Sunday, June 2, 2024

Study: 34% of children put on transgender puberty blockers end up becoming mental cases

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

To all those LGBT advocates out there who claim that turning children transgender does them no harm, how about the more than one-third of children who suffer serious mental health problems after taking hormone-altering drugs like puberty blockers?

A fresh analysis of a 2011 study conducted by the University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the now-shuttering Tavistock Centre Gender Identity Development service and clinic revealed that at least 34 percent of children placed on puberty-blocking pharmaceutical drugs “reliably deteriorated” thereafter.

Behind The Deep State | BlackRock and the Fed: Consummate Conflict of Interest | Part Five

from The New American:


After Pretending to Not Know Whose Cocaine Was in the White House, Secret Service Reveals Drugs Found Twice in 2022 as Well

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

The White House cocaine story, which has been a major distraction for over a week, has been swept under the rug. In doing so, the Secret Service admitted just how incompetent (willfully or not) they are by declaring this isn’t the first time illegal substances were found in the White House during Joe Biden’s tenure.

Granted, it was just small amounts of marijuana that were found in the White House twice last year, but it’s still a prohibited substance. One would think that a Secret Service that takes their charter seriously would ramp up security, including cameras where they need to be, following the previous incidents. Nope. It’s as if they didn’t really want to know what’s happening with the regime, anyone in it, or anyone related to anyone in it.

Todd Callender: Weaponizing Healthcare, Overcoming Mandates & Clouthub

from Dr. Jane Ruby:


No Longer Fringe: Homeschooling Revolution Reshaping American Education

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

In the ever-evolving landscape of American education, a quiet revolution is taking place. Over the past six years, homeschooling has surged by 51% – in stark contrast to the 7% rise in private school enrollment, and a 4% dip in public schools over the same period, according to an in-depth look by the Washington Post at thousands of school districts spanning 32 states which provide accurate data.

Americans Divided As Mask Mandates Make Comeback Amid COVID-19 Surge

by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Titles to articles like this infuriate me. By adapting to their narrative, you play right into their fear narrative. More than half the population are clueless idiot sheep who will do as instructed by their overlords. There is no fucking surge in Covid-19 cases. First of all, all the left wing narrative spewers (NYT, Johns Hopkins, WEF) stopped tracking Covid cases in March 2023 because their narrative was kaput.

Dig It! #192: Pride Month Recap, Free Speech Win, Ukraine, Nuclear & NATO

from Corey’s Digs :


COVID Vaccines Show 24 Times More Adverse Reactions Than Others

from The Epoch Times:

Australian Comparative Data Reveals COVID-19 Vaccines Have the Country’s Largest Amount of Adverse Reactions

The latest report on adverse reactions to vaccines in Western Australia has revealed that COVID-19 vaccinations have 24 times the rate of adverse reactions in the state compared to all other vaccines.

NEW YORK CITY COURTS: Original Home of the U.S. Criminal & Civil Injustice Systems

from State Of The Nation:

“The rot in the New York judicial system is deep and emblematic of the rot afflicting our society’s justice system writ large.”

SOTN Editor’s Note: There are very good historical reasons why New York City has always been the political and social, financial and economic power center that it has been since its founding. After the Dutch founded New Amsterdam, it was quickly established as a primary trading center of the American colonies. When, in June of 1665 New Amsterdam was reincorporated under English law as New York City, it was essentially taken over by the London banksters.


from Vaxxchoice:


WHO Declares Global Disinformation Crisis: “We Must Lock Up Conspiracy Theorists”

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged governments to declare a “global disinformation emergency” and begin locking up people who spread non-mainstream opinions online.

Over 200 health journals funded by the WHO called on the United Nations’ global health body to declare martial law worldwide due to the ongoing threat of alternative news. They also urged government’s to impose strict new lockdowns due to the ongoing threat of so-called “global boiling.”

The Left’s Hatred of Trump Will Elect Him President Again

by Rick Moran, PJ Media:

The more the left hates Donald Trump, the higher his numbers go.

The significance of this fact is lost on the media, left-wing analysts, and liberal politicians. They can’t grasp that their hatred and hateful rhetoric directed against Trump is actually increasing the passions of his supporters and drawing more and more fence-sitters to his side.

Governor Signs Climate Engineering Ban Legislation Into Law

from Dane Wigington:


Episode 2888: More Charges Need To Be Brought Against The Deep State

from Bannons War Room: