The Hunt for Viktor Orbán – 120 Globalist European Lawmakers Want To Punish Hungary, Take Away Its Voting Rights in the EU


by Paul Serran, The Gateway Pundit:

The years-long political struggle between Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the European Union seems to be coming to a head.

Conservative champion Orbán is hated with a passion by Brussels for the very same reasons that make us care for him – defense of family values, of a national culture, rejection of Climate Alarmist lunacy and suicidal unchecked mass migration – oh, yes, and the icing on the cake: refusal to finance the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.


The Hungarian PM is also not fond of the EU as it stands now, as we can learn from his already classic assessment:

“Today, things pop up that remind us of the Soviet times. Yes, it happens that history repeats itself. Fortunately, what once was tragedy is now a comedy at best. Brussels is not Moscow. Moscow was a tragedy. Brussels is just a bad contemporary parody.”

The globalist MEPs will,, of course,, use the ‘rule of law’ excuse, which is nothing but newspeak for ‘following the insane suicidal Brussels policies to the letter.’

“‘The letter demonstrates a clear willingness in the Parliament to launch Article 7.2 TEU’, the author of the letter, Finland’s MEP, Petri Sarvamaa, said, referring to the next step in the disciplinary steps described in article 7 of the EU treaty for countries not respecting the rule of law.

‘But above all, it highlights the urgency of addressing Viktor Orbán’s actions’, said Sarvamaa, who is from the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP), the biggest faction in the current European legislature.”

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