Friday, July 26, 2024


from Infowars:


The Insane Campaign Against Fresh Non-GMO Food And Meat At A Time When Americans Can Barely Afford To Eat Due To ‘Bidenflation’, Is Yet Another Way To Kill Or Control Americans

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

It was bad enough to see the push for people to eat bugs, and even more disturbing to learn that bugs, among other disgusting things are allowed into the foods we eat now, by the FDA, listed as allowable “defects.”

Now though, in the midst of extremely high prices for foods, and for almost everything else, a company which began in 2022, is turning industrial waste into meat alternatives.

Think about sawdust. 

Eating it is probably the last thing that comes into your mind, but that may be about to change thanks to one Estonian start-up. 

ÄIO, set up in 2022, has created a way of producing fats and oils from industrial waste. 

$200K Payment to Joe Biden from Brother James Appears Linked to Family Business


by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart:

Evidence exists of a $200,000 payment to now-President Joe Biden — in 2018, before his election to the White House — from his brother, James Biden, and James’ wife, Sara Biden, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) revealed Friday.

The revelation shows Joe Biden personally accepting money from his family’s overseas business ventures, despite denying his involvement in the business at least nine times. “Where is the money? Joe Biden asked reporters in September. Comer believes he found some.

IRS Demands 300K From Owen Shroyer: Government Weaponized Against Hard Working Productive Citizens

from Stew Peters Network:


“OK, you were right. We admit vaccine is contaminated with SV40, but we found some experts who think it’s not a problem.”

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

How is it that Kevin McKernan, and not any world health authority, found the contamination in April 2023? And why are the FDA, CDC, and the mainstream media still silent about this?

Please read and retweet these messages now

VERY URGENT: federal researchers find evidence Covid mRNA jabs cause seizures in young children

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

The safety signal appeared in a huge Food and Drug Administration database; did the Centers for Disease Control know before recommending Covid boosters for kids last month?

(NOTE: I asked the FDA for comment for this article before noon on Thursday. The agency has missed my deadline of noon Friday to respond. mRNA shots are still promoted to children, so the fact they may cause seizures is an urgent public health issue. I have decided to publish the article now, including my questions to the FDA in it. When they respond I will update.)

U.S. VETOES U.N Vote For Gaza Ceasefire!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:

Early Saturday October 7, 2023, Hamas launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” which was led by its Military Chief Mohammed Deif. On that same day, Netanyahu confirmed a so-called “State of Readiness For War.”

It is now amply confirmed that  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” was not a “surprise attack”? It was a false flag intelligence operation.

According to Dr. Philip Giraldi,

“As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.”

[Did Netanyahu have foreknowledge] about developments in Gaza and chose to let it happen so they can wipe Gaza off the map… in retaliation” (Philip Giraldi, October 8, 2023) 

Uncensored: James Roguski – The WHO PLOWS Ahead While World is Distracted!


from Stew Peters Network:


Intelligence Failures – Again

by Pete Hoekstra, Gatestone Institute:

  • The failure of the U.S. intelligence community has three components: 1) It has become politically charged and lost focus on its mission protecting Americans, instead engaging in partisan politics. 2) It continues to focus on technological intelligence collection rather than the difficult and risky world of human intelligence collection. 3) It continues to suffer from a lack of creativity in anticipating and understanding the new threats being developed by our enemies.

Democrats Are Showing You Who They Are, Believe Them

by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn’t 1938; then, I had to check the books I owned to make sure they weren’t actually written in German. Once I confirmed it is 2023 and I live in the United States of America, I was left only to shake my head in disgust at what Democrats have exposed themselves to be.

Mike Smith – The [DS] Dark World Is Being Brought Out Of The Shadows & Into The Light

from X22 Report:


Biden admin policy would fire employees if they don’t honor preferred pronouns

from WND:

Necessary step to create more ‘inclusive’ space for gender-diverse employees

Employees at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) could be fired for not using a person’s preferred pronouns due to a new policy rolled out this month, according to Roger Severino, former director of HHS Office for Civil Rights.

The Entire Israel/Arab Situation Is All Planned By The Banksters to Turn Everyone Against Each Other

from DollarVigilante:


Israeli military gets “green light” to enter Gaza and begin ground offensive

by Arsenio Toledo, Natural News:

The Israeli government has just given the Israel Defense Forces the “green light” to begin its offensive ground operations in the Gaza Strip.

In the days following Hamas’ surprise attack into Israeli territory, the IDF has been amassing troops at the border with the Gaza Strip while continuing to bomb the inside of the territory with air strikes, drones and artillery.