Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pfizer’s New Heart Pandemic

by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

For years, we’ve been writing about how evil Pfizer is. Case in point: this article from 2017 where we featured Dr. Peter Rost, a former vice president of Pfizer and a whistleblower of the pharmaceutical industry. He is the author of The Whistleblower, Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman, and at the time was talking about how deadly the HPV vaccine was. Dr. Rost claimed that pharmaceutical companies intentionally design vaccines to keep the public in a state of illness for purposes of perpetual treatments.

WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum wrapped up this week with calls for digital IDs, rapid development of new vaccines, more partnerships with corporate media outlets like The New York Times, and widespread acceptance and proliferation of artificial intelligence in all areas of society, including healthcare and education.

The Era of Informed Consent is Over

by Victor Dalziel, Brownstone:

In a significant blow to patient autonomy, informed consent has been quietly revoked just 77 years after it was codified in the Nuremberg Code.

On the 21st of December 2023, as we were frantically preparing for the festive season, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final ruling to amend a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act. This allowed

🚨 American Rancher Blowing The Whistle On mRNA Vaccine Tests In Livestock

Fauci Did Bioweapon Research in Montana in 2018 with Bats and Coronavirus!

from The New American:


Italy Bans Lab-Grown Meat

from Great Game India:

In a Facebook post, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, announced on November 16 that Italy bans lab-grown meat.

Italy was the first nation to outlaw cultivated meat, citing concerns for the welfare of its people, the farming sector, and the economy.


from JustInformed Talk:


Author of Study Used to Vilify Unvaxed Had Ties to Pfizer — New Peer-Reviewed Research Shows Why the Study Was Flawed

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

A new peer-reviewed study by researchers Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., and Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., re-examined the mathematical models used to justify policies that barred unvaccinated people from public venues. They found the models were based on the application of flawed mathematical risk models.

Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Massive Safety Signal for Deaths Associated With mRNA Vaccination

by Guy Gin, Daily Sceptic:

In the almost three year-long debate over post-vaccine deaths, vaccine sceptics have often pointed to the clear temporal association between the Covid shots and reported post-vax deaths. In Japan, for example, 70% of reported post-vax deaths of people aged 65 and over (Fig.1) and 64 and under (Fig. 2) who got the Pfizer/BioNTech shots occurred within 10 days of the last dose. Not only does this safety signal shine brighter than all the neon signs in Tokyo but also these reports can only be made by medical personnel and vaccine makers, who can hardly be accused of being biased anti-vaxxers.


from State Of The Nation:

What the whole world is experiencing in 2024 and beyond is a manmade EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT via an ongoing series of bioterrorists acts perpetrated by a genocidal conspiracy of state actors, corporate entities, NGOs, secret societies[1] and terrorist organizations such as NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).

What these Covid Plandemic perpetrators have set in motion is an irreversible Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will eventually wend its way throughout the entire planetary civilization.

Bird Flu Is Back And It’s In California

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Avian influenza, also known as “bird flu” is back and it’s allegedly in California, affecting poultry populations there.  Avian influenza is a “highly pathogenic” viral disease that infects poultry and birds, and it is potentially transmissible to humans.

Cases have been detected by health “authorities” in San Benito County, according to local public health officials. The mainstream media and “officials” are still saying the risk to the public is low. However, the county’s Health and Human Services Agency is warning residents of the potential danger of handling or coming into close contact with a diseased or dead bird, the county said in a press release. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Bird flu viruses do not normally infect humans. However, sporadic human infections with  bird flu viruses have occurred.”

CDC: Covid Shots Caused 14,000% Increase in Cancers

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Official government data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a shocking spike in cancer among Americans who received Covid mRNA shots.

The latest figures published by the CDC confirm that the injections caused a staggering 14,000% increase in cancer cases in the United States up to the end of March 2024.

The data also reveals an alarming 6,113% increase in cancer cases reported among children and young adults.

The shocking spike is revealed in comparisons between the official data for Covid shots compared to figures for influenza vaccines.

WHY in the World are They Spraying?

from Infowars –


WHO do they think they are? Meryl Nass explains the bio-fascist order that they plan to force on all the world; and James Roguski tells us how to STOP them

by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

They’re using the phantasm of a horrible new plague to wipe out national sovereignty & human rights—not for a finite lockdown, as in 2020, but forever, with dissidence an outright criminal offense

Now’s the time to bring this crucial—and non-violent!—fight to them, and to the “free press” that’s promoting their agenda.