Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tucker to be arrested, sanctioned? Elon Musk has brilliant response

from WND:

Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin triggers global elites

Such is the state of censorship around the globe today that elites who are in power in multiple ways were so enraged by the fact Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin that they attacked Carlson, suggesting censorship, travel bans, and more.

It seems that the old journalism trope about interviewing those whose decisions and actions are affecting – even killing – people so the world knows them a little better, is gone.

Oakland Becoming a ‘Ghost Town’ Due to Crime as Gov. Newsom Sends 120 CHPS Officers to Help

by Rick Moran, PJ Media:

I’ve got good news and bad news about crime in American cities.

Overall, crime has gone down, though violent crime is still not back down to levels seen before the pandemic. Whether this is due to an increased police presence is unclear, but many cities that briefly flirted with the “no police” idiocy pushed by Black Lives Matter have abandoned it.

Is The Super Bowl A Sex Trafficking Operation?

from Red Voice Media:


The United States Has Zero National Security

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

In his newly published book, Nuclear High-Attitude Electromagnetic Pulse, Steven Starr shows that all it takes is one nuclear explosion to shut down  the United States and throw the population back into the Dark Ages.  The electric power grid would be destroyed along with the communications system, the cooling systems at nuclear power plants and all electronic devices.  The reason is that civilian infrastructure is not protected from ElectroMagneticPulse (EMP). The military has taken steps to shield its weapon and communication systems, but nothing has been done to protect civilian infrastructure.  Bills mandating EMP protection have been defeated in Congress.  

JANE RUBY WAS RIGHT: Hundreds of embalmers are now speaking up about strange, fibrous blood clots in corpses

by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

In the middle of 2021, embalmers started to pull fibrous, white blood clots from corpses. Some of the embalmers preserved a few of these clots and spoke about their findings on independent films and independent media channels.

This phenomenon coincided with the rollout of the experimental covid-19 vaccines. These injections were already causing heart inflammation, blood clots and vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, but nothing like this had ever been seen before. Ever since the news broke out about the strange blood clots, an Air Force Major named Thomas Haviland has been investigating. He surveyed embalmers around the world to learn more about this abhorrent reality.

Amazon Censors Books Exposing Covid Lies: White House Pressured Amazon Over Vaxx Skeptics

from Stew Peters Network:


YouTube CEO Vows To Censor “Hate Speech” and Boost “Authoritative Sources” in Recommendations When People Look for Election News in 2024

by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

Big Tech is taking a bigger role in moderating online speech in 2024.

YouTube CEO Neal Mohan has a post up on the company blog just in time to, well in advance, reiterate the giant platform’s policies regarding the upcoming elections.

Even though Mohan’s “letter” is supposed to deal with the “four big bets for 2024,” the bit concerning the elections is of most interest, given the ramifications of YouTube’s previous and continued restrictive approach and unprecedented levels of censorship.

Australia sets a date to achieve the first goal of The Great Reset – nationwide digital IDs

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Australia has become the latest country to delve head-first into the first goal of The Great Reset, which is to digitise its citizens.

When digitised identities get matched with central bank digital currencies, it’s game over for freedom of thought, movement, etc. All human behaviour will be monitored, assessed and scored 24/7.

Farmers Are Winning, [WEF] Promises Concessions, Biden Reports Economic Great, Game Over

from X22 Report:


They are FREAKING OUT over Tucker Carlson’s Putin interview | Redacted with Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


Australian Senate Votes Down Excess Death Probe a Third Time

by Rebekah Barnett, Daily Sceptic:

The Australian Senate voted against an inquiry into the causes of the nation’s high excess mortality today. This is the third time the Senate has voted against investigating excess deaths, after rejecting two previous motions last year.

Australia has recorded more deaths than expected in the past several years, with some states experiencing up to 17% excess mortality. This trend is ongoing, with the latest reporting from the ABS estimating 12,377 excess deaths for the first three quarters of 2023, 9.9% above the expected baseline.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Are We on The Doorstep of Another Civil War?

by John Kudla, American Thinker:

Before I get into my analysis, I want to make it clear I believe that anyone who wants a civil war to happen in the U.S. is dangerously naïve, insane, or working for one of America’s enemies.  Imagine a Russia-Ukraine-type conflict in the U.S.

Thanks to Hollywood, most Americans believe that rebellions can be started and won by small ragtag groups of patriots, freedom fighters, insurrectionists, or everyday common folk.  All you need are pistols, assault weapons, bows and arrows, and maybe a few Molotov cocktails.  Blow up the Death Star, and the problem is solved.

Episode 3374: The Destruction Of Progressive Billionaires

from Bannons War Room:


“Go F*ck Themselves”: Rank-And-File Border Patrol Agents Livid Over Senate Funding Deal

from ZeroHedge:

Rank-and-file Border Patrol agents have slammed the Senate’s $118B Senate funding bill that would guarantee 1.5 million illegal migrants entry to the United States, while sending the majority of funds to Ukraine ($60B+) and Israel ($14.1B), the Daily Caller reports.

Four rank-and-file Border Patrol agents told the DCNF that the “catch and release” of illegal immigrants will continue if the bill is implemented, because it allows for the release of family units and single adults that show a credible fear of persecution should they return home.