Saturday, June 1, 2024


from Wardo Rants:


Mysteries of Jan. 6 pipe bombs continue to grow

from WND:

But ‘nonchalant’ agencies appear to have lost all interest

The newly disclosed video shows a dark SUV pulling up to the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., at 9:44 a.m. on Jan. 6, 2021. It sits for several minutes until a uniformed man with a bomb-sniffing dog enters from the right and steps up to the vehicle. The driver complies with his command, the dog sniffs inside and outside the car which is soon allowed to enter the parking garage. The man and his dog exit back to the right.

One Day Closer To Nuclear Armageddon – DC Has Been Preparing For A ‘Bolt Out Of The Blue’ AKA An Unexpected Nuclear Strike On The Pentagon Since The End Of WWII

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

We’ve discussed the possibility of nuclear war stemming from the Russia/Ukraine conflict, and we have mentioned the likelihood that the middle east, as volatile as it is, would bring about World War III, but recent events, have brought us a step closer to that scenario.

Rather than using proxies, like Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran directly launched approximately 300 drones and missiles at Israel, in a rather large escalation of tit for tat attacks, always using proxies. Whether it is attacks by Israel against Hezbollah or Hamas, or the two Iran-backed groups attacking Israel, a direct attack at Israel by Iran, or vice versa, is a huge escalation.

CIA Set Up 12 Secret Facilities in Ukraine Along Russian Border Over Eight Year Period – Report

from Sputnik News:

American intelligence agencies reportedly collaborated closely with their Ukrainian counterparts, providing training to operatives conducting missions in Russia, Europe, Cuba, and other areas with an active Russian presence.
The Central Intelligence Agency created a dozen secret spy bases in Ukraine near the border with Russia over the past eight years, with the Eastern European country becoming one of Washington’s most important tools for intel operations against Moscow. That’s according to a New York Times expose published Sunday citing former and current officials from Ukraine, the US and Europe.

CIA Built “12 Secret Spy Bases” In Ukraine & Waged Shadow War For Last Decade, Bombshell NYT Report Confirms

from ZeroHedge:

On Sunday The New York Times published an explosive and very belated full admission that US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine wartime decision-making, but has established and financed high tech command-and-control spy centers, and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

Among the biggest revelations is that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine’s intelligence services has “transformed” the former Soviet state and its capabilities into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.”


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


BREAKING: Epstein Fixer Office Burglarized, Computer Servers Stolen Hours Before Document Dump

by Cristina Laila, The Gateway Pundit:

Epstein fixer Michael Sitrick told Los Angeles Magazine thieves broke into his Brentwood office over the New Year’s holiday and stole his computer servers just hours before a tranche of Epstein documents were unsealed and released to the public.

Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday unsealed the first cache of documents from lawsuits related to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse which potentially included names of over 150 people.

Mark Finchem – There Is A Pattern Of Election Rigging, Evidence Is Clear, Time To End The Endless

from X22 Report:


The Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future Will Rapidly Expand the Technocratic Takeover

by Derrick Broze, Activist Post:

The United Nations will meet in September for the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, as well as the highly-anticipated “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the so-called “Pact for the Future”. The Pact is expected to call for declaring a “planetary emergency”. What does this agreement and its policies mean for the future of individual and national sovereignty?

By the end of September, the United Nations member states may vote to radically alter the UN itself, what some are calling UN 2.0, and the very nature of how nation-states make decisions regarding the future of the planet. The UN will convene for the 79th session of the General Assembly in New York City starting on September 10th in New York City. The high-level general debate will begin on the 24th of September.

America 2.0: Taxation Without Representation

by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:

Elected or selected, and set for life

Our Founders never envisioned that those selected to represent the interests of the people would be career politicians. They pictured statesmen, who were interested in public service, not lining their pockets. They never thought of writing term limits into the Constitution. Those enjoying the free ride surely aren’t going to implement them.

In 1944, John T. Flynn, best remembered as the “cancelled” head of the New York chapter of the America First Committee trying to prevent our entrance into World War II, wrote the book Meet Your Congress. It was not just an expose on how bad Congress already was, but a plea for the legislative branch to flex their muscles, and check the unbridled power of the judicial branch and the imperial presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Biometric Border Surveillance: The ‘Solution’ to a Manufactured Crisis

by Makia Freeman, Activist Post:

NWO scheme busted: to overwhelm US cities with a massive influx of illegal immigrants, give them free accommodation and welfare, then propose a biometric border surveillance or border control system, using AI and a Smart Wall.

Iran’s RED LINE: If U.S. Strikes Iranian Soil, Iran Will Strike American Targets Throughout Middle East

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

If even one United States-linked bomb hits Iranian soil in the coming days, Tehran is promising to retaliate against American military targets all throughout the Middle East.

As the world waits to see how President Biden responds to the killing of three U.S. soldiers by Iranian-backed militias in Jordan, Iran is drawing a red line that it is ordering the West not to cross, or else.

Biden says he has already decided what Iran’s punishment will be but has not yet publicly disclosed what it is. This came after numerous meetings between Biden and military and national security advisers who presented him with a range of potential options that include:


from The New American:


The True State Of The Economy That Is Being Hidden By The Media To Protect Dementia Joe In The Run Up To The 2024 Presidential Election

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

If reporting on the true state of the economy, meaning a 2024 recession is still possible, or even probable, would the media hold back on reporting the truth in an election year if it would help a Democrat president?

That was a rhetorical question. Of course they would, and there are major indicators showing that is exactly what is happening.

We’ll start with the liberal media because they’re in the best position possible to gaslight and influence Americans. If they ignore something, a significant number of Americans will never see it, unless they are readers of Independent News Media as well. They direct the news, not as much as they used to thanks to the internet, but it does take a lot of work from independent websites collectively to force the MSM to address a topic they prefer the public remain ignorant of.

Public Inquiry Finds Chinese Election Interference Aided Justin Trudeau – Is The Same Tactic Happening Here?

by William Upton, The National Pulse:

Revelations in February that the Chinese communist government sought to interfere in the past two Canadian elections on behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the ruling Liberal Party have sparked a public inquiry in Ottowa. Over the past three weeks, the inquiry commission has heard testimony from top Trudeau government aides, national security and intelligence officials, and the Prime Minister himself. Despite Trudeau’s insistence that the 2019 and 2021 Canadian elections were “free and fair,” testimony from intelligence officials suggests otherwise.