Wednesday, May 29, 2024


from State Of The Nation:

There’s no bigger bomb that any enemy can drop on the USA today than the one that our
own political leaders just dropped ON THIS PAST MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!

Think About It

Really, the utterly treasonous Uniparty is pushing for a $4 trillion increase to the existing $31 trillion+ federal debt burden?!?!

mRNA Shedding MAJOR Health Threat: Spike Protein Causes MASSIVE Inflammation Increase In Human Body

from Stew Peters Network:


The leader of the free world falls down: Watch for the day when he’s no longer able to get up

by LeoHohmann, Leo Hohmann:

It was a perfect sunny day. A gentle breeze flowed over the audience gathered for the happy occasion. It was graduation day for Air Force cadets.

The leader of the free world had just finished giving his speech and was handing out the diplomas at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.

A young cadet with a big smile accepted his diploma from his 80-year-old commander in chief, then turned to salute the crowd. The leader suddenly lost his footing. The leader was Joe Biden and he took a nasty fall on this day, June 1, the first day of “Pride” month, a day in which this same leader had ordered U.S. embassies around the world fly Pride flags giving special honor to the LGBTQi+ community.

Mel K & Alex Krainer | Bankers’ Wars & Broken Promises Shift the Paradigm

from The Mel K Show:


An Entire Month That Is Going To Show Exactly Where Everybody Stands

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

You have probably noticed that cultural issues are bitterly dividing our nation right now.  Bud Light, Target and other companies that have taken controversial stands on cultural issues have been dominating the headlines for weeks, and now the month of June is here.  An entire month is set aside to celebrate “Pride”, and you can’t escape it even if you wanted to do so.  Rainbow colors will constantly remind us of what we are all supposed to be celebrating, and there will be gatherings and parades in cities from coast to coast.  Today, Pride Month has become one of the most prominent holidays in the United States, but it actually hasn’t been around that long.  In fact, the very first time it was officially recognized by the White House was in 1999

Corporate LGBTists Come After Pets

from Moonbattery:

“We’re coming for your children,” the militant gays taunted. With the assistance of their corporate sponsors, they made good on the threat. Now they are coming for our pets:

Some social media users recently aimed their ire at PetSmart for boasting about its all-new “You Are Loved” collection of 2023 Pride-themed clothing, toys and other items for pet owners’ four-legged friends.

As with Anheuser-Busch and Target, tasteless LGBTism is not new for PetSmart. However, it is getting renewed attention now that consumers realize they can push back against the belligerent degenerates who rule over us:

Debt ceiling fiasco guarantees the DEMISE of the dollar

from Health Ranger Report:


Developed Nations Being ‘Taken for a Ride’ With Paris Agreement

by Tom Harris, America Outloud:

(GHG) emissions are increasing worldwide because humanity is using more and more coal, oil, and natural gas. Yes, several Western nations are reducing their fossil fuel consumption. But it is increasing in developing nations, particularly China and India, now the world’s most populous nation. And given that China, which has no requirement under the Paris Agreement to ever reduce emissions, emits twice that of the US, any emission reductions we make are quickly made up for in developing countries.

In this, part two of my three-part series about the climate policy myths that dominate the climate debate, I will explain why we should simply withdraw from the Paris Agreement as it is impeding our growth for no environmental benefit.

Rainbow Flag Burned at a School Is a “Hate Crime.” Burning U.S. Flag? That’s “Protected Speech.”

by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

You can tell much about a society by what its establishment is sensitive to. For example, while Major League Baseball dropped the Chief Wahoo logo and other American Indian symbols, the Los Angeles Dodgers doesn’t appear to have a problem honoring the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” whose very purpose is to mock the faith of 62 million Americans. Then there’s this, also out of the City of Angels:

Here Comes The Apocalypse and The End of Kali Yuga Right on Target!

from DollarVigilante:


Seattle Amazon Employees Protest Returning To The Office Due To “Climate Change”

from ZeroHedge:

Amazon employees protested by the hundreds during a lunchtime demonstration in Seattle on Wednesday after the company brought back in-person requirements for three days a week.

Truly, having to drive to work for three days must be a harrowing experience with much struggle and hardship, but not long ago Americans were actually expected to go to the office for at least five days a week.  Is three days of responsibility really too much for Seattle progressives?  

Bannon: All 149 GOP Yes Votes on Dems’ Debt Limit Raise “Should Be Primaried”

from Bannons War Room:


Whistleblowers: FBI Leaders Are Hiding Evidence against Hunter Biden from Investigators

by Frank Bergman, SlayNews:

Multiple whistleblowers from the Department of Justice (DOJ) have reportedly come forward to allege that FBI leaders are hiding evidence from lower-level agents investigating Democrat President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

The whistleblowers told Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) that evidence against Hunter Biden was placed in “highly restricted systems.”

Those restrictions prevent other FBI officials from reviewing the materials.

Kissinger at 100 — Still Evil, After All These Years

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

Given the documented record of war crimes committed under Henry Kissinger’s direction from 1969 to 1977, why was he never held accountable?  The legacy of the arrogant brutality of Kissinger is continued by today’s Anglo-American establishment, as they risk triggering World War III to protect a “Rules-Based Order” which exists only in their minds, and could only be sustained through a murderous deployment of NATO.  Throughout his life, Lyndon LaRouche stood up against Kissinger and his Hobbesian “realism.”  It is overdue that we reject this outlook, and return to the Vision of Peace presented by President John F. Kennedy in his June 10, 1963 speech at American University.

Bannon: All 149 GOP Yes Votes on Dems’ Debt Limit Raise “Should Be Primaried”

from Bannons War Room: