Friday, July 26, 2024

IDF forcibly stop paramedics from saving a life and then attack the patient.

Migrants Disappointed in America

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Those who were not told to enter America but actually fled here for a better life are now realizing that the American Dream died long ago. The Chicago Tribune interviewed a man from Venezuela who said he’d prefer sleeping on the streets of his original socialistic hell than ours.  “The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” he told the paper. “There’s nothing here for us … we just want to be home. We didn’t know things would be this hard. I thought the process was faster.”

Law enforcers are quietly shifting the traditional concept of self defense in favor of the criminals: Here’s what you need to know

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Let’s break down a crime scene from last week in a major U.S. city that I believe will be very instructional for all of us.

It was a scene that could have taken place in any large city and probably does every day.

A subway rider witnessed a violent mugging of a woman on a subway platform near New York City’s Times Square on Tuesday, November 7, and decided to act.

Two Democrat Gangsters Try to Steal Trump’s Real Estate

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Two New York Democrats, one being NY attorney general Letitia James, a black female helped into office by money from George Soros, who made his billions by manipulating the British pound to the disadvantage of the British population, and the other being NY state judge Arthur Engoron, a Donald Trump hater who was put in office by Trump-hating NY Democrats, have conspired to steal Trump’s real estate empire including Mar-a-Lago.

In reporting the theft, the Associated Press’s Anthony Izaguirre on September 27 wrote in worshipful tones that

American Pravda: JFK, Richard Nixon, the CIA, and Watergate

by Ron Unz, The Unz Review:

Two weeks ago I published a long article on the JFK Assassination, pointing to the overwhelming evidence that Kennedy’s own successor Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson had very likely been a central figure in the plot.

I closed the essay by quoting several early paragraphs from a different article that I had published more than six years earlier:

Meet Donell Harvin: Trump-Hating Deep State Official Who ‘Predicted’ J6 Pipe Bombs in Advance

from Revolver News:

The Ides of March, H.G. Well’s prediction of atomic weaponry, and Babe Ruth’s iconic finger pointed toward the stands all enjoy pride of place in the annals of historic prognostications. When all is said and done, these annals may need to open once again to accommodate a largely unsung Nostradamus by the name of Donell Harvin, former chief of the Homeland Security and Intelligence division of Washington, D.C.’s Fusion Intelligence Center. This deep-state official and vehement never-Trumper is responsible for predicting the infamous January 6th pipe bombs to an uncanny and rather troubling degree of accuracy. Why isn’t he interested in taking credit?

Has a New “Golden Triangle” Emerged to Keep American and Israeli Zionist Aggression in Check?

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Much of the news in the alternative media the past few days has been very apocalyptic, suggesting that we are on the brink of an escalation of world conflicts into a nuclear conflict with Russia.

And yet, as easy as it is to cover both sides of any current geopolitical issue by simply reading the English news sites published by all countries currently involved in conflicts around the world, it seems as if few bother to do so, and simply regurgitate a narrative that is the most popular among their readers and entices the most clicks.

Is Russia really about to escalate their conflict with NATO into a full blown nuclear war?

We Are In The Most Dangerous Times, Warns Stock Market Expert Edward Dowd

We Are The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

by Joe Martino, The Pulse:

I wrote this piece for my personal Substack yesterday but had some further thoughts I wanted to include in this piece here.

I was recently reminded of the Hopi prophecy issued On June 8, 2000. I wrote about this many years ago but thought it would be a useful reflection to bring forth given our current moment.

I feel this prophecy can help us make sense of and ground in our current moment in a meaningful way. It can help us consider how we show up to our current moment and embrace what is occurring.

IDF Discovers Beheaded Bodies of 40 Babies

by Todd Starnes, Todd Starnes:

The following is a transcript of Todd’s radio commentary – heard on hundreds of stations around the nation.

The Israeli Defense Force says they have discovered the bodies of 40 Jewish babies. They had been slaughtered by Hamas – their heads decapitated.

There are no words for the evil that is on display for the world to see. Barbarism. Savagery. The English language does not have the capacity to describe what sort of monsters would behead babies.

Hungary Ostracized by the European Union

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The European Union is far from an actual union. Those at the top in Brussels make the decisions, and everyone is expected to adhere blindly. Viktor Orbán of Hungary has long fallen out of favor with the European Union for opposing the war in Ukraine. August is Hungary’s round to host the next EU summit, but foreign affairs ministers are refusing to attend.

Now, each member state has a chance to hold the presidency of the Council of the EU. August 28-29 was slated to be Hungary’s opportunity to share its ideas for matters like foreign policy with the rest of the bloc. EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell planned a “formal” council meeting on the exact dates of Hungary’s summit to undermine the country’s voice in the bloc.

Credit Card Delinquencies Spike Among the “Rich”

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Inflation can be felt at every tax bracket. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari came out this week and said the public “viscerally hates high inflation,” and for good measure. Everyone is seeing the impacts of inflation on their quality of life. Those defined as rich, the demographic one side of the political spectrum believes must be taxed into oblivion, have not come out of this inflationary cycle unscathed, as indicated by a new report from the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

Bombshell Report Exposes FBI Targeting Trump Supporters (Ep. 2103)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


CHRIS WRAY GETS CAUGHT! Rep. Higgins Releases PHOTO of the Secret J6 Ghost Buses – ANOTHER SET of Ghost Buses Also Filmed in DC That Day – And Guess Who Was Escorting Them? (Video)


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

On Wednesday Republican Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) confronted FBI Director Chris Wray on FBI operatives working inside the crowds on January 6, 2021, during the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on domestic threats within the U.S.

This confrontation took place exactly a year after Rep. Higgins confronted Director Wray for FBI assets working inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Chris Wray refused to answer the questions – last year AND today!