Saturday, July 27, 2024


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

OK, so here’s my random thought of the day…

There’s a move afoot to prohibit a central bank digital dollar from ever being issued by the Fed – without “authorization” that is – according to this article shared by E.G.(with our thanks):

US lawmakers advance legislation blocking the digital dollar

When I read this article (the first time) I thought, “Well, that’s good, someone out there realizes what Catherine Fitts and many others including yours truly have been warning about: a central bank digital currency is too easy to couple to a social engineering  system, and affords no privacy. It’s a sure, certain, and swift route to slavery and feudalism, and it’s nothing but a corporate coupon. It’s a method to prohibit wealth accumulation much less passing it along, because a wholly digital ‘currency’ could be made with an ‘expiration’ date. Use it or loose it.” And so on. Yet, reading it, I had to admit that something about the article gnawed away at me.  Something was missing. So I re-read it…

Max Keiser Expects Qatar to Buy $500 Billion Worth of Bitcoins

by Nicolas T., Coin Tribune:

The inimitable Max Keiser has reignited the rumor. Qatar is reportedly about to invest 500 billion in bitcoin. Just that…

This is not the first time rumors have swirled about Qatar. They date back to 2021 when the CEO of the Qatari sovereign wealth fund stated that bitcoin needed “to be a little more mature” before his fund could consider investing in it.

We Have to Budget, But the US Government Doesn’t. They “Misplaced” $21 Trillion.

by Marie Hawthorne, Activist Post:

What if you lost a whole lot of money? Can you imagine the horror and desperation you’d feel? Well, the US government has lost $21 trillion, and they don’t seem to care. But the rest of us have to care about our own budgets.

Planning to save money is at the top of Statista’s list of 2024 New Year’s Resolutions. In the past, resolutions like losing weight and eating healthy foods have been more popular, but times are changing.

Inflation: Your Role as a Milk Cow

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

Traditionally, inflation has been defined as “an increase in the amount of currency in circulation.” Such an increase almost always causes an increase in the cost of goods and services, since, more plentiful currency units lowers their rarity, as compared to the supply of goods and services, which remains roughly the same. Therefore, it shouldn’t be surprising if a 20% increase in the amount of currency units translates into a 20% increase in the price of goods and services.

How Much Gold Is There in the World?

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

How much gold is there in the world?

The quick answer is not much – at least not relatively speaking.

According to the World Gold Council, as of the end of 2023, around 212,582 tons of gold have been mined throughout history. About two-thirds of that amount was dug out of the ground since 1950.

That sounds like a lot of gold, but if you melted down every ounce of gold ever mined and formed it into one block, it would only measure 73 feet on each side.

THE SHRINKFLATION SCAM! – Food Prices Climb As Food Gets SMALLER! – Famine Will Ensue!

from World Alternative Media:


BREAKING: Biggest News In Silver History Just Happened

from The Alex Jones Show:


DeSantis Bans ‘Digital Dollar’ in Florida, Blocks Credit Card Companies Tracking Gun Purchases

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has banned the federal government from introducing a “digital dollar” to replace traditional money in Florida.

DeSantis signed legislation into law this week that bans a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) from ever being introduced in the state of Florida.

Democrat President Joe Biden has been pushing hard for the federal reserve to replace the dollar with “digital cash.”

Nothing Can Stop Currency Crisis & War Crisis – David Morgan

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Economic analyst and financial writer David Morgan went against the majority of financial gurus and predicted at the end of 2022 that there was no way the Fed was going to cut interest rates.  He said on in December, “Cut Interest Rates & Dollar is Done, Toast, It’s Over.”  Fed Head Jay Powell said this past week the Fed was raising interest rates at least two more times to “fight inflation.”  This was a direct hit by Morgan.  Morgan sees a coming currency crisis and a war crisis.  Morgan explains, “Yes, we have both a currency crisis and a war crisis.  Let’s start with the currency crisis.  My favorite phrase for what is going on is ‘All fiat currency fails.’  We have never seen a time in all of recorded history that an unbacked currency does not go basically and effectively to zero.  When you say that ‘All fiat fails,’ there is a subgroup that says, yeah, but not the U.S. dollar. . . .I don’t know how many people have given me pushback on that statement from all over the world. . . . When I say fail, I don’t mean it goes to absolute zero.  What it means is a currency fails and a new system is implemented. . . . History is on my side. . . . The precursor to this is what takes place.  Substitution.  What is substitution?  Crypto currency and gold and silver, of course. . . . and things like people going off grid.  All of these are indicators of how to mitigate the end of the U.S. dollar or the end of the currency crisis.  We have this all over the place. . . . Sooner or later, there will be a run for the exits.  Where are the exits?  Crypto currencies, gold and silver, barter clubs or the BRICS currency.”

Blow-Out Jobs Report is Bad News with John Rubino

by Kerry Lutz, Financial Survival Network:

John Rubino returns… Blow-out jobs report means interest rates have to rise. 10-year Treasury broke 4% this morning. In the past two bubbles interest rates rose along with stocks until the markets broke. We’re repeating that pattern. The Big Toy indicator is flashing: RV and Rolex sales down. Commodities getting whacked. Are we in a bear market? France is burning. A sign of the future? Quality of life in our major cities is rapidly declining. The Supreme Court is issuing some big rulings. What does that mean?


Endgame: Interest On US Debt Skyrockets Above $1 Trillion For The First Time Ever

from ZeroHedge:

Back in July, when we last looked at the unprecedented horror show that is the US budget deficit – and concluded correctly, long before the Q2 Quarterly Refunding Announcement,  that debt issuance was about to explode and yields would soar – we warned that the debt Rubicon was about to be crossed and “US Debt Interest Payments Are About To Hit $1 Trillion.”

Fast forward to today when the endgame has apparently arrived: according to the Treasury’s own calculations, total interest is now over $1 trillion (or $1.027 trillion to be precise).


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

This important story was spotted and shared by M.W., with our gratitude, because by my reading of its contents “between the lines,” as it were, it is confirming an hypothesis I first advanced a few months ago during one of our “quarterly wrapup” discussions with Catherine Austin Fitts on her website.  We’ll get back to this hypothesis in a moment, because what the article appears to be outlining is how it is taking shape in certain circumstances and conditions. Here’s the story:

What the Rising Gold Price Signals

by Antonius Aquinas, Antonius Aquinas:

The recent run-up in the gold price has not garnered the attention among the mainstream financial media outlets as it should.  Gold has, in part, been overshadowed by the rise in the price of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Naturally, the financial press, which is really an arm of the government and its central bank, wants to ignore, as much as possible, references to gold as protection against the continuing increase in the price level which itself has been deliberately understated by monetary officials.  The media and government understand that precious metals are the ultimate security against runaway inflation and economic collapse.