Saturday, June 15, 2024


from Chembuster:


Corporations Losing Their Minds

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

There has been a huge backlash against Target just like Budweiser. Both boards of directors should be fired and barred from ever serving on any board or any corporation – EVER! They are engaging in indoctrination that supports changing the gender of children without parental consent. If you cannot consent to sex no matter what under the law before 18, then how can a child consent to a sex change before 18 openly denying any notification to parents?

Another San Francisco Retailer Closes-Old Navy to Shut Down Flagship Location After Almost 30 Years

by Margaret Flavin, The Gateway Pundit:

Yet another retailer is  fleeing a Democrat-controlled city.  Old Navy’s flagship store on Market Street in downtown San Francisco will close on July 1 after almost 30 years.

KTVU News reports:

“Since our Market Street store opened in the 1990s, the way we leverage flagship locations has changed,” the company announced. “As a result, we have taken the difficult decision to close our Market Street store when the lease expires, and we are already working to identify new locations in downtown San Francisco that will better serve the needs of the business and our customers.”


from The Salty Cracker:


Russia Claims it Shot Down Two UK-Supplied Storm Shadow Missiles, Condemns London for Escalation

by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart:

The Russian military reportedly shot down two British-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles over the past 24 hours, as the Kremlin condemned the “Anglo-Saxon” support of Ukraine’s war effort.

Russia’s Ministry of Defence on Saturday claimed to have shot down two UK Storm Shadow cruise missiles fired by Ukrainian forces over the previous day.

Moscow also claimed that its air defence systems had also destroyed “12 drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” during the same time frame, Russian state-owned domestic news agency RIA reported.

The Boston Brahmins, WASPs, and Nazis: The Pursuit of Eugenics


by Donavan Lingerfelt, Mises Institute:

During the progressive era, academia hastily adopted the inhumane pseudoscience of eugenics, and its results on the world were devastating. The influence of the Boston Brahmins in New England can explain the fervent adoption of this malignant belief. This elite and well-educated class of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants reeked of pomp and snobbery.

The origin of the term “Boston Brahmin” came from Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. in his 1861 novel Elsie Venner. He chose the unique word “Brahmin” because in India they are the most distinguished caste. This is how the northeastern nobles wanted to be perceived in their neck of the woods.

Was He Murdered? Latest on Death of ‘Disinfo’ Doctor

from Ivory Hecker:


Ghost Jobs: An Economic Illusion That Harms the Unemployed


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Are you trying to better yourself by finding a new job?  We keep hearing about record-low unemployment. This would make one think that there are job openings all over the place.  Have you been diligently looking through online job postings and filling out applications, only to hear nothing?  You might be chasing after ghost jobs.

“Ghost job” refers to online job postings that are seemingly never filled.

Why on earth would companies do this?  Why let people chase jobs that don’t exist?

How Pfizer Used CA$H To Control Hospitals, Universities & Charities During COVID!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


American Genocide: The Eugenics Solution Promoted by Socialists

by James Wesley Rawles, Survival Blog:

In this essay, I’d like to expose the eugenics movement for its genocidal evil and racism. The leadership of the 20th-century eugenics organizations was mostly led by wealthy socialists. Rather than re-hashing all of the detailed history of the eugenics movement here in this article, I encourage my readers to watch this documentary film: The Eugenics Crusade. The film was produced by the leftist PBS, so it has a bias that soft-pedals the strong influence of American and European socialists in the movement. But regardless, the documentary shows the insidious evil of eugenics.

Ants at the Picnic, Part One

by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:

Enough ants can kill an elephant . . . or a globalist conspiracy.

Bullets and blogs are the ants at the globalist picnic, and they may prove just as hard to eradicate. It’s a war between decentralized and centralized power, and it’s not a layup for the latter. At a picnic, you can spray pesticide to eradicate the ants, but it ruins the outing. Who wants to eat hamburgers and hot dogs that taste like Raid®? In like vein, globalist efforts to exterminate the ants may leave the world a smoking ruin.

Rogan O’Handley-Trump Tweeted The Mechanism To Spring The Insurrection Act,Military Is The Only Way

from X22 Report:


US debt a pyramid scheme – Russia’s top MP

from RT:

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has accused Washington of defrauding other nations

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has accused Washington of defrauding other nations

UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles

from The People’s Voice:


People’s Brains and Bodies Are Not Protected Against Attacks by Electromagnetic Waves and Neurotechnologies

by Mojmir Babacek, Global Research:

The sixth generation of cell phone telephony plans to connect human brains to the internet

Samuel Koslov, a leading personality of American Navy’s project Pandora and researcher at the John Hopkins University, in his closing speech at the conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983, said that the conference had proven that the external electric fields can ”become a key to cellular control … The implications, social, economic, and even military are enormous… it may be more significant to the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939 when the long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually demonstrated“. People do not really know what he was talking about until today, since much of it is classified and used in weapons research.