Friday, July 26, 2024

Oprah Facing Life Behind Bars On Child Sex Trafficking Charges

from The People’s Voice:


Naval War Expands: Two U.S. Navy Seals Reported Lost Fighting Somali Pirates

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

It’s being reported today that two US Navy Seals have gone missing off the coast of Somalia in the Gulf of Aden, after trying to board a Somali pirate ship.

There has been more bad news to come out of the already chaotic waters of the Middle East region, as over the weekend it’s been widely reported that two US Navy Seals have gone missing off the cost of Somalia in the Gulf of Aden.

The missing Seals “fell into the water during a nighttime boarding mission” on Thursday, according to US military officials, with the incident only being disclosed this weekend after the search and rescue mission has yielded no results. The fact that they went overboard in the dark would make it very hard for rescuers to immediately locate them.

Davos’ debauched underbelly: How the global elite indulge in cocaine, caviar and champagne at secret ‘bunga bunga’ parties behind the scenes of the World Economic Forum

by Claudia Aoraha, Daily Mail:

The theme this year is ‘Rebuilding Trust’ – and will be attended by 3,000 guests

But when guests descend on Davos, they do more than just discuss global conflicts, the economy, and the evolution of technology

Once a year, global elites from all sectors attend a five-day conference in the snow-capped town of Davos, Switzerland – which is supplemented by caviar, champagne, and all types of debauchery after hard work is over.

EXPOSED: BLACKMAIL AGENT JEFFREY EPSTEIN! – From Mossad To The State Department! – Baby Harvesting

from World Alternative Media:


The Eugenicists In The CIA, WHO, Pentagon & Big Pharma Who Devised Bioweapons To Kill People, Hoping To Get Away With Mass Murder, MUST Be Executed For Crimes Upon Humanity

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Globalists Have Rolled Out The Next Phase Of This Psyop & Genocide

As more and more young and previously healthy Americans keep dropping dead ‘mysteriously’ and ‘unexpectedly,’ with even the Wall Street Journal tackling this ‘growing problem’ in this recent story titled “Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled,” the genocidal terrorists in Washington DC, the Pentagon and ‘big pharma’ are clearly growing more and more anxious every day.

How Astoundingly Deceived America’s Leading ‘Journalists’ Are

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

One of the most respected ‘journalists’ in America is Scott Simon, who is the program host on National Public Radio’s Weekend Edition Saturday broadcasts.

On the Saturday morning of 13 January 2024, Mr. Simon interviewed an East German about the Holocaust, and he said to her (at 6:22 in that segment’s podcast) “East Germans didn’t learn about the Holocaust the way that West Germans did — would that be fair to say?” The respondent answered only “No, I don’t agree. … Nothing was kept from us” about that matter.

John Kerry, Al Gore & Barack Obama Are COLOSSAL Climate Hypocrites!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Debt-Saddled Consumers Embracing Even More “Doom Spending”

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

In a disturbing (but unsurprising) trend, more than 1 out of 4 US consumers are throwing in the towel with defeatist “Doom Spending” sprees — despite already being saddled with crippling levels of debt. This behavior is akin to someone who, feeling overwhelmed, indulges excessively in a habit they know isn’t beneficial. In a similar vein, these Americans, perhaps feeling a sense of despair, are accumulating unprecedented levels of new debt through spending sprees that are beyond their financial means.

The Hunt for Viktor Orbán – 120 Globalist European Lawmakers Want To Punish Hungary, Take Away Its Voting Rights in the EU

by Paul Serran, The Gateway Pundit:

The years-long political struggle between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the European Union seems to be coming to a head.

Conservative champion Orbán is hated with a passion by Brussels for the very same reasons that make us care for him – defense of family values, of a national culture, rejection of Climate Alarmist lunacy and suicidal unchecked mass migration – oh, yes, and the icing on the cake: refusal to finance the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

DISEASE X: The WEF’s Vaccine Program Waiting for a New Illness

by The Wellness Company, Breitbart:

People all over the world never want to hear the word “vaccine” again after the pandemic debacle.

Yet, with new mRNA biotechnology ready on the computer screen for the next genetic code to come in, you can see how vaccine ideologists cannot wait for another pandemic to test out the rapid release and enjoy booming sales of vaccine lots to governments.

War Expansion: U.S. Strikes Iran-Backed Houthis In Yemen

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

In another major advancement toward a global conflagration, the United States has struck Iran-backed Houthi rebels in the country of Yemen. Following Thursday’s large-scale airstrikes, the U.S. attacked additional Houthi militant sites, according to U.S. Central Command. An additional strike by the U.S. took place Saturday morning as well.

“At 3:45 a.m. (Sana’a time) on Jan 13., U.S. forces conducted a strike against a Houthi radar site in Yemen,” CENTCOM said in a statement issued after the airstrike. “This strike was conducted by the USS Carney (DDG 64) using Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles and was a follow-on action on a specific military target associated with strikes taken on Jan. 12 designed to degrade the Houthi’s ability to attack maritime vessels, including commercial vessels,” it added.


from SGT Report:

Bix Weir is back on Bitcoin ETF approval day to discuss the demise of the Republic at the hands of evil international banksters who own everything and are preparing to steal is via the great taking. The DTCC and Cede & Co own every single stock, and you dear friend will be a creditor holding an IOU when the system collapses. Thanks for tuning in.

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BEWARE! An American citizen living abroad is no longer protected by the U.S. Federal Government, and even much worse than that…..

from State Of The Nation:

…Washington will conspicuously collude
with the foreign government in your murder
if you’re not a globalist at heart and down
with their nefarious New World Order agenda.
SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s no greater contradiction than when your government will quite zealously go out of its way to usher in millions of illegal aliens (many of whom are criminals, terrorists, mules and mercenaries) and lavishly take care of them with housing and govt benefits … while at the very same time allowing an American citizen to rot away in a country ruled by a tyrannical Nazi regime like Ukraine who is then deliberately murdered in a hospital due to inadequate medical care.  And the U.S. State Department makes not even a single mention of it out of respect to the family.


from The Salty Cracker:



by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Remember, they wanted you dead. They want you dead now. If they gain control of all branches of government, they will murder you and do it under the auspices of it being legal. We are in an uncivil war and only one side is fighting. If our side doesn’t fight back, we’ll be rotting in gulags like the J6 protestors or be bodies in shallow graves or be surveilled 24/7 with one slip up resulting in our social credit score dropping below the level where we are permitted to purchase food with our allotted CBDCs. The shit has already hit the fan and you are getting sprayed. Buy more guns and lots of ammo.