Saturday, June 1, 2024

MSNBC Is Having a Collective Emotional Break and It Is Something to Marvel

by Brad Slager, Townhall:

When the news was announced on March 22 that disgraced former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel had taken a job with NBC News to become an on-air contributor the initial reactions were from the right. Those were rather muted, however, ranging from “Meh, of course,” to “Well where else did you expect the failed RINO to land?!” But very soon the left began to react to the announcement and it was, to put it politely, unhinged.

SHOCKER: Democrat Who Advocates Gun Control Has Spent Thousands on Private Security

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Colin Allred is the Democrat who is challenging Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate in 2024. Allred advocates for gun control but has spent a lot of money on personal security for himself.

This is so typical. We have seen this exact same thing from members of the far left squad.

In their minds, their rights and safety are just more important than yours.

Townhall reports:

WEF Advisor: AI Will Make ‘Big Decisions’ for Public

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A top World Economic Forum (WEF) official has told the American people that artificial intelligence (AI) will soon make all the “big decisions” for them and “tell” humans “what to do.”

Yuval Noah Harari, one of the architects behind the WEF’s anti-human agenda and a senior advisor to founder Klaus Schwab, made the declaration during an appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” this week.

Harari discussed how AI will replace a large portion of the human race.

Nolte: Another Year of Anemic Grammy Ratings

by John Nolte, Breitbart:

The sixty-sixth annual Grammy Awards drew only 16.9 million viewers “across CBS, Paramount+ and other digital platforms, according to early data from Nielsen,” reports the far-left Deadline.

While this is a 34 percent improvement from 2023, until the arrogant, smug, preachy Woke Gestapo era began in 2017 with the election of President Donald Trump, the Grammy Awards averaged around 25 million viewers for nearly a decade without breaking a sweat.

BREAKING: HUGE FARMER UPRISING! – Canada Wants To IMPRISON You For 2 Years For Supporting Oil!

from World Alternative Media:


2024 Is the New 1984: Big Brother and the Rise of the Security Industrial Complex

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

“Big Brother is Watching You.”―George Orwell, 1984

2024 is the new 1984.

Forty years past the time that George Orwell envisioned the stomping boot of Big Brother, the police state is about to pass off the baton to the surveillance state.

Fueled by a melding of government and corporate power—the rise of the security industrial complex—this watershed moment sounds a death knell for our privacy rights.

Senior House Dems Signal They May Not Certify 2024 Election Results If Trump Wins: REPORT

by Katelynn Richardson, The Daily Caller:

Senior House Democrats signaled Friday that they may not certify the 2024 election results if former President Donald Trump wins, according to The Atlantic.

During oral arguments earlier this month to consider a Colorado ruling finding Trump ineligible for the ballot under the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban,” the Supreme Court did not appear persuaded that a single state should be able to remove him, though it is unclear whether the justices will address the eligibility question directly. Depite criticizing Republicans who voted against certifying President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020, several senior Democrats who spoke to The Atlantic reportedly left open the possibility of not certifying a Trump 2024 victory if the Supreme Court does not clearly rule on his eligibility.

Liberals, Or Nazis? Is There A Difference? (Ep. 2235)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


Peaceful Protests Are a Waste of Time and Energy

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Will protesters ever learn that peaceful protests do not work when governments care not what people think and represent private agendas and not the people?  The protests that work are the violent ones by Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

It appears that one-tenth of a million Gazans have already been killed or maimed by the American-financed and militarily-supplied Israeli intended genocide of the remnants of the Palestinian population, a people who have been evicted from their lands and villages bit by bit since 1947.  

This time the violence is massive, and only the Houthis, a poor population in Yemen that survived years of Washington-inspired attacks from Saudi Arabia, has lifted a hand to help the Palestinians.  

Ukraine, Germany and Western Europe are COLLAPSING while U.S. cities and Haiti are plunged into lawless CHAOS

from Health Ranger Report:


Genocide as a Strategy for Success

by Dr. Paul Larudee, Global Research:

The future always surprises us to some degree. But we make plans, anyway, based on our projections, and we adjust them when our predictions are at least partially wrong, which they always are, because they make assumptions based upon things that we take for granted, such as our health and that meteors and tsunamis will not disrupt those plans. Bearing that in mind, I will make some predictions for the immediate future of Gaza and Israel, and their relationships with the rest of the world. I’m sorry if it is not a happy picture.

First, I predict with sadness and disgust that the remaining Palestinian inhabitants of Gaza will be killed or expelled, mostly the former, despite all our efforts.

How Convenient: UK Develops New Method to Count Excess Deaths Following Shocking Numbers Post COVID Vaccine (VIDEO)

EXCLUSIVE: General Flynn Calls Baltimore Barge Disaster A Black Swan Event

Behind The Deep State | The Great Taking: How Deep State Will Ensure You Own Nothing

from The New American:



from HopeGirl Alternative News: