“Climate: The Movie” MELTS Global Warming Lies


from Liberty Sentinel:

In this episode of Alex Newman’s Sentinel Report, Newman offers key intel on the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in addition to covering the most crucial headlines.

Finally, Thomas Nelson, the producer of the new film Climate: The Movie, steps into the program to share how climate change is a hoax crafted to deceive you.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

The education establishment and its allies in the leftwing media are in collective freakout mode over conservative homeschool mom Michele Morrow, who recently ousted an establishment candidate in the primary for North Carolina state superintendent of public instruction.

Morrow, an outspoken advocate of legitimate education, won her race by promising to have government schools focus on academics instead of race-mongering, sexual topics, and other indoctrination. Her supposedly “Republican” opponent had allowed the extremism and even porn to run rampant throughout the state’s “education” system.

Obviously, the establishment was not pleased with Morrow referring to public schools as “indoctrination centers” and blasting them for brainwashing children with “socialism.” Voters, however, loved her honest approach, giving her an upset victory against an establishment bigwig who was expected to win easily.

Establishment propagandists such as CNN immediately sprang into action. When “reporter” Shimon Prokupecz failed to get a response, the infamous fake-news purveyors at CNN chased her down in person. “Do you stand by what you’ve said about the public education system, that it needs to be destroyed?” Prokupecz asked.

Morrow responded calmly and gracefully. “Do you know that education is a problem in this entire country?” she asked. “So maybe they need to focus on what’s going on in your state of New York which, by the way, is where I grew up. Maybe they need to focus on what’s going on in California where children are not getting the education that they need.”

In North Carolina, parents and taxpayers are looking for solutions. “Right now in North Carolina, I’m focused on helping the families of North Carolina for their children to get quality education for them to be safe and for us to be sure that our money is going into the classroom rather than bureaucracies,” added Morrow, a mom of five.

Throughout her campaign, Morrow has pointed to various concerns about the situation in government schools including an 84 percent increase in violence and crime in schools, the unchecked growth of “useless bureaucracy,” and atrocious literacy rates. She has also lambasted the leftist indoctrination and sexualization of children.

In response, among other attack tactics, far-left “news” outfits have also been trolling through Morrow’s old social media postings seeking anything to use as ammunition. They pointed to years-old comments she has made on various political issues as evidence that she cannot be trusted to oversee the state’s government schools.

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