Thursday, May 9, 2024

Episode 3418: The invasion Coming From The Uniparty

from Bannons War Room:


FBI To Cover Up Bridge Collapse? FEDS Open Criminal Probe Surrounding Baltimore Bridge

from Stew Peters Network:


5th Generation Warfare & Mind Control Being Used Against You w/ Hope & Tivon

from Sarah Westall:


Climate expert warns against extreme ‘weather porn’ from alarmists pushing ‘draconian’ policies

by Doug Mainwaring, LifeSite News:

Bjorn Lomborg, author and president of the Copenhagen Consensus, continues to call attention to the extreme measures being demanded by climate change activists and politicians.

A climate expert has taken aim against what he calls “weather porn” – images and stories meant to convey a false impression that the world is on the brink of cataclysmic climate disaster – in order to force unnecessary policy changes by governments across the globe that will destroy prosperity and kill, not save, human lives.

NOW – United Airlines Boeing 777 lost a tire during takeoff from San Francisco International Airport.

Why is the FDA Contaminating America’s Blood Supply?

by Mark A. Hewitt, American Thinker:

Recently, The New York Times called one of their little exposés of normal people with government jobs no one had ever heard of the “deep state” and then went on to say that those people and their jobs are “kind of awesome.”

It is always enlightening when the incompetent media tries to use propaganda and fails spectacularly.  It’s obvious that they never even consulted the official definition of the “deep state” — a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy — before writing a completely bogus piece.

The DAY has arrived, DS to receive MSG-days numbered, FEAR is EVIL weapon, TRUTH wins. Pray!

from And We Know:


The Russian Federal Security Service Identifies US as a Suspect in Crocus Attack

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Here is Gilbert Doctorow’s follow-up to his interview about which I reported yesterday.

Doctorow is a careful analyst who does not overstate the seriousness of situations. The Crocus attack could be a turning point in Putin’s attitude toward the US. Putin has been low-key in Russia’s response to Washington’s provocations so as not to inflame the situation. Putin’s policy has been to wait for the West to come to its senses and to accept reality. I have emphasized that this is a mistake as Putin’s toleration of provocations results in more provocations of increasing severity. With 319 dead and wounded Russian civilian casualties in a suburb of Moscow, it appears that the provocations have crossed a red line. The head of the Federal Security Service was given a green light to identify to the Russian media Washington as the suspect. As Putin has publicly declared that all responsible will be punished, I agree that Doctorow’s characterization of the situation is akin to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

INTERVIEW: Roger Stone – Will Dems Swap Biden in 2024?

from 21st Century Wire:

TNT Radio host Patrick Henningsen speaks with Roger Stone NY Times best-selling author and host of the StoneZone about the current bizarre 2024 US Election cycle and how Joe Biden is sliding rapidly downward in the approval polls, meaning that the Democratic elites could be looking to swap Biden out of his chair in the Oval Office on the even of the DNC convention in August and introduce a new candidate before November. All possibilities are in play, but the key issue is still that US federal agencies have been politicized and weaponized against the American people. Is a second Trump term the antidote for America? Listen:

Where are Advocates for Western civilization, for White ethnicities, for the Constitution, for Christian morality, for peace?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

US Senator J. D.. Vance (R, OH) explains that the Republican Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, is an agent for the Democrats. And he is.

What Vance doesn’t address is that the large contingent of Republican senators who are so totally committed to continue to pour billions of dollars into Ukraine’s lost war with Russia have a commitment to the profits and power of the US military/security complex, not to Ukraine.  

Out of Africa… Macron’s Belligerence Towards Russia is Compensating for Rejection of Colonialist France

from Strategic Culture:

Russian President Vladimir Putin was spot-on this week in his observation about why France’s Emmanuel Macron is strutting around and mouthing off about war in Ukraine.

Putin remarked in an interview that Macron’s wanton warmongering over Ukraine was borne out of resentment due to the spectacular loss of France’s standing in Africa. One after another, France’s former colonial countries have told Paris in no uncertain terms to get out of their internal affairs.

UPDATE – 40+ killed and 100+ wounded after multiple gunmen opened fire in a concert hall near Moscow, local media reports.

CLOSE Michelle Obama Associate MURDERED Right Before ELECTION | Elijah Schaffer

from The Gateway Pundit:


Top U.S. Intelligence Agency Brainwashes Personnel with ‘Gender Unicorn’ and ‘Transgender Terminology’

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

In the latest instance of LGBT’s corrosive influence on American society, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) is offering “LGBTQIA + ally training” to its personnel, including the “gender unicorn” and “transgender terminology index.”

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project discovered this training by filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. They found that DCSA personnel is being indoctrinated for “inclusion and diversity” to learn “basic concepts” like “sex is biological” and “gender is a social construct.”