Why is the FDA Contaminating America’s Blood Supply?


by Mark A. Hewitt, American Thinker:

Recently, The New York Times called one of their little exposés of normal people with government jobs no one had ever heard of the “deep state” and then went on to say that those people and their jobs are “kind of awesome.”

It is always enlightening when the incompetent media tries to use propaganda and fails spectacularly.  It’s obvious that they never even consulted the official definition of the “deep state” — a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy — before writing a completely bogus piece.

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The NYT does not know it, but the NYT is dead.  Go woke, go broke. You see, they can no longer report uncomfortable truths.  With COVID, it became abundantly clear that the bureaucrats at the Federal Drug Administration were the “deep state.”  (Actually, that coterie of scientists and doctors at CDC, and the NIAID, are largely deep state too.)  As government employees, they were supposed to share a common interest: perform work to protect Americans.

Before it became the deep state FDA, they worked to protect the national blood supply of America, ensuring blood products were free of contaminants, viruses, and infectious diseases.  No longer.  Now, the FDA is fully compromised and is actually facilitating the contamination of the national blood supply. (Maybe you read reports last year that the deep state FDA was finalizing new guidelines to remove certain safeguards in place to prevent HIV transmission in blood products.)

Before there was the deep state FDA, there was the “dedicated to patient safety” and “do no harm” FDA.  With respect to the national blood supply, the old FDA reduced the risk of HIV transmission (and the chance of acquiring AIDS) into the nation’s blood supply by preventing it from occurring.  Period, full stop.  Gay men were not allowed to give blood, and if they lied during the blood donating process, blood was still tested and destroyed as a biohazard if the hepatitis virus or HIV were detected.

Before they had been infected with the woke virus, the FDA could be counted on for professionalism, and to not play mind-numbingly stupid political games by allowing the contaminated blood from gay men to enter the national blood supply.

But now they did it.

Why is the deep state FDA trying to normalize gay men into society without regard to their risky behaviors?  In my previous American Thinker article, Why are Children Coming down with Monkeypox?, the corrupt media, the deep state FDA, and their Democrat handlers sought to tamp down the ultimate question—how do children come down with Monkeypox when Monkeypox in America is fueled by sex between men?  Now the deep state FDA has succeeded in overturning the decades-long moratorium of gay men giving blood.

What the deep state FDA did was provide a backdoor way to void the Nuremberg Code, where voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.  The deep state FDA has, and continues to contaminate, the national blood supply.  They are freakishly conducting human experiments on unsuspecting surgery patients with contaminated blood.  Surgery patients have not volunteered to take blood possibly contaminated with HIV or hepatitis.  It should be a felony to knowingly give contaminated blood to a patient.

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