injections induce SADS, VAIDS, prion-based diseases, cardiac damage, turbo cancers, etc.

Last week the cancer data was truly horrifying:

Joe And Hunter Biden Are The Perfect Personifications Of Our Failed State – As The Biden Family Crashes And Burns In A Smoldering Wreckage For All Of America To See, So Does The USA

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

“If cocaine is so prevalent in the West Wing that there is somehow ‘extra’ cocaine just laying around, when is the White House going to start drug testing its employees.” — Margot Cleveland

Consider for a moment, and be grateful for, how perfect “Joe Biden” is as president of this foundering republic. He and his family project the rectified essence of every depravity now driving the life of our nation to some murky bottom, where it may be forced to assess its sorry state, repent, and perhaps recover (or just give up and die). There he stands, without ambiguity or conscience: “Joe Biden,” the personification of a failed state.