Monday, June 17, 2024

Here’s What We Know About Twitter’s New CEO, Linda Yaccarino

by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

When Elon Musk bought Twitter, many figures in alternative media really thought they’d be getting re-platformed.  Personally, I found it hilarious that Musk was willing to spend $44 billion because he missed Babylon Bee. But Twitter’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, has some of us questioning Musk’s long game.

Is he really a champion of free speech?  Or was this a plan, all along, to turn Twitter into the American equivalent of WeChat?  How much can we really trust him to stand up for the First Amendment?

‘Oops’ – Pentagon Made $3 Billion ‘Error’ in Ukraine Aid, Claims it Owes Zelensky

from 21st Century Wire:

Pentagon bean-counters now claim that an ‘accounting error’ may have resulted in Kiev being supposedly shortchanged of billions in US weapons and ammunition.

Kiev’s money pit: the billion dollar grift just got that much more corrupt…

Australia: Minister Admits Age Verification For Websites May Lead To Digital ID System

by Christina Maas, Reclaim The Net:

Which is why states are pushing it.

Australia’s communications minister Michelle Rowland admitted that age verification for adult websites may involve the rollout of a federal government digital ID. The idea of age verification to access websites, forcing users to show ID, is being pushed for in many countries and states, with not all politicians admitting that it forms the early stages of a digital ID system.

Some governments want this system to eliminate online anonymity.

Top spy chiefs, heads of state, and global business titans begin secret Bilderberg meetings in Portugal

by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier:

The world’s most powerful and influential people have arrived in Lisbon for secret meetings on AI, the global economic crisis, and the “energy transition,” and the corporate media refuses to cover it.

The world’s most powerful and influential geopolitical voices are meeting from Thursday to Sunday in Portugal to navigate several global crises (many of which they’ve they’ve helped to facilitate), and oddly enough, the corporate media has no interest in reporting on this secretive gathering of powerful figures.

Bud Light Sales Worsening, -23.3% in Week Five of Widespread Boycott

from The Conservative Treehouse:

In the fifth week since the Bud Light backlash began, the latest scan data released shows a worsening drop in sales.   The overall trend now shows Bud Light has lost a full quarter of its market position, dropping 23.6% in unit volume and -27.7% in dollar sales.

Despite these dollar losses, the parent company does not seem willing to address the root cause.  Despite North American sales impacts, the Diversity Equity and Inclusion outlook of the Anheuser-Busch global company is still strongly entrenched in the branding.  It does not appear the company is going to modify anything as the very vocal Alphabet ideologues have them captive.

TSA Pilot-Tests Controversial Facial Recognition Technology At These 16 Airports

from ZeroHedge:

The next time you find yourself at airport security, prepare to look directly into a camera. The Transportation Security Administration is quietly testing controversial facial recognition technology at airports nationwide.

AP News said 16 airports, including Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall and Reagan National near Washington, as well as ones in Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, San Jose, and Gulfport-Biloxi and Jackson in Mississippi, have installed kiosks with cameras (at some TSA checkpoints) that allow passengers to insert their government-issued ID and look into a camera as facial recognition technology asses if the ID and person match.

The Union Is Not a Suicide Pact

by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Comey: I am the law.  Fauci: I am the science.  Deep State: We are your democracy.  Federal Reserve: We are your freedom.  This kind of authoritarianism does not belong in America.  When tyrants pervert the law, distort scientific inquiry, abuse their power, and pilfer middle-class savings, they are American in name only.

Now that Mr. Durham has gotten around to confirming what most of us have known for nearly seven years — namely, that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, Jim Comey, James Clapper, and the State-aligned press corps doing the Intelligence Community’s bidding all conspired to push the fraudulent Russian collusion narrative in an attempt to take down a duly elected president — there are quite a few people calling for the FBI to be either reformed or disbanded.  Surprisingly, some of these people now calling for the FBI’s demolition are even elected officials.

Secretive Bilderberg Gathering of Global Elites Kicks Off: See Who’s Attending

from The Epoch Times:

The 69th Bilderberg Meeting, a secretive conclave of global power brokers, has kicked off in Lisbon, Portugal, with issues on the agenda including transnational threats, artificial intelligence, and America’s leadership in world affairs.

This year’s meeting, the latest in a series that began in 1954, continues to blur the lines between open diplomacy and clandestine elitism as political leaders brush shoulders with industry bigwigs, media barons, and finance tycoons.

The Biggest Russiagate Liar Is STILL LYING!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Nuke War in Ukraine, Durham Points to Guilty, Economy Danger

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) is lying to you about what is going on in Ukraine.  The war has taken a harsh turn in that Russian missiles are targeting ammunition depots to blow up rounds of Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions.  (DU can go through a foot of armor.)  Don’t let the name fool you.  Depleted Uranium is only depleted of its fuel and not it’s radioactive nightmare.  It has a 4-billion-year (that’s right, billion) half-life.

The Russians just blew up some fresh DU rounds imported from the UK, and it put a huge mushroom cloud in the sky over a city called Khmelnytskyi.  Have the people miles around this blast been told that a huge section of the city will no longer be inhabitable for a few billion years?  Is NATO crazy to continue this war?  Is anyone going to tell the public this has gone nuclear?

WHO Attack on National Sovereignty

from childrenshealthdefense:


NEW – Legislation reintroduced would create a federal U.S. agency to enact “enforceable behavioral codes” and various other rules for digital platforms such as Twitter.

Business As Usual: The American police state will continue to spread its wings whether the government is shut down or not

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Author and veteran constitutional attorney John Whitehead is one of my heroes. Why? Because, unlike many commentators, essayists, journalists, etc., Whitehead doesn’t pull his punches. He’s a realist who gives the whole truth about America, not just bits and pieces of truth interspersed with nuggets of false hope about a coming human messiah.

Whitehead understands that one man or woman, even if well-intentioned, isn’t going to turn America around. Not in four years. Not in eight years.

Most of what we see and hear in the media about what is going on in Washington is mere theater meant to keep the masses divided and distracted. Whitehead gives us a strong dose of realism in the article below. While reading it, keep in mind that at the same time the regime in Washington is opening the borders to create more crime and chaos, which it then uses to justify its continued building of an American police state, it is also working around the clock to think up new ways to harass and disarm law-abiding American gun owners. Their ultimate goal is a police state ruling over a disarmed population.