Sunday, June 2, 2024

True the Vote Wins Northern Georgia District Court Case on Voter Integrity -vs- Stacy Abrams, Marc Elias and the DOJ

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Catherine Englebrecht and True the Vote (TTV) announces a major court victory in Georgia for their efforts to ensure voting integrity.

HOUSTON, TX, January 2, 2024 – True the Vote (TTV) declares a decisive triumph in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of Justice. A federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.

Huge Japanese Protest Against The WHO Pandemic Treaty

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

The WHO Pandemic Treaty, now called an Accord, is a communistic document by an organization partially controlled by Maoist China. The elites now call it an Accord, as they did with the Paris Accord, yet both are treaties. However, this Accord is legally binding and includes penalties. Biden has already said he will sign it and introduced the worst amendments.

Will our weak congress allow this? It must go through the Senate, where it will not pass.

Medical Staff Offers Assisted Suicide To Canadian Woman Paralyzed From COVID Shots

from Reese Report:


Nitrogen 2000 — The Dutch Farmer Struggle

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Dutch cattle farmers own 70% of Holland, but the government is pushing for a forced buy out of 50% of their land, claiming it’s necessary to reduce pollution
  • Experts say the move to get rid of farmers isn’t about the environment but, rather, taking control of valuable land
  • The government’s computer models, which are used to support its plan to reduce nitrogen by buying up farmland, are based on a flawed assumption that nitrogen migrates from one field to the next

Just Like 9/11? Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hints At Foreknowledge Of October Seven Attack

by Kit Klarenberg, Activist Post:

A new academic study has made a shocking and highly controversial finding. Suspicious Israeli stock market activity in the days preceding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7 indicates that a particular party had foreknowledge of the impending attack and used that information to directly profit from the panic that ensued.

The paper, authored by Robert J. Jackson Jr. of New York University School of Law and Joshua Mitts of New York University School of Law, concludes that based on a “significant spike” in short selling of listed Israeli companies, persons unknown were aware of the operation was impending, and sought to profit illicitly. Short selling – or shorting – allows traders to bet a stock will perform poorly and reap rewards if they’re correct.

Time to dismantle internet censorship regime ‘before it becomes too late’

from WND:

Evidence confirms social media has had ‘coordination’ with feds

Anyone who lived through 2020 observed that some messages received treatment online that stood in stark contrast to other messages. Conservative voices and messages were censored and banned, while progressive voices and messages flowed freely. If a person spoke against COVID-19 lockdowns—and later vaccines—there was a good chance that a social media platform would take down the post. If one were to suggest that suspicious activities occurred surrounding the 2020 election, the label “misinformation” might appear.

“Melting Antarctic” scare narrative exposed as FRAUDULENT: Antarctic ice MORE stable than previously thought

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Mainstream “news” is littered with scare stories about how global warming has apparently gotten so bad that the Antarctic ice shelves are melting. The truth, though, is that Antarctica’s ice shelves are actually growing in size.

New research published by Andreasen et al. looks at Antarctic-wide satellite data collected between 2009 and 2019. The data was compiled using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, or MODIS.


from NEM721:



from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: Okay, folks, this is where the rubber meets the pavement, both figuratively and literally.
The article below lays out the plan of truckers to basically lay siege to the largest metropolitan area in the USA—New York City.
But why?
Because of Judge Arthur Engoron, perhaps the most brazenly corrupt and politically malicious justice ever to sit on the bench—ANYWHERE IN THE USA!

NEW: Unredacted Docs Reveal Biden, Garland, Jack Smith Collusion in Trump ‘Documents’ Case

by Raheem Kassam, The National Pulse:

Unredacted documents published Monday have begun to reveal the extent of the Biden government’s collusion with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to “concoct a case” against President Donald Trump. The records also appear to confirm that President Trump was telling the truth when he said his team was still negotiating chain of custody with NARA when they suddenly made a criminal complaint.

Reporter Julie Kelly revealed: “Thanks to order by Judge Cannon, key evidence related to classified docs case is now unredacted. On the left: What DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal. On the right: Now we know why. More proof of collaboration btw Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case.”

The Black Swan Events That Could Determine This Election

by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

Some of us older folks grew up in a time of normality when chaos was not the rule and weird, life-changing things didn’t happen. The stakes were not that high when we were growing up, except for the whole imminent nuclear war thing, but now we are regularly beset by flocks of black swan events, events so significant and life-changing that they send our society and our politics off in strange new tangents. And they now happen all the time. 9/11, the Wall Street meltdown, Trump’s election, COVID, Ben Shapiro getting a No. 1 rap hit … the black swans are coming fast and furious, and there is no sign of them stopping

Leaked Files From Transgender Association ‘Shocking’ and ‘Horrific’ Admission, Critics Say

from The Epoch Times:

The documents and video suggest a lack of informed consent from parents and children for gender transition treatments and surgeries.

A leaked video and documents exposing the inner workings of the organization responsible for setting the so-called “standards of care” for gender transition treatments and surgeries on children is a “shocking” and “horrific” admission, critics say.

The leaked files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health—better known as WPATH—reveal “widespread medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults,” according to a 241-page report disclosing emails, documents, and an 82-minute video.



from The Salty Cracker: