Sunday, September 1, 2024

BBC’s Failed ‘Fact Check’ of Daily Sceptic Report on Arctic Sea Ice

by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

The BBC More or Less radio programme recently ‘fact checked’ the Daily Sceptic’s report that sea ice in the Arctic had soared to its highest level for 21 years on January 8th this year. Alas, the report was confirmed to be true so the Beeb went down the ‘cherry pick’ line of attack. Curiously missing from the programme was any mention that the article dealt mainly with long term trends in Arctic sea ice and concentrated on scientific evidence that showed at least a decade-long slow recovery.  The ‘fact check’ did little more than confirm the widely held suspicion that many BBC programmes are now infected with a need to crowbar a climate catastrophe narrative into broadcast messages.

US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dane Wigington: Is Climate Engineering Real?

from Dane Wigington:


“Climate: The Movie” MELTS Global Warming Lies

from Liberty Sentinel:

In this episode of Alex Newman’s Sentinel Report, Newman offers key intel on the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in addition to covering the most crucial headlines.

Finally, Thomas Nelson, the producer of the new film Climate: The Movie, steps into the program to share how climate change is a hoax crafted to deceive you.

More people are waking up each day to the Global Geo-Engineering Programme & poisoning of our skies

The Laughing Stock of COP28 – How the UAE Event Became a Farce

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

It was always going to be a balancing act keeping the credibility of the global environmental talk shop COP28 in check while holding it in a country where they are producing fossil fuels like it is going out of fashion. It might not have been a wise choice of the UAE’s president Mohamed Bin Zaid to give the top job of presiding over the event to the oil minister and the boss of the national oil company, but it was equally unwise for Sultan al-Jabar to have used the event as a way of promoting the UAE and its oil production to other countries. Something about that smacks of shooting yourself in the foot and perhaps Mr Al Jabar’s denials and feigned innocence at the opening day press conference just made the whole fiasco even more of a farce than it already was.

Top Study Confirms Carbon Dioxide Has Zero Impact on ‘Global Warming’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A major new study has debunked the narrative that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from human activity is causing so-called “global warming.”

The study, published in Science Direct, confirms what “climate scientists” should have told the public a long time ago.

The warming effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is naturally limited, according to the new study.

Naked Power: Now Gov Wants to Regulate Our Clothes — in Climate’s Name

by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

One generally unmentioned reason prices are so high is that government taxation and regulation increase businesses’ costs, which then are handed down to consumers. A prime example is a regulation dictating that not only must a herring fishing vessel have a federal monitor aboard, but that its owner also must pay the cost of the observer, which reportedly can be $710 a day (this requirement is currently before the Supreme Court). And now there’s another example:

The Emperor Has Your Clothes — in the crosshairs — and aims to regulate their makers and sellers, supposedly to combat “global warming.”

What’s more, this is apparently based on a lie that the fashion industry pollutes more than it does.

Geologist Demolishes the Climate Scare With Facts and Fun!

by Tom Harris, America Outloud:

No wonder most mainstream media steer clear of interviewing geologists concerning current climate change concerns.

As demonstrated in today’s episode with guest Dr. Ian Plimer, Emeritus Professor of Geology from the University of Melbourne, Australia, today’s changes are trivial compared to natural climate change that has occurred repeatedly over the past 4.5 billion years.

Consider the following graph, for example – there is no consistent correlation between temperature and carbon dioxide levels in the geologic record.


from SGT Report:

James Hill, the CEO & President of MCF Energy joins me to discuss the madness of the anti-human green agenda which James and his company are firmly aligned against. MCF Energy is focused on bringing the much needed energy to Europe in its cleanest form, natural gas.


WHO: Climate Change Might Require Vaccinating Populations Against Migrating Mosquitoes

from Activist Post:

A World Health Organization (WHO) official suggested that mass vaccination might be required to combat mosquito-borne illnesses as the infected insects migrate to new countries due to climate change.

WHO: Climate change might require vaccinating populations against migrating mosquitoes

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, made the comments at a recent press conference.

Whistleblower Claims Advanced Technology In Antarctica Can Cause Earthquakes

from Reese Report:


10 Million-Year-Old Tree Fossil Explains Natural Climate Change

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The Earth contains the blueprint for ancient life. Ice core samples and tree fossils have taught us much about the seemingly undocumented world. Researchers at Central Andean Plateau in Peru have made a groundbreaking discovery within a 10-million-year-old well-preserved tree fossil. Their findings further prove that climate change is a naturally cyclically occurring phenomenon.

The Record-Breaking Natural Disasters That We Are Witnessing In Texas And California Right Now Are Truly Historic

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

If you think that what we are witnessing is “normal”, I honestly don’t know what to say.  Over the past few years, the United States has been getting pummeled by one major natural disaster after another.  The number of billion dollar natural disasters in 2023 established a new all-time record high for a single year, and 2024 is certainly off to a roaring start.  It seems like each new week brings multiple new disasters, and right now we are watching a couple of whoppers.  The blizzard that has started to hammer the state of California is so immense that it is difficult to believe that it is actually real, and the Stonehouse Creek Fire in the panhandle of Texas has officially become the largest fire in the entire history of that state

Chinese Communist Party Secretly Funding Climate Agenda in America

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A disturbing paper trail has emerged showing that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is funneling vast sums of cash into the United States to fund the push for America to tackle the so-called “climate crisis.”

Financial records have exposed millions of dollars flowing from the CCP into “global warming” initiatives and climate pressure groups.

Two Elephants in the Climate Change CO2 Production Room

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Noah Smith has a question: What about per capita emissions? I have answers.

bUT wHAT aBOut per cApITA